NURS6650_ Final Exam (Exam solutions, with updated multiple versions resources for 2022 Exams)
Question 1
1 out of 1 points
In a group therapy session for adolescents, a 15-year-old patient says
he has trouble making conversation with people he does not know
well. Based on the principle of development of socializing
techniques, what explicit approach might the PMHNP take?
Have group members conduct a role play to practice
making conversation
Question 2
1 out of 1 points
One group member is identified by the PMHNP as the monopolist of
the group. Which behavior does the PMHNP believe this member is
most likely to display?
Talking excessively and inserting him- or herself into
conversations even when they do not involve him or
Question 3
1 out of 1 points
During a first group therapy session, a member is outgoing and
participates actively. Based on this information, what is an
appropriate prediction about this group member by the PMHNP?
Selected Answer: B.
The member may be influential in the group.
Question 4
1 out of 1 points
A 21-year-old client with narcissistic traits is noted to continuously
disrupt the group by speaking while others are speaking. It becomes
evident that the client is purposely disrupting the group and
decreasing the group’s productivity. What does the PMHNP identify
as a cause of the client’s behavior?
Selected Answer: A.
The client has a fear of losing his or her identity.
Question 5
1 out of 1 points
Harold Wyman is a 74-year-old man who is trying to mend a
relationship with his adult daughter. Based on his intake assessment,
the PMHNP believes that the father has depression. The daughter and
Harold meet with the PMNHP, and the daughter explains that her
father always appears mopey and withdrawn and refuses to do
anything about it. When asked, the father reports feeling sad all the
time. Which action will the PMNHP employ with Harold using the
interpersonal psychotherapy approach throughout the various
Selected Answer: D.
All of the above
Question 6
1 out of 1 points
A PMHNP is leading a group therapy session for patients with
substance abuse problems. After a productive session in which all
members participated, the following week was not as productive. In
order to help the group members assume responsibility for evaluating
the meeting, what is an appropriate comment for the PMHNP to
“How would you compare today’s meeting with
last week’s?”
Question 7
1 out of 1 points
During the “mid-group debrief” the clinical supervisor focused on the
following areas with the two counselors except:
The mistakes that they made in the group and how
they can fix them.
Question 8
1 out of 1 points
The social microcosm theory is a theory that relates to group
composition. In accordance with this theory, the PMHNP is aware
that the group must consist of which of the following?
Males and females of different ages, education levels,
socioeconomic statuses, and professions
Question 9
0 out of 1 points
Peter, a successful businessman, is introduced to the group during the
twelfth week. Following Peter’s introduction, Joseph, a long-term
member in the group, begins to lead the group and discuss all of the
things that he has personally accomplished. In what way does the
PMHNP correctly interpret Joseph’s behavior?
Joseph wants to show Peter how much he has grown
since joining the group.
Question 10
0 out of 1 points
The PMHNP conducts a specialized individual interview with a
patient named Sandy. During this interview, Sandy expresses her
want of the other members to like her, and she has a deep dread for
the first group meeting. How does the PMHNP correctly interpret
Sandy’s interpersonal circumplex?
Sandy is likely to prematurely view members of the
group as hostile.
Question 11
1 out of 1 points
When discussing the role of the consultant in the parenting group
session, Dr. Carlson explains that the consultant should use several
skills in order to help keep the group going and should enable group
members to become very engaged with one another. The consultant
should use all of the following skills to achieve this, except:
Achieving the pre-determined agenda by
manipulating questions and session content
Question 12
1 out of 1 points
A PMHNP is meeting with parents and their 10-year-old child. The
child is having trouble paying attention at school and has been
getting easily frustrated at home when doing homework, which often
results in everyone arguing. What step might the PMHNP take as part
of a family-centered, solution-oriented approach?
Selected Answer: D.
All of the above
Question 13
0 out of 1 points
The PMHNP is meeting with an adult woman and her father, who is
85 years old. The father stays quiet most of the session. The daughter
explains he is mad at her for “bringing him to a see a shrink.” The
daughter reports that things have been tense in the house since her
father moved in. The father has a history of depression, though he
does not take any medication for it. In addition, lately the father
seems to never sleep. “I hear him rummaging around in the kitchen,
the garage, the living room, at all hours of the night. Sometimes he’ll
nap during the day, but not much. This is putting a strain on my
marriage, because my husband can’t sleep with all of this going on.”
Which therapeutic approach does the PMHNP identify as most
appropriate for the 85-year-old father?
Selected Answer: C.
Reminiscence and life review therapy
Question 14
1 out of 1 points
During an initial meeting, a PMHNP spends time speaking with a
patient who suffers from social anxiety. The therapist finds the
patient extremely loud and overbearing. The PMHNP’s negative
feelings continue no matter how hard he or she tries to feel
differently toward the patient. What is the most appropriate next step
by the PMHNP?
Refer the patient to another therapist who has a
suitable therapy group
Question 15
1 out of 1 points
A patient has had a problem with substance use and has been
receiving treatment for addiction. Which additional step might the
PMHMP suggest to help the patient maintain abstinence from drugs
during and after treatment?
Selected Answer: A.