Assignment: Wellness Paper
Overview: In this activity, you will have the opportunity to practice the communication and technical skills needed for your final project. You will create a short PowerPoint presentation with oral narration using the PowerPoint narration tool. This will allow you and your instructor to check that your technology works for the final project, and to troubleshoot any potential difficulties before the project is due. This activity must be submitted in PPT or PPTX format for your professor to give you feedback on whether your technical components are correct. Prompt: First, review the Module Four resources, and then choose an issue in of wellness with historical perspective that relates to your personal and professional experiences. You can also select the same issue that you chose for your initial post in the Module Four discussion on historical issues of wellness. Then, in a couple of PowerPoint slides, address the following:
Give some background information about your chosen issue.
Provide two or three recommendations for how to address the issue from the perspective of two of the general education lenses (humanities, history, social sciences, science) and your own major.
Explain the strengths of your recommendations and why they would be successful.
Explain the challenges you would face when implementing your recommendations. PowerPoint: Throughout your short PowerPoint presentation, make sure you use effective multimedia and communication skills:
Include a combination of text, visuals, and audio narration elements that logically flow with your presentation.
Construct your presentation in a way that ensures the audio and visual elements are logically organized in order to convey your message to your audience.
Make sure you provide appropriate supporting evidence in your presentation. Include your references in APA or MLA format in an additional slide at the end of your presentation.
NOTE: A headset or external microphone is recommended for better results when recording the oral component of your presentation. However, you can also use the incorporated microphone on your computer or cell phone. Use the Check file compatibility with earlier versions and Are you having video or audio playback issues? resources from Microsoft to help you check compatibility between versions of Office.
Rubric Guidelines for Submission: Your presentation should be 2 to 4 slides and no longer than 4 minutes in length. You are required to include a combination of text, visuals, and sound in order to support your work. Speaker notes are not required. Include at least three sources cited in APA or MLA format. If you require alternative accommodations for completing this assignment, reach out to your instructor directly for more information.
Critical Elements Proficient (100%) Needs Improvement (85%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Background Provides background information about the chosen issue
Provides background information about the chosen issue but lacks detail
Does not provide background information about the chosen issue
6Assignment: Wellness Paper
Recommendations Provides recommendations for how the issue could be addressed
Provides recommendations for how the issue could be addressed, but recommendations are cursory
Does not provide recommendations for how the issue could be addressed
Strengths Explains the strengths of the recommendations and why they would be successful
Explains the strengths of the recommendations and why they would be successful, but explanation is cursory or lacks detail
Does not explain the strengths of the recommendations and why they would be successful
Challenges Explains the challenges that would be faced when implementing the recommendations
Explains the challenges that would be faced when implementing the recommendations, but explanation is cursory or lacks detail
Does not explain the challenges that would be faced when implementing the recommendations
Flow Includes a combination of text, visuals, and sound elements that logically flow with the presentation
Includes a combination of text, visuals, and sound elements, but elements do not logically flow with the presentation
Does not include a combination of text, visuals, and sound elements
Organized Audio and visual elements are logically organized in order to convey the message to the target audience
Audio and visual elements are somewhat logically organized in order to convey the message to the target audience
Audio and visual elements are not logically organized in order to convey the message to the target audience
Evidence Provides appropriate supporting evidence in the presentation
Provides supporting evidence in the presentation, but supporting evidence is inappropriate
Does not provide supporting evidence in the presentation
Time Limit Presentation is no longer than 2-4 minutes in length
Presentation is less than 2 minutes in length 13
Total 100%