Focused Exam: Chest Pain Results

Focused Exam: Chest Pain Results

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Clinical Nursing I – Spring 2021, NUR 1211
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Care Plan : 10.5 of 11.5 (91.3%)
Nursing Diagnoses: Definitions & Classifications 2018-2020 © NANDA-International, 2017 used by arrangement with Thieme Medical Publishe
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Student Response Model Answer Explanation Points Earne
exhibits exhibits The correct status for the nursing
diagnosis is “exhibits,” because Mr.
Foster’s condition is not a risk, but
rather is actually present.
0.5 out of 0.5
Student Response Model Answer Explanation Points Earne
deficient knowledge deficient knowledge Mr. Foster has reported his pain is a
0/10; his current healthcare needs are
for education on relevant topics.
0.5 out of 0.5
Student Response Model Answer Explanation Points Earne
insufficient knowledge of cardiac
disease process
insufficient knowledge of cardiac
disease process
Any patient who has undergone a
procedure needs teaching on proper
recovery methods; in addition, in your
assessment, Brian exhibited a lack of
understanding about contributors to
cardiac diseases.
0.5 out of 0.5
Your Results Reopen (/assignment_attempts/9498365/reopen
Lab Pass (/assignment_attempts/9498365/lab_pass.p
Subjective Data Collection
Objective Data Collection
Education & Empathy
Care Plan
Nursing Diagnosis 2.5 out of 3

insufficient knowledge of resources for
cardiac procedure recovery
insufficient knowledge of resources for
cardiac procedure recovery
Any patient who has undergone a
procedure needs teaching on proper
recovery methods; in addition, in your
assessment, Brian exhibited a lack of
understanding about contributors to
cardiac diseases.
0.5 out of 0.5
Signs & Symptoms
Student Response Model Answer Explanation Points Earne
sedentary lifestyle prior to
sedentary lifestyle prior to
Brian’s stent was just placed, indicating
a need for recovery instructions. In
addition, his lifestyle is sedentary and
his diet isn’t cardiac-friendly, and so he
has room to learn about the link
between heart health and diet &
0.5 out of 0.5
previous pain character (tight and
new placement of cardiac stent Brian’s stent was just placed, indicating
a need for recovery instructions. In
addition, his lifestyle is sedentary and
his diet isn’t cardiac-friendly, and so he
has room to learn about the link
between heart health and diet &
0 out of 0.5
previous pain rating: 6/10 not currently on cardiac diet Brian’s stent was just placed, indicating
a need for recovery instructions. In
addition, his lifestyle is sedentary and
his diet isn’t cardiac-friendly, and so he
has room to learn about the link
between heart health and diet &
0 out of 0.5
Your answer is not automatically evaluated by the simulation, but may be reviewed by your instructor.
Prompt Student Response Model Answer Explanation
How can a patient’s knowledge
of their health risks affect their
A patient’s knowledge of their
health risks can have a positive
impact on their health. By having
knowledge of their risk factors
they can adapt to a healthier
lifestyle, increase their physical
activity, and avoid unhealthy
behaviors to reduce their risk.
A patient’s understanding of their
health risks can lead them to be
wary of warning signs, practice
appropriate health habits, and
know when to reach out to
medical professionals for help.
Your role as a healthcare
provider is not limited to physic
and medical interventions;
knowing why and how to educa
your patients is a crucial part of
impacting their health.
Short-Term Goal
Student Response Model Answer Explanation Points Earne
Self Assessment
Planning 5.5 out of 5

To have patient verbalize and agree to
their post-stent care and heart-healthy
lifestyle instructions, by end of
To have patient verbalize and agree to
their post-stent care and heart-healthy
lifestyle instructions, by end of
Having a patient verbalize their
instructions lets you check for things
they might have missed. In addition, if
a patient doesn’t consent to their
instructions, further persuasion should
be made.
0.5 out of 0.5
Student Response Model Answer Explanation Points Earne
Inform patient that his provider will be
in soon to discuss post-operative
Inform patient that his provider will be
in soon to discuss post-operative
These interventions teach Brian
appropriate stent-site monitoring and
heart-healthy diet & exercise tips.
Timing is appropriate in interventions;
chest pain, especially after a procedure
that should mitigate it, should be
reported to a provider immediately.
Similarly, while Brian can begin his diet
anytime, beginning a new exercise
regimen right after his surgery
increases his risk of injury.
0.5 out of 0.5
Instruct patient that if chest pain
develops, he should alert staff
Instruct patient that if chest pain
develops, he should alert staff
These interventions teach Brian
appropriate stent-site monitoring and
heart-healthy diet & exercise tips.
Timing is appropriate in interventions;
chest pain, especially after a procedure
that should mitigate it, should be
reported to a provider immediately.
Similarly, while Brian can begin his diet
anytime, beginning a new exercise
regimen right after his surgery
increases his risk of injury.
0.5 out of 0.5
Instruct patient to begin exercise
regimen: low-impact walking, 15-20
minutes, 3 times a week, and increase
intensity and frequency as tolerated
Instruct patient to begin exercise
regimen: low-impact walking, 15-20
minutes, 3 times a week, and increase
intensity and frequency as tolerated
These interventions teach Brian
appropriate stent-site monitoring and
heart-healthy diet & exercise tips.
Timing is appropriate in interventions;
chest pain, especially after a procedure
that should mitigate it, should be
reported to a provider immediately.
Similarly, while Brian can begin his diet
anytime, beginning a new exercise
regimen right after his surgery
increases his risk of injury.
0.5 out of 0.5
Instruct patient to begin exercise
regimen after a week
Instruct patient to begin exercise
regimen after a week
These interventions teach Brian
appropriate stent-site monitoring and
heart-healthy diet & exercise tips.
Timing is appropriate in interventions;
chest pain, especially after a procedure
that should mitigate it, should be
reported to a provider immediately.
Similarly, while Brian can begin his diet
anytime, beginning a new exercise
regimen right after his surgery
increases his risk of injury.
0.5 out of 0.5
Instruct patient to begin cardiac diet,
including reduction of salt and red meat
Instruct patient to begin cardiac diet,
including reduction of salt and red meat
These interventions teach Brian
appropriate stent-site monitoring and
heart-healthy diet & exercise tips.
Timing is appropriate in interventions;
chest pain, especially after a procedure
that should mitigate it, should be
reported to a provider immediately.
Similarly, while Brian can begin his diet
anytime, beginning a new exercise
regimen right after his surgery
increases his risk of injury.
0.5 out of 0.5

Instruct patient to begin cardiac diet
Instruct patient to begin cardiac diet
These interventions teach Brian
appropriate stent-site monitoring and
heart-healthy diet & exercise tips.
Timing is appropriate in interventions;
chest pain, especially after a procedure
that should mitigate it, should be
reported to a provider immediately.
Similarly, while Brian can begin his diet
anytime, beginning a new exercise
regimen right after his surgery
increases his risk of injury.
0.5 out of 0.5
Instruct patient to monitor stent site for
signs of bleeding
Instruct patient to monitor stent site for
signs of bleeding
These interventions teach Brian
appropriate stent-site monitoring and
heart-healthy diet & exercise tips.
Timing is appropriate in interventions;
chest pain, especially after a procedure
that should mitigate it, should be
reported to a provider immediately.
Similarly, while Brian can begin his diet
anytime, beginning a new exercise
regimen right after his surgery
increases his risk of injury.
0.5 out of 0.5
Instruct patient to monitor stent site for
signs of infection: redness, swelling,
warmth, drainage
Instruct patient to monitor stent site for
signs of infection: redness, swelling,
warmth, drainage
These interventions teach Brian
appropriate stent-site monitoring and
heart-healthy diet & exercise tips.
Timing is appropriate in interventions;
chest pain, especially after a procedure
that should mitigate it, should be
reported to a provider immediately.
Similarly, while Brian can begin his diet
anytime, beginning a new exercise
regimen right after his surgery
increases his risk of injury.
0.5 out of 0.5
Intervention Rationale
Your answer is not automatically evaluated by the simulation, but may be reviewed by your instructor.
Prompt Student Response Model Answer Explanation
In 1 or 2 sentences, explain how
your selected interventions work
to accomplish your goal.
The selected interventions will
provide information on the
patients disease process
including risk factors and reduce
the patient’s anxiety. The
interventions selected will assist
the patient in assuming
responsibility for his care and will
be able to recognize signs and
symptoms that may require
immediate attention.
These interventions help Brian
stay alert for problems in his
stent-site healing, so that he
knows when to contact his
provider. Brian also receives
teaching on concrete ways to diet
and exercise for his
cardiovascular health, while
ensuring he makes his changes
at an appropriate time during his
surgery recovery.
It is important to give a patient
the tools they need to stay
healthy in the short-term
(monitoring their surgical site)
and in the long-term (building
habits that stave off
cardiovascular disease).


Data Collections
Student Response Model Answer Explanation Points Earne
Ask patient to agree to and verbalize
his instructions for diet and exercise
Ask patient to agree to and verbalize
his instructions for diet and exercise
After all patient instructions have been
made, make sure your patient agrees
as well as can verbalize them back,
letting you spot any details they’ve
0.5 out of 0.5

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Ask patient to agree to and verbalize
his stent-related care instructions
Ask patient to agree to and verbalize
his stent-related care instructions
After all patient instructions have been
made, make sure your patient agrees
as well as can verbalize them back,
letting you spot any details they’ve
0.5 out of 0.5
Your answer is not automatically evaluated by the simulation, but may be reviewed by your instructor.
Prompt Student Response Model Answer Explanation
Explain the rationale behind your
nursing diagnosis.
Mr. Foster, I believe that it is
important for you to learn about
ways to reduce your risk for
coronary artery disease.
Brian, your recently placed
cardiac stent will require some at￾home recovery care from you,
which you haven’t yet been filled
in on. In addition, you haven’t
been taught about some heart￾healthy practices that will prevent
future cardiac diseases.
A patient should understand the
nursing diagnosis and the
rationale behind it to increase
their sense of involvement and
identify areas for future
Explain your goal for Mr. Foster
and the interventions and data
collections through which you will
achieve it.
Our goal is to ensure your proper
post-stent care and for you to
achieve a heart-healthy lifestyle.
Brian, my goal for you is, by the
end of your stay, to have you
agree to and verbalize back the
instructions you’ll receive on
post-stent care and long-term
heart health. I’m going to educate
you on these subjects, with some
help from your provider, who will
review your medication regimen
with you. At the end of your
hospitalization, I’ll have you
repeat back your instructions to
make sure you’ve got them down.
You should communicate the
care plan to the patient, allowin
them to have involvement and
agency in their own healthcare
Explicitly ask for Mr. Foster’s
consent to the Care Plan.
I will be teaching you ways you
can achieve a heart-healthy
lifestyle, signs and symptoms to
look for to prevent further heart
problems, and how to properly
care for your surgical site at
Do I have your consent to move
forward with these interventions?
A patient must consent to all
interventions in their Care Plan
Disagreements are opportunities to provide further patient
education and to consider alternative options.
Inform Mr. Foster you will now
begin his education interventions.
Do you agree to your care plan? Unless you have any other
questions, I will now begin
educating you on your post-stent
care and your long-term health.
It’s time to begin your education
interventions, so let your patient know!
Student Response Model Answer Explanation Points Earne
Fully Fully Mr. Foster’s repetition of his
instructions shows a full and detailed
knowledge of them; furthermore, he
consents to making these new choices.
Your goal has been fully achieved.
2.5 out of 2.5
Discussion Of Care
Intervention & Evaluation 2.5 out of 2

Your answer is not automatically evaluated by the simulation, but may be reviewed by your instructor.
Prompt Student Response Model Answer Explanation
Your goal was that the patient, by
the end of their hospitalization,
verbalizes and agrees to
instructions for their post-stent
care and heart healthy practices.
Have you achieved your goal?
I believe that the goal was fully
met. Mr. Foster has expressed
readiness and willingness to
learn and adopt lifestyle
modifications that will
significantly reduce his risk for
CAD. In addition, Mr. Foster has
verbalized his understanding of
his post-stent instructions, signs
and symptoms that warrant
immediate medical attention, and
his diet and exercise instructions.
The goal for Mr. Foster has been
fully achieved; he has agreed to
and verbalized detailed and
comprehensive knowledge of his
instructions for post-stent
recovery and long term heart￾health, without missing any details.
A patient’s verbalization of their
instructions shows to what exte
they understand and remembe
those instructions.
Intervention & Evaluation Rationale

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