Shadow Health Tina Jones – Musculoskeletal Objective Results
Started: Nov 11, 2023 | Total Time: 64 min
Your Avatar. Hello! Question
11/11/23 6:57 AM EST
Character avatar. Hi. I’m Preceptor Diana. I will explain the details of this assignment and your
objectives, just as a preceptor would in real life. Pay close attention to this information as it will help
guide your exam. At the end of this pre brief, you will answer a short question about the upcoming
assignment. During the simulation, you may return to these instructions at any time by scrolling to the
top of your transcript.
Your Avatar. What is the situation? Question
11/11/23 6:57 AM EST
Character avatar. It’s 8 a.m. on Tina Jones’ second morning as a patient here at Shadow General
Hospital. Ms. Jones has a physical therapy consultation later today. Your role in this simulation is that of
healthcare provider who will perform a full musculoskeletal system exam on Ms. Jones so that her
therapist can understand Ms. Jones’ musculoskeletal health and customize therapy accordingly.
Your Avatar. What are my objectives in this assessment? Question
11/11/23 6:57 AM EST
Character avatar. In your interview with Ms. Jones, you will ask about her musculoskeletal system
and identify any risk factors or complications. If you discover any disease states, ask about symptoms
and the patient’s experiences of them. Your questioning should cover a broad array of the symptoms’
characteristics. You will also inquire into the health history of Ms. Jones’ family with regards to the
musculoskeletal system so you can determine her genetic predisposition to any diseases. Regardless of
whether you have assessed Tina previously, ask all questions that are medically relevant to her
musculoskeletal system. In addition to collecting subjective data, you will perform a physical exam on
Ms. Jones’ musculoskeletal system to gather objective data about the system’s health and physiology.
While you should communicate with patients using accessible, everyday language, it is standard practice
to use professional medical terminology everywhere else, such as in documenting physical findings and
nursing notes. You may complete the exam activities in any order and move between them as needed.
Your Avatar. What else will this exam involve? Question
11/11/23 6:58 AM EST
Character avatar. You will complete nursing tasks to protect the patients safety, privacy, and
health. You can document your findings, including vital signs, in the Electronic Health Record. This
record provides necessary information for healthcare professionals who will continue patient care.
Activities other than Subjective and Objective Data Collection, such as Documentation and Education
and Empathy, provide valuable practice for their real-world counterparts. However, they are not
automatically graded by the simulation.
Your Avatar. How will I be evaluated? Question
11/11/23 6:58 AM EST
Character avatar. In this assignment, you will be evaluated on your Subjective and Objective Data
Collection. The evaluation of your interview is dependent on how you word your questions
therapeutically and precisely and explore all relevant topics with comprehensive breadth and depth. The
evaluation of your physical exam is based on how successfully you report on your physical findings by
selecting among clinical terms in the Electronic Health Record. This assignment takes on average
between 50 and 60 minutes. You can pause and resume the assignment at any time; your work is always
saved automatically.
Your Avatar. How does this assignment prepare me for the real world? Question
11/11/23 6:58 AM EST
Character avatar. In this assessment, you will become familiarized with the structure and content
of musculoskeletal exams so that with real-life patients, you can: º ask effective and comprehensive
questions º use therapeutic language º evaluate the patient’s risk of disease, infection, injury, and
complications º and obtain and assess objective data.
Character avatar. In 1 or 2 sentences, answer this question to help prepare for the upcoming
exam: What precautions should you take with a patient that is a fall risk?
Your Avatar. For patients that are a fall risk, you should be knowledgeable about the patient’s
condition, have proper assist devices ready, and any additional personnel for support as needed.
11/11/23 7:02 AM EST
Character avatar. Time to begin.
Your Avatar. Good Morning Ms. Jones. My name is Nurse Billy Bob and will be taking care of you
today. Greet
11/11/23 7:03 AM EST
Tina Jones. Hey.
Your Avatar. You closed the curtain for privacy. Exam Action
11/11/23 7:03 AM EST
Your Avatar. You washed your hands. Exam Action
11/11/23 7:03 AM EST
Your Avatar. You checked the patient’s armband. Exam Action
11/11/23 7:03 AM EST
Your Avatar. Can you please state your full name and date of birth? Question
11/11/23 7:04 AM EST
Tina Jones. My name’s Tina Jones, and my birthday’s February 17th.
Your Avatar. Thank you very much. Empathize
11/11/23 7:04 AM EST
Tina Jones. Thanks.
Your Avatar. You checked the bed and rails position. Exam Action
11/11/23 7:04 AM EST
Your Avatar. You checked the call light. Exam Action
11/11/23 7:04 AM EST
Your Avatar. You checked for non-skid footwear. Exam Action
11/11/23 7:04 AM EST
Your Avatar. Are you okay with me asking you some questions and doing a physical assessment
today? Question
11/11/23 7:05 AM EST
Tina Jones. Sure.
Your Avatar. Great, and thank you. Empathize
11/11/23 7:06 AM EST
Tina Jones. Thanks.
Your Avatar. What brings you in to the hospital? Question
11/11/23 7:06 AM EST
Tina Jones. I got this scrape on my foot a while ago, and I thought it would heal up on its own, but
now it’s looking pretty nasty. And the pain is killing me!
Your Avatar. I hope we can get you feeling better very soon. Empathize
11/11/23 7:07 AM EST
Tina Jones. Thanks.
Your Avatar. How is your pain at this moment? Question
11/11/23 7:07 AM EST
Tina Jones. My foot is still sore, but it’s feeling better since I’ve been here.
Your Avatar. I am going to get your vitals. Question
11/11/23 7:07 AM EST
Tina Jones. Okay.
Your Avatar. Checked vitals Exam Action
11/11/23 7:07 AM EST
Your Avatar. What is you current pain on a scale from 1 to 10? (Clarified to Can you rate your current
pain level on a scale of 0 to 10?.) Question
11/11/23 7:10 AM EST
Tina Jones. I’d give it a 5 or 6 out of 10 right now. (Clarified to how I would rate my pain on a scale.)
Your Avatar. What was your pain when you arrived at the hospital? (No matching questions found.)
11/11/23 7:11 AM EST
Your Avatar. What was your pain before you came to the hospital? (Clarified to How would you rate
your pain without medication?.)Question
11/11/23 7:11 AM EST
Tina Jones. It’s feeling better now, even when the medication wears off, but I’d still put it at an 8,
probably, when the pain pill starts to fade. (Clarified to how I would rate my pain without medication.)
Your Avatar. I hope we can get your pain to a manageable level. Educate
11/11/23 7:12 AM EST
Tina Jones. Thanks for telling me.
Your Avatar. What does the pain feel like? Question
11/11/23 7:12 AM EST
Tina Jones. It’s just sore now. It’s not throbbing or sharp anymore or anything.
Your Avatar. I am glad it is feeling better. Empathize
11/11/23 7:13 AM EST
Tina Jones. Thanks.
Your Avatar. HAve you had any joint pain? Question
11/11/23 7:13 AM EST
Tina Jones. My joints don’t usually hurt, no.
Your Avatar. Have you had any joint swelling? Question
11/11/23 7:13 AM EST
Tina Jones. No, I’ve never had joint problems.
Your Avatar. How is your mobility? Question
11/11/23 7:14 AM EST
Tina Jones. I can walk by myself now, but it still hurts a lot.
Your Avatar. Has your foot injury affected your walking? (Clarified to Does your foot injury make it
difficult to walk?.) Question
11/11/23 7:14 AM EST
Tina Jones. I can walk on my foot now, but it still hurts a lot. (Clarified to if my injury makes it hard
to walk.)
Your Avatar. When you walk, how would you rate your pain level? (Clarified to How would you rate
your pain level while standing?.) Question
11/11/23 7:15 AM EST
Tina Jones. I’d say it’s a 7. . . maybe 8 out of 10 when I put weight on it. (Clarified to how I would
rate my pain while standing.)
Your Avatar. does your foot hurt when you walk? Question
11/11/23 7:16 AM EST
Tina Jones. I can walk on my foot now, but it still hurts a lot.
Your Avatar. Are you able to stand? Question
11/11/23 7:16 AM EST
Tina Jones. Last time I tried to stand normally it really hurt my foot, but at least I was able to stand
on it. I’m hoping it’ll be better soon.
Your Avatar. The sooner we can eliminate your foot pain and injury, the sooner we can get you back
to your regular daily activities. Educate
11/11/23 7:18 AM EST
Tina Jones. Thanks for telling me.
Your Avatar. Did you have any problems before your foot injury? Question
11/11/23 7:18 AM EST
Tina Jones. I could walk fine before I hurt my foot.
Your Avatar. Has your foot been getting better? Question
11/11/23 7:19 AM EST
Tina Jones. No, my foot is starting to hurt more!
Your Avatar. What your pain level when standing? Question
11/11/23 7:19 AM EST
Tina Jones. I’d say it’s a 7. . . maybe 8 out of 10 when I put weight on it.
Your Avatar. What is your pain level when walking? Question
11/11/23 7:19 AM EST
Tina Jones. It still hurts a lot to walk on. I’d say at least 7, maybe 8.
Your Avatar. Do you have any muscle soreness? Question
11/11/23 7:20 AM EST
Tina Jones. It’s not my muscles that are hurting.
Your Avatar. Do you have a history of muscle soreness? Question
11/11/23 7:20 AM EST
Tina Jones. My muscles don’t really get sore ever.
Your Avatar. Do you have any problems with your ankles? Question
11/11/23 7:21 AM EST
Tina Jones. My ankles are fine.
Your Avatar. Does your foot pain affect your working? Question
11/11/23 7:21 AM EST
Tina Jones. I’ve had to miss work for sure–I’m on my feet all day for my job, and that obviously
wouldn’t work with my foot the way it is, if I could even get over there.
Your Avatar. What do you do for work? Question
11/11/23 7:22 AM EST
Tina Jones. Well, since being promoted to supervisor, I’ve been in charge of scheduling other
employees, taking inventory, and placing orders for supplies. I’m still on the floor a lot though, dealing
with customers and that sort of thing.
Your Avatar. Is your job dangerous? Question
11/11/23 7:22 AM EST
Tina Jones. I never feel like I’m in danger at work. I’m mostly just walking around with a clipboard,
Your Avatar. Do you do a lot of standing at work? Question
11/11/23 7:22 AM EST
Tina Jones. I usually have to be on my feet my whole shift at work, which is why I’ve had to call in
sick since my foot started hurting too much to put weight on.
Your Avatar. Does your job consist of repetitive motions? Question
11/11/23 7:23 AM EST
Tina Jones. No, I’m moving around and doing all kinds of things at work.
Your Avatar. Is your foot affecting your personal activities? Question
11/11/23 7:23 AM EST
Tina Jones. I couldn’t really do much at all the last couple days without help. I’m glad my mom and
sister were there to help, and the nurses here, too. Now, though, I feel like I can start to do things for
myself again. My foot still hurts, but not nearly as bad.
Your Avatar. Does your foot make it difficult to bath?Question
11/11/23 7:24 AM EST
Tina Jones. I can walk on my foot now, but it still hurts a lot.
Your Avatar. Does your foot make it hard to stand from sitting? (Clarified to Does your wound hinder
your ability to stand?.) Question
11/11/23 7:24 AM EST
Tina Jones. My foot wound has definitely made it too painful to stand on, though I guess it’s gotten
a tad better. (Clarified to if my wound hinders my ability to stand.)
Your Avatar. Do you have any joint stiffness? Question
11/11/23 7:25 AM EST
Tina Jones. No, I’m not stiff anywhere now.
Your Avatar. Do you have a history of back pain? Question
11/11/23 7:25 AM EST
Tina Jones. I don’t usually have any back pain. Sometimes it aches a little, but nothing bad.
Your Avatar. Does your back currently hurt? Question
11/11/23 7:25 AM EST
Tina Jones. My back feels fine.
Your Avatar. Have you had any prior muscle injuries?Question
11/11/23 7:26 AM EST
Tina Jones. No, I don’t think so.
Your Avatar. Do you have any current muscle injuries? (Clarified to Do you have muscle problems?.)
11/11/23 7:26 AM EST
Tina Jones. I don’t have any problems with my muscles. (Clarified to if I have muscle problems.)
Your Avatar. Do you have any past or present joint injuries? (No matching questions found.)
11/11/23 7:27 AM EST
Your Avatar. Do you have any present joint injuries? (Clarified to Do you have a joint injury?.)
11/11/23 7:27 AM EST
Tina Jones. No, not really. (Clarified to if I have a joint injury.)
Your Avatar. Do you have a history of joint injuries? Question
11/11/23 7:27 AM EST
Tina Jones. No, not really.
Your Avatar. HAve you ever had a fracture? Question
11/11/23 7:27 AM EST
Tina Jones. I’ve never broken a bone or anything like that.
Your Avatar. HAve you ever sprained anything? Question
11/11/23 7:28 AM EST
Tina Jones. No, I don’t think I ever have.
Your Avatar. Any current bone problems? (Clarified to Do you have bone problems?.)Question
11/11/23 7:28 AM EST
Tina Jones. I’ve never had any problems with my bones. (Clarified to if I have bone problems.)
Your Avatar. Do you have a history of bone problems? Question
11/11/23 7:28 AM EST
Tina Jones. I don’t know of any bone problems in the family.
Your Avatar. Do you have any neck problems? Question
11/11/23 7:29 AM EST
Tina Jones. My neck feels normal to me.
Your Avatar. Have you ever had problems with your neck? Question
11/11/23 7:29 AM EST
Tina Jones. My neck feels normal to me.
Your Avatar. Do you have any problems with your range of motion? Question
11/11/23 7:29 AM EST
Tina Jones. Well. . . my foot is maybe feeling a little better, but I still wouldn’t want to put weight on
it or try to walk anywhere just yet.
Your Avatar. Can you bend and move around okay? (Clarified to Can you bend your elbows?.)
11/11/23 7:30 AM EST
Tina Jones. Yeah, there’s nothing wrong with my elbows. [AUDIO COMING SOON] (Clarified to if I
can bend my elbows.)
Your Avatar. Can you bend your knees? (Clarified to Are you able to bend over?.) Question
11/11/23 7:30 AM EST
Tina Jones. It hurts to move my foot, but I can do it. And everything else seems fine. [AUDIO
COMING SOON] (Clarified to if I am able to bend over.)
Your Avatar. Do you have any muscle weakness? Question
11/11/23 7:30 AM EST
Tina Jones. No, I wouldn’t say I feel weak.
Your Avatar. Do you have any muscle cramping? Question
11/11/23 7:31 AM EST
Tina Jones. I haven’t had any cramping, no.
Your Avatar. Have you had any falls? Question
11/11/23 7:31 AM EST
Tina Jones. Uh, yeah, I fell last week. That’s why I’m here.
Your Avatar. Are you prone to falling? Question
11/11/23 7:31 AM EST
Tina Jones. Last week was the only time I can really remember falling.
Your Avatar. Until we get your foot feeling better, please use the call button, so we can prevent you
from falling. Educate
11/11/23 7:32 AM EST
Tina Jones. Thanks for telling me.
Your Avatar. Do you have any family history of arthritis? Question
11/11/23 7:33 AM EST
Tina Jones. I don’t think anyone in my family has had arthritis. [AUDIO COMING SOON]
Your Avatar. Any family history of joint problems? Question
11/11/23 7:33 AM EST
Tina Jones. I don’t know of any joint problems in the family.
Your Avatar. Any family history of osteoporosis? Question
11/11/23 7:33 AM EST
Tina Jones. No one in the family has osteoporosis that I know of.
Your Avatar. Any family history of bone cancer? Question
11/11/23 7:34 AM EST
Tina Jones. Oh wow — no, not that I know of.
Your Avatar. Is it okay to do the physical exam now? (Clarified to May I start your physical exam
now?.) Question
11/11/23 7:34 AM EST
Tina Jones. Sure. (Clarified to if nurse can start my physical exam.)
Your Avatar. Inspected front of neck Exam Action
11/11/23 7:36 AM EST
Your Avatar. Inspected right side of neck Exam Action
11/11/23 7:36 AM EST
Your Avatar. Inspected front of neck Exam Action
11/11/23 7:36 AM EST
Your Avatar. Inspected left side of neck Exam Action
11/11/23 7:36 AM EST
Your Avatar. Inspected back of neck Exam Action
11/11/23 7:36 AM EST
Your Avatar. Inspected right side of neck Exam Action
11/11/23 7:36 AM EST
Your Avatar. Inspected shoulders from the front Exam Action
11/11/23 7:38 AM EST
Your Avatar. Inspected right shoulder Exam Action
11/11/23 7:38 AM EST
Your Avatar. Inspected upper back Exam Action
11/11/23 7:38 AM EST
Your Avatar. Inspected left shoulder Exam Action
11/11/23 7:38 AM EST
Your Avatar. Inspected left arm Exam Action
11/11/23 7:38 AM EST
Your Avatar. Inspected right arm Exam Action
11/11/23 7:38 AM EST
Your Avatar. Inspected right elbow Exam Action
11/11/23 7:39 AM EST
Your Avatar. Inspected left elbow Exam Action
11/11/23 7:39 AM EST
Your Avatar. Inspected right wrist Exam Action
11/11/23 7:40 AM EST
Your Avatar. Inspected both wrists Exam Action
11/11/23 7:40 AM EST
Your Avatar. Inspected left wrist Exam Action
11/11/23 7:40 AM EST
Your Avatar. Inspected both wrists Exam Action
11/11/23 7:40 AM EST
Your Avatar. Inspected right hand Exam Action
11/11/23 7:40 AM EST
Your Avatar. Inspected both hands Exam Action
11/11/23 7:41 AM EST
Your Avatar. Inspected left hand Exam Action
11/11/23 7:41 AM EST
Your Avatar. Inspected both hands Exam Action
11/11/23 7:41 AM EST
Your Avatar. Inspected front of hips Exam Action
11/11/23 7:41 AM EST
Your Avatar. Inspected front of thighs Exam Action
11/11/23 7:42 AM EST
Your Avatar. Inspected right thigh Exam Action
11/11/23 7:42 AM EST
Your Avatar. Inspected back of thighs Exam Action
11/11/23 7:42 AM EST
Your Avatar. Inspected left thigh Exam Action
11/11/23 7:42 AM EST
Your Avatar. Inspected front of thighs Exam Action
11/11/23 7:42 AM EST
Your Avatar. Inspected front of knees Exam Action
11/11/23 7:42 AM EST
Your Avatar. Inspected right knee Exam Action
11/11/23 7:43 AM EST
Your Avatar. Inspected back of knees Exam Action
11/11/23 7:43 AM EST
Your Avatar. Inspected left knee Exam Action
11/11/23 7:43 AM EST
Your Avatar. Inspected front of knees Exam Action
11/11/23 7:43 AM EST
Your Avatar. Inspected front of legs Exam Action
11/11/23 7:44 AM EST
Your Avatar. Inspected right leg Exam Action
11/11/23 7:44 AM EST
Your Avatar. Inspected back of legs Exam Action
11/11/23 7:44 AM EST
Your Avatar. Inspected left leg Exam Action
11/11/23 7:44 AM EST
Your Avatar. Inspected front of legs Exam Action
11/11/23 7:44 AM EST
Your Avatar. Inspected left ankle Exam Action
11/11/23 7:44 AM EST
Your Avatar. Inspected both ankles Exam Action
11/11/23 7:45 AM EST
Your Avatar. Inspected right ankle Exam Action
11/11/23 7:45 AM EST
Your Avatar. Inspected both ankles Exam Action
11/11/23 7:45 AM EST
Your Avatar. Inspected right ankle Exam Action
11/11/23 7:45 AM EST
Your Avatar. Inspected both ankles Exam Action
11/11/23 7:45 AM EST
Your Avatar. Inspected left ankle Exam Action
11/11/23 7:45 AM EST
Your Avatar. Inspected left foot Exam Action
11/11/23 7:45 AM EST
Your Avatar. Inspected soles of feet: Right: Laceration and swelling, expected curvature. Left: No
visible abnormal findings, expected curvature. Exam Action
11/11/23 7:52 AM EST
Your Avatar. Inspected right foot Exam Action
11/11/23 7:53 AM EST
Your Avatar. Inspected soles of feet: Right: Laceration and swelling, expected curvature. Left: No
visible abnormal findings, expected curvature. Exam Action
11/11/23 7:53 AM EST
Your Avatar. Inspected left foot Exam Action
11/11/23 7:53 AM EST
Your Avatar. Tested ROM of neck – extension: Expected Exam Action
11/11/23 7:54 AM EST
Your Avatar. Tested ROM of neck – flexion: Expected Exam Action
11/11/23 7:54 AM EST
Your Avatar. Tested ROM of neck – lateral bending: ExpectedExam Action
11/11/23 7:54 AM EST
Your Avatar. Tested ROM of neck – rotation: Expected Exam Action
11/11/23 7:54 AM EST
Your Avatar. Tested ROM of shoulders – adduction: ExpectedExam Action
11/11/23 7:57 AM EST
Your Avatar. Tested ROM of shoulders – extension: Expected Exam Action
11/11/23 7:57 AM EST
Your Avatar. Tested ROM of shoulders – flexion: Expected Exam Action
11/11/23 7:57 AM EST
Your Avatar. Tested ROM of elbows – flexion and extension: Expected Exam Action
11/11/23 7:57 AM EST
Your Avatar. Tested ROM of elbows – supination and pronation: Expected Exam Action
11/11/23 7:58 AM EST
Your Avatar. Tested ROM of wrists – ulnar and radial deviation: Expected Exam Action
11/11/23 7:58 AM EST
Your Avatar. Tested ROM of wrists – extension: Expected Exam Action
11/11/23 7:59 AM EST
Your Avatar. Tested ROM of wrists – flexion: Expected Exam Action
11/11/23 7:59 AM EST
Your Avatar. Tested spinal ROM – extension: Expected Exam Action
11/11/23 7:59 AM EST
Your Avatar. Tested spinal ROM – flexion: Expected Exam Action
11/11/23 7:59 AM EST
Your Avatar. Tested spinal ROM – lateral bending: Expected Exam Action
11/11/23 8:00 AM EST
Your Avatar. Tested spinal ROM – rotation to the left: Expected Exam Action
11/11/23 8:00 AM EST
Your Avatar. Tested spinal ROM – rotation to the right: Expected Exam Action
11/11/23 8:00 AM EST
Your Avatar. Tested ROM of hips – abduction: Expected Exam Action
11/11/23 8:00 AM EST
Your Avatar. Tested ROM of hips – adduction: Expected Exam Action
11/11/23 8:01 AM EST
Your Avatar. Tested ROM of hips – extension: Expected Exam Action
11/11/23 8:03 AM EST
Your Avatar. Tested ROM of hips – flexion: Expected Exam Action
11/11/23 8:03 AM EST
Your Avatar. Tested ROM of knees – extension: Expected Exam Action
11/11/23 8:04 AM EST
Your Avatar. Tested ROM of knees – flexion: Expected Exam Action
11/11/23 8:04 AM EST
Your Avatar. Tested ROM of ankles – inversion and eversion: Expected Exam Action
11/11/23 8:05 AM EST
Your Avatar. Tested ROM of ankles – dorsiflexion and plantar flexion: Right, reduced dorsi- and
plantar flexion; Left, expected Exam Action
11/11/23 8:05 AM EST
Your Avatar. Tested neck strength – head down: 5/5 Exam Action
11/11/23 8:06 AM EST
Your Avatar. Tested neck strength – head turned to the left: 5/5 Exam Action
11/11/23 8:06 AM EST
Your Avatar. Tested neck strength – head tilted to the left: 5/5 Exam Action
11/11/23 8:07 AM EST
Your Avatar. Tested neck strength – head turned to the right: 5/5 Exam Action
11/11/23 8:07 AM EST
Your Avatar. Tested neck strength – head tilted to the right: 5/5 Exam Action
11/11/23 8:07 AM EST
Your Avatar. Tested right and left shoulder strength: 5/5 Exam Action
11/11/23 8:08 AM EST
Your Avatar. Tested elbow strength during extension: 5/5 Exam Action
11/11/23 8:08 AM EST
Your Avatar. Tested elbow strength during flexion: 5/5 Exam Action
11/11/23 8:08 AM EST
Your Avatar. Tested wrist strength during extension – up: 5/5Exam Action
11/11/23 8:08 AM EST
Your Avatar. Tested wrist strength during extension – down: 5/5 Exam Action
11/11/23 8:09 AM EST
Your Avatar. Tested right and left hand strength with grip test: 5/5 Exam Action
11/11/23 8:09 AM EST
Your Avatar. Tested right and left hip strength: 5/5 Exam Action
11/11/23 8:10 AM EST
Your Avatar. Tested right and left knee strength: 5/5 Exam Action
11/11/23 8:10 AM EST
Your Avatar. Tested right and left ankle strength: Right 4/5, Left 5/5 Exam Action
11/11/23 8:10 AM EST
Your Avatar. You did great today. Empathize
11/11/23 8:12 AM EST
Tina Jones. Thanks.
Your Avatar. Do you have any questions for me? Question
11/11/23 8:12 AM EST
Tina Jones. I can’t think of any questions right now. I’m too tired.
Your Avatar. Get some rest, and let us know if you need anything. Empathize
11/11/23 8:12 AM EST
Tina Jones. Thanks.
Your Avatar. You checked for non-skid footwear. Exam Action
11/11/23 8:12 AM EST
Your Avatar. You checked for non-skid footwear. Exam Action
11/11/23 8:13 AM EST
Your Avatar. You checked the call light. Exam Action
11/11/23 8:13 AM EST
Your Avatar. You checked the patient’s table. Exam Action
11/11/23 8:13 AM EST
Your Avatar. You washed your hands. Exam Action
11/11/23 8:13 AM EST
Your Avatar. Have a great day. I am leaving now. Empathize
11/11/23 8:14 AM EST
Tina Jones. Thanks.
Subjective Data Collection: 23 of 23 (100.0%)
Hover To Reveal…
Hover over the Patient Data items below to reveal important information, including Pro
Tips and Example Questions.
• Found:
Indicates an item that you found.
• Available:
Indicates an item that is available to be found.
Scored Items
Experts selected these topics as essential components of a strong, thorough interview with this patient.
Patient Data
Not Scored
A combination of open and closed questions will yield better patient data. The following details are facts
of the patient’s case.
Relevant Medical History
Asked about joint problems
Denies joint pain
Pro Tip: Uncovering if Tina has any joint pain is important, as they could be a result of her recent foot
injury and could contribute to impaired mobility.
Example Question:
Do you have joint pain?
Denies joint swelling
Pro Tip: Uncovering if Tina has any swollen joints is important, as they could be a result of her recent
foot injury and could contribute to impaired mobility.
Example Question:
Do you have swollen joints?
Asked about mobility
Denies history of walking problems
Pro Tip: Discovering if Tina has a history of walking problems is imperative because it could show that
her mobility issues predate the foot wound.
Example Question:
Have you ever had problems walking?
Reports recent foot wound hindered mobility
Pro Tip: People with severe pain might find that they are limited in their movements. Asking Tina
whether the pain makes it hard for her to walk would illustrate whether her pain is preventing her from
some of the activities that comprise her daily life.
Example Question:
Has your wound affected your mobility?
Reports ability to walk on foot has recently improved
Pro Tip: Determining if Tina’s mobility has recently improved will provide key information as to the
healing process and what further steps are needed.
Example Question:
Has your mobility changed lately?
Asked pain rating when walking
Reports pain as a 7 or 8/10 when walking
Pro Tip: People with severe pain might find that they are limited in their movements. Having Tina rank
her pain on a scale will help you judge the severity of the wound and help you determine treatment
Example Question:
How would you rate your pain when walking?
Asked about ability to stand
Denies trouble standing before foot problems
Pro Tip: Asking Tina if she has a history of standing problems will reveal the severity of her injury and
whether her standing problem predated her foot injury.
Example Question:
Do you have a history of standing problems?
Reports recent foot wound hindered standing
Pro Tip: Asking Tina if she can stand on her foot will reveal the severity of her injury and whether or not
she is able to put weight on her foot.
Example Question:
Has your wound affected your ability to stand?
Reports improved ability to stand on injured foot
Pro Tip: Asking Tina if she can stand on her foot will reveal the severity of her injury and whether or not
she is able to put weight on her foot.
Example Question:
Are you able to stand on your foot?
Asked pain rating when standing
Reports pain as a 7 or 8/10 when bearing weight on foot
Pro Tip: Asking Tina about the pain if she’s standing will reveal the severity of her injury and whether or
not standing exacerbates her pain.
Example Question:
How would you rate your pain on a scale of 1 to 10 when you are standing?
Asked about muscle soreness
Denies history of muscle soreness
Pro Tip: Symptoms often vary from patient to patient. Asking Tina if she has ever had muscle soreness
specifies the way her symptoms and pain manifest.
Example Question:
Have you ever had muscle soreness?
Denies current muscle soreness
Pro Tip: Symptoms often vary from patient to patient. Asking Tina if she is having muscle soreness
specifies the way her symptoms and pain manifest.
Example Question:
Are you having muscle soreness?
Asked about joints in proximity of injury
Denies current ankle problems
Pro Tip: Ankle problems can greatly affect a patient’s mobility. Asking Tina if she has problems with her
ankles can reveal a major health concern.
Example Question:
Are your ankles giving you trouble?
Asked about occupational impact on injury
Denies work being dangerous
Pro Tip: Determining if Tina’s workplace is safe will allow you to establish any occupational dangers that
could exacerbate her current health issues or pose further risks.
Example Question:
Is your work dangerous?
Denies work involving repetitive motion
Pro Tip: Establishing if Tina’s job requires repetitive motion, such as picking up boxes, can help you
determine if those motions have had an impact on her health or pose potential risks.
Example Question:
Does your work involve repetitive motion?
Reports foot wound prevented her from working
Pro Tip: People with severe pain might find that they are unable to perform all of their daily activities.
Asking Tina whether she has been able to work in spite of the pain would illustrate whether her pain is
preventing her from activities that constitute her daily life.
Example Question:
Did your wound prevent you from working?
Asked about activities of daily living
Denies difficulty transferring from sitting to standing
Pro Tip: As a result of Tina’s foot wound, there is the risk that certain activities of daily living have been
compromised. It is important to identify any difficulties with transferring so her quality of life does not
Example Question:
Are you able to go from sitting to standing?
Denies difficulty bathing
Pro Tip: As a result of Tina’s foot wound, there is the risk that certain activities of daily living have been
compromised. It is important to identify any difficulties with bathing so her quality of life does not
Example Question:
Can you bathe yourself?
Review of Systems
Asked about joint stiffness
Denies joint stiffness
Pro Tip: Because Tina’s foot wound has recently impaired mobility, which often leads to joint stiffness, it
is important to ask Tina about her joints to ascertain the impact of her wound and what treatment she
may require.
Example Question:
Do you feel stiff anywhere?
Asked about back pain
Denies history of back pain
Pro Tip: Back pain can be a serious complaint that compromises a patient’s quality of life. It is important
to determine Tina has suffered from back pain so you can most effectively treat the issue.
Example Question:
Have you had back pain before?
Denies current back pain
Pro Tip: Back pain can be a serious complaint that compromises a patient’s quality of life. It is important
to determine if Tina is currently suffering from back pain so you can most effectively treat the issue.
Example Question:
Are you having back pain?
Asked about muscle injury
Denies history of muscle injury
Pro Tip: It is important to establish if Tina has a history of muscle injuries because it may contribute to
her recent mobility issues.
Example Question:
Have you ever had a muscle injury?
Denies current muscle injury
Pro Tip: It is important to establish if Tina has a muscle injury because it might contribute to her recent
mobility issues.
Example Question:
Do you have a muscle injury?
Asked about joint injury
Denies past joint injury
Pro Tip: It is important to establish if Tina has a history of joint injuries because it may contribute to her
recent mobility issues.
Example Question:
Have you experienced a joint injury in the past?
Denies current joint injury
Pro Tip: It is important to establish if Tina has a joint injury because it might contribute to her recent
mobility issues.
Example Question:
Do you have a joint injury?
Asked history of fracture
Denies history of fractures
Pro Tip: Soliciting your patient’s medical history can help you to understand the nature of a patient’s
chief complaint. Asking Tina whether she’s ever broken a bone might reveal relevant concerns she’d
previously experienced.
Example Question:
Have you ever broken a bone?
Asked history of sprains
Denies history of sprains
Pro Tip: Soliciting your patient’s medical history can help you to understand the nature of a patient’s
chief complaint. Asking Tina whether she has a history of getting sprains might reveal relevant concerns
she’d previously experienced.
Example Question:
Do you have a history of getting sprains?
Asked about bone problems
Denies history of bone problems
Pro Tip: Soliciting your patient’s medical history can help you to understand the nature of a patient’s
chief complaint. Asking Tina whether she ever had bone problems might reveal relevant concerns she’d
previously experienced.
Example Question:
Have you ever had bone problems?
Denies current bone problems
Pro Tip: Soliciting your patient’s medical history can help you to understand the nature of a patient’s
chief complaint. Asking Tina whether she has bone problems might reveal relevant concerns she’d
previously experienced.
Example Question:
Do you have bone problems?
Asked about neck
Denies history of neck problems
Pro Tip: A history of neck problems may imply an illness or a problematic behavior in the patient. Asking
Tina whether she has had neck problems in the past could prompt you to follow up on potential causes.
Example Question:
Have you had neck problems?
Denies current neck problems
Pro Tip: Symptoms often vary from patient to patient. Asking Tina about the symptoms she may be
experiencing with her injury, like neck pain, details the way her individual symptoms and pain manifest.
Example Question:
Do you have neck problems?
Asked about range of motion of body parts
Reports normal range of motion
Pro Tip: People with severe pain might find that they are limited in their movements. Asking Tina
whether she is limited in her movements would illustrate whether her pain is preventing her from some
of the activities that comprise her daily life.
Example Question:
Do you have full range of motion?
Asked about muscle problems
Denies muscle weakness
Pro Tip: Symptoms often vary from patient to patient. Asking Tina about the symptoms she is
experiencing with her injury, like muscle weakness, details the way her individual symptoms and pain
Example Question:
Are you experiencing any muscle weakness?
Denies muscle cramping
Pro Tip: Symptoms often vary from patient to patient. Asking Tina about the symptoms she is
experiencing with her injury, like muscle cramping, details the way her individual symptoms and pain
Example Question:
Are you experiencing any muscle cramping?
Risk Factors
Asked fall history
Reports fall
Pro Tip: Changes in bone composition can leave a patient more at risk for falling. Asking Tina about her
history of falling could provide you with information about her bone density.
Example Question:
Have you fallen before?
Reports fall was one week ago
Pro Tip: Changes in bone composition can leave a patient more at risk for falling. Asking Tina about her
history of falling could provide you with information about her bone density.
Example Question:
When was the last time you fell?
Reports belief that she is not particularly prone to falls
Pro Tip: Changes in bone composition can leave a patient more at risk for falling. Asking Tina if she is
prone to falling could provide you with information about her bone density.
Example Question:
Are you prone to falling?
Denies other recent falls
Pro Tip: Changes in bone composition can leave a patient more at risk for falling. Asking Tina about her
history of falling could provide you with information about her bone density.
Example Question:
Did you have any other recent falls?
Reports no dizziness or weakness before recent fall
Pro Tip: Changes in bone composition can leave a patient more at risk for falling. Asking Tina about her
history of falling could provide you with information about her bone density.
Example Question:
Did you feel weak before you fell?
Relevant Family History
Asked family history of osteoporosis
Denies family history of osteoporosis
Pro Tip: Family histories can suggest a genetic predisposition. Asking Tina if anyone in her family has
osteoporosis can indicate a potential predisposition.
Example Question:
Does anyone in your family have osteoporosis?
Asked family history of joint problems
Denies family history of joint problems
Pro Tip: Family histories can suggest a genetic predisposition. Asking Tina if anyone in her family has had
joint problems can indicate a potential predisposition.
Example Question:
Has anyone in your family had joint problems?
Denies family history of arthritis
Pro Tip: Family histories can suggest a genetic predisposition. Asking Tina if anyone in her family has
arthritis can indicate a potential predisposition.
Example Question:
Does arthritis run in your family?
Asked family history of bone cancer
Denies family history of bone cancer