Shadow health comprehensive assessment

Shadow health comprehensive assessment

Asked about current health problems
Correct answer: Denies current acute health problems
Reports diabetes
Reports asthma
Asked about last visit to a healthcare provider
Correct answer: Reports last visit to a healthcare provider was 4
months ago
Reports reason for last visit was annual gynecological exam
Reports last general physical examination was 5 months ago
Asked about current prescription medications
Correct answer: Reports taking diabetes medication
Reports having an inhaler
Reports taking prescription birth control pills
Followed up about diabetes medication
Correct answer: Reports diabetes medication is metformin
Reports starting taking diabetes medication 5 months ago
Reports that side effects of diabetes medication abated over time
Reports taking diabetes medication twice daily
Reports diabetes medication dose is 850 mg
Denies adverse effects of diabetes medication
Asked about asthma medication
Correct answer: Reports asthma medication has not changed
Reports inhaler is albuterol (Proventil)
Reports using inhaler no more than 2 times per week
Reports recommended dose is 1-3 puffs as needed
Reports typically taking 2 puffs
Reports sometimes needing 3 puffs to control symptoms
Denies adverse effects of asthma medication
Followed up about birth control prescription
Correct answer: Reports starting birth control 4 months ago
Reports reason for birth control was to manage PCOS symptoms
Reports birth control is drospirenone and ethinyl estradiol (Yaz)
Reports taking birth control pill daily
Reports taking birth control pill at the same time every day
Denies adverse side effects from birth control
Asked about current non-prescription medications
Correct answer: Reports occasional ibuprofen use
Denies OTC herbals
Denies OTC supplements
Followed up on ibuprofen (Advil)
Correct answer: Reports taking ibuprofen for cramps
Reports ibuprofen is regular strength
Reports ibuprofen is effective
Reports last use of ibuprofen was six weeks ago
Asked about allergies
Correct answer: Reports allergies have not changed
Reports penicillin allergy
Reports cat allergy
Reports dust allergy
Asked about diabetes management through lifestyle
Correct answer: Reports recently beginning dieting to manage
Reports recently beginning exercising to manage diabetes
Asked about blood glucose monitoring
Correct answer: Reports checking blood sugar once a day
Reports checking sugar in the morning
Reports using glucometer
Reports blood sugar number is usually around 90
Reports having adequate supplies
Asked about asthma symptoms
Correct answer: Denies change in asthma symptoms
Reports belief that asthma is well-controlled
Denies current asthma symptoms
Reports last use of Proventil inhaler was yesterday
Asked about vision
Correct answer: Reports optometrist visit
Reports last optometrist visit was 3 months ago
Reports recently prescribed eyeglasses
Reports that glasses improve overall vision
Asked about reproductive system
Correct answer: Reports last menstrual period was 2 weeks ago
Reports menstrual cycle is normal
Reports rare cramping
Asked about breast health
Correct answer: Reports doing occasional breast exams
Denies having a mammogram
Denies changes to breasts
Denies history of breast cancer
Asked about weight changes
Correct answer: Reports recent weight loss
Reports weight loss of about 10 pounds
Asked about diet
Correct answer: Reports a typical breakfast is smoothie with
probiotic yogurt or egg on wheat toast with probiotic yogurt
Reports a typical lunch is dinner leftovers or tuna or chicken
sandwich on wheat bread
Reports a typical dinner is vegetables with a protein and brown
rice or quinoa
Reports a typical snack is carrot sticks or an apple
Asked about caffeine intake
Correct answer: Denies drinking coffee
Reports only caffeine is diet Coke
Reports drinking 2 diet Cokes per day
Asked about alcohol intake
Correct answer: Finding:
Reports drinking 2-3 nights per month
Reports having 2 or 3 drinks when out with friends
Asked about tobacco use
Correct answer: Denies tobacco use
Denies vaping
Asked about illicit drugs
Correct answer: Reports history of smoking recreational
Correct answer: Reports walking for exercise
Reports swimming for exercise
walking four or five times a week
Reports that a typical walk is thirty or forty minutes
Reports swimming weekly
Asked about sexual activity
Correct answer: Denies sexual activity
Asked about mental health
Correct answer: Denies mental health issues
Correct answer: Denies fatigue
Denies fever
Denies chills
Denies current sleep issues
Denies night sweats
Denies swelling
Asked about HEENT


Correct answer: Denies general HEENT issues
Asked about review of systems for respiratory
Correct answer: Denies current breathing problems
Reports occasional shortness of breath
Reports occasional wheezing
Reports occasional chest tightness
Denies pain while breathing
Denies coughing
Asked about review of systems for cardiovascular
Correct answer: Denies cardiovascular issues
Asked review of systems for gastrointestinal
Correct answer: Denies gastrointestinal issues
Asked review of systems for genitourinary
Correct answer: Denies genitourinary issues
Asked review of systems for musculoskeletal
Correct answer: Denies musculoskeletal issues
Asked review of systems for neurological
Correct answer: Denies neurological issues
Asked review of systems for skin, hair and nails
Correct answer: Denies integumentary issues

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