Elements of Nutrition Final Exam

Elements of Nutrition Final Exam

Elements of Nutrition Final Exam

Quiz Submissions – Week 8 Final Exam-Nutrition (200 pts)

NUTR 100 6387 Elements of Nutrition (2168)

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Quiz Submissions – Week 8 Final Exam-Nutrition (200 pts)

Question 1 2 / 2 points
Carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids are _______.
classified nutrients

Question 2 2 / 2 points
The sugars found in grains, vegetables, legumes, and fruits are _______.
amino acids

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Question 3 2 / 2 points
The primary objective of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans is to ensure Americans _______.
consume less than 2,300 mg of sodium per day
choose fiber-rich fruits, vegetables, and whole grains often
increase intake of fats and oils high in saturated or trans fatty acids
balance calorie intake with physical activity to manage weight

Question 4 1 / 1 point
A sign that you might be reading inaccurate or exaggerated science might be a _______. Select all that apply.
recommendation made to help sell a product
recommendation that promises a quick fix
recommendation from a peer-reviewed journal
simplistic conclusion drawn from a single study

Question 5 2 / 2 points
Which of the following is the correct order of the recommended steps to prevent foodborne illness, according to the
Dietary Guidelines for Americans?
Wash, Separate, Prepare, Store
Clean, Separate, Cook, Chill
Clean, Cook, Cool, Reheat
Wash, Separate, Heat, Freeze

Question 6 2 / 2 points
The _______ estimates the nutrient intake level that will meet the needs of 50 percent of the individuals in a specific lifestage
or gender group.
Estimated Average Requirement
Recommended Dietary Allowance
Tolerable Upper Limit
Average Needs Level

Question 7 0 / 2 points
Which of the following are good questions to ask about safety when considering purchasing a supplement? Select all
that apply.
Who is the manufacturer?
What is the active ingredient and dosage?
Is there any evidence to support using this product?
Is there a third party “checker” for this product?
How much does it cost?

Elements of Nutrition Final Exam Question 8 2 / 2 points

Essential nutrients are nutrients that _______.
can be synthesized in the body
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must be obtained from dietary intake
are essential to good health
can only be obtained through taking supplements

Question 9 0 / 2 points
The current icon to represent the food groups is known as _______.
The Food Guide Pyramid
Idaho Plate Method

Question 10 2 / 2 points
Replacing lost nutrients in foods is called _______.

Question 11 2 / 2 points
The majority of digestion takes place in the _______.

Question 12 2 / 2 points
Celiac disease is treated by removing gluten from the diet. Gluten is found in all of the following EXCEPT _______.

Question 13 2 / 2 points
Lipase is an enzyme that breaks down _______.
all of these choices

Question 14 2 / 2 points
In order to move food from the mouth, down the esophagus, and into the stomach, the food must be made into _____.
a bolus
a blob
an epiglottis

Question 15 2 / 2 points
HCl in the stomach _______. Select all that apply.
denatures salivary amylase
denatures triglycerides
denatures protein
kills bacteria that enter your stomach

Question 16 2 / 2 points
A __________ fat has two or more carbon double bonds.

Question 17 2 / 2 points
Which of the following is not a digestion accessory organ?

Question 18 2 / 2 points
The AMDR for protein is______ percent of total daily calories.
5 to 10
10 to 35
20 to 35
45 to 65

Question 19 0 / 2 points
How many kilocalories are in 24 grams of fat?

Question 20 2 / 2 points
Which of the following choices are disaccharides? Select all that apply.

Elements of Nutrition Final Exam Question 21 2 / 2 points

___________ atoms are added to unsaturated fats in order to make liquid fats more solid at room temperature.

Question 22 2 / 2 points
How many amino acids can’t be synthesized in the body?

Question 23 2 / 2 points
The AMDR for fat is _____________ percent of daily kilocalorie intake.
45 to 65
5 to 10
20 to 35
10 to 35

Question 24 2 / 2 points
An enzyme ___________ a chemical reaction.
slows down
speeds up
provides stability for

Question 25 0 / 2 points
Which of the following combines with carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen to make up the structure of protein?

Question 26 2 / 2 points
A triglyceride is formed through a ____________reaction between a glycerol and _______fatty acid(s).
partial hydrogenation; one
rehydration; three
lipogenesis; one
dehydration; three

Question 27 2 / 2 points
_______ is the deficiency associated with thiamin.

Question 28 2 / 2 points
Which of the following choices include all of the fat-soluble vitamins?
vitamin B12, vitamin B6, vitamin C, vitamin D
vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E, vitamin K
vitamin D, vitamin K, thiamin, vitamin B6
vitamin E, vitamin A, vitamin B6, niacin

Question 29 2 / 2 points
B-complex vitamins often serve as _______.
blood thinners
a source of calories
none of these choices

Question 30 0 / 2 points
Flushing is a common side effect from which nutrient?
vitamin C

Question 31 2 / 2 points
The majority of sodium intake for the standard American diet comes from _______.
iodized table salt
sauces and soups
processed foods

Question 32 2 / 2 points
Metabolism is described as the balance between __________ and _________ reactions in the body.
steroidal; carboxylic
anabolic; synthetic
catabolic; anabolic
catabolic; amine

Question 33 2 / 2 points

Hydration ___________. Select all that apply.
leads to optimal performance during exercise
reduces the risk of a potentially life-threatening heat injury
regulates healthy mental and cognitive performance
is only important during exercise

Question 34 0 / 2 points
What are the natural functions that water promotes within the human body? Select all that apply.
transportation system
participant in biochemical reactions
body temperature regulation

Question 35 0 / 2 points
The _____ is/are the organ(s) that regulate water balance within the body. ___pituitary gland and kidneys___ (kidney,

Question 36 1 / 1 point
Which of the following foods are known to be a good source of Vitamin K? Select all that apply.
dark leafy greens Elements of Nutrition Final Exam
Swiss chard
garbanzo beans

Question 37 0 / 2 points
Which of the following are the main metabolic pathways? Select all that apply.
pyruvate to acetyl CoA
cellular respiration
the citric acid cycle
the electron transport chain

Question 38 2 / 2 points
You are able to maintain your body weight when energy expended _______ calories consumed.
are less than

Question 39 2 / 2 points
Which of the following daily protein intakes is recommended for endurance and strength training athletes?
0.8-1.2 grams/kg body weight
0.5-0.8 grams/kg body weight
1.2-1.7 grams/kg body weight
2.0-2.5 grams/kg body weight

Question 40 0 / 2 points
Lasting behavioral changes develop when ___________. Select all that apply.
Quiz Submissions – Week 8 Final Exam-Nutrition (200 pts) – NUTR 1…87 Elements of Nutrition (2168) –
a food diary is created
areas of the diet are identified that need improvement
a plan is made
dramatic changes are made initially

Question 41 2 / 2 points
All of the following are guidelines for reducing cancer risk EXCEPT:
Limit intake of charred foods.
Reduce intake of red meat.
Increase consumption of fruits.
All of these choice are guidelines to reduce cancer risk.

Question 42 0 / 2 points
Research studies are often used to provide evidence for CAM therapies.

Question 43 2 / 2 points
Sodium, calcium, iron, vitamin C, and vitamin A are all required by law to be included on the food label.

Question 44 2 / 2 points
Peanut butter is one example of a high-quality protein.

Question 45 0 / 2 points
Supplements are approved by the FDA before reaching the market.

Question 46 2 / 2 points
Vitamin D is a nonessential nutrient.

Question 47 0 / 2 points

Weight loss occurs when energy balance is in equilibrium.

Question 48 2 / 2 points
A high-fiber, low-fat diet may reduce the risk of cancer

Question 49 2 / 2 points
Body Mass Index (BMI) provides an accurate measurement of the amount of fat tissue on the body.

Question 50 0 / 2 points
Before exercising, athletes are encouraged to drink plenty of fluids and consume a high-fat meal for energy.

Question 51 20 / 20 points
Please match the correct nutrition term to its definition or description.
__9__ % Daily Value
__2__ Recommended Dietary Allowances
__8__ Nutrition Facts
__4__ Dietary Reference Intakes
__1__ Adequate Intake
__6__ Good Source
__3__ Estimated Average Requirement
__7__ Tolerable Upper Intake Levels
__10__ Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution
__5__ Estimated Energy Requirement
1.the nutrient intake level set when there is not
enough scientific evidence to set an EAR
2.the nutrient intake level that meets the needs of 97
percent to 98 percent of individuals in a life-stage or
gender group
3. the intake value that meets the estimated nutrient
needs of 50 percent of individuals in a specific lifestage
and gender group
4. a framework of dietary standards that includes EAR,
RDA, AI, and UL
5.predicted needs to maintain weight ranges consistent
with good health Elements of Nutrition Final Exam
6.food contains 10 percent to 19 percent of the Daily
Value for a particular nutrient in one serving
7.maximum levels of a nutrient unlikely to pose health
8.a portion of the food label that states the content of
selected nutrients in a food in a way that is
determined by the FDA
9.set of nutrient standards to represent the needs of
the typical consumer
10.guidelines for nutrient intakes to reduce risk of
chronic disease
Question 52 20 / 20 points
Please match each nutrient to its correct function.
__1__ calcium
__6__ riboflavin
__8__ iodine
__3__ vitamin D
__5__ thiamin
__4__ vitamin C
__10__ selenium
__9__ iron
__2__ folic acid
__7__ vitamin A
1.plays a role in bone health, common source is dairy
2. critical to prevent neural tube defects
3. deficiency seen in children known as Rickets
4. deficiency is known as scurvy
5. deficiency seen in alcoholism
6. easily destroyed by sunlight
7. contains the group known as carotenoids
8. plays a role in proper thyroid function
9. component of blood
Brazil nuts are a good source; plays a role in various
enzyme functions

Elements of Nutrition Final Exam Question 53 12 / 12 points

Order the essential major organs that form the GI tract. Start with where food enters the body, and then list each organ
that follows.
__5__ large intestine
__3__ stomach
__2__ esophagus
__6__ rectum/ anus
__1__ mouth
__4__ small intestine

Question 54 24 / 8 points
The four accessory organs of the GI tract are ___tongue___ (salivary glands, liver, gallbladder, gall bladder,
pancreas) ___salivary glands___ ___liver___ , and ___pancreas___ There is no specific order for this
NUTR 100 6387 Element… Keith Bridges Elements of Nutrition Final Exam
Question 55 6 / 6 points
A meal contains 344 total calories, of which 24 grams are protein and 35 grams are carbohydrate.
A. How many calories come from protein?
B. How many GRAMS are from fat?_______
___16___ (12) C. What percentage of this meal’s total calories are from protein? ___24%___ (27.9, 28)
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Question 56 8 / 4 points
Mr. Jones is 5’11” and weighs 208 pounds.
A. What is his BMI? _____
B. What is his BMI classification? _______
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Question 57 14 / 32 points
Please leave space between each of the three answers and label with the corresponding letter: A, B, or C.
A. After studying nutrition science, you should be knowledgeable about nutrition guidelines and how nutrition can affect
health. Please demonstrate what you have learned by explaining the following:
Using terms and concepts that you have learned in this course, examine 10 aspects of your own diet, and explain any changes you may or may not make. For full credit, support each of your 10 choices with facts from the readings. (For example, currently, I rarely eat any nuts. So, I will start eating one ounce of nuts a day because it will improve my cholesterol level, which will reduce my risk for heart disease. Note: you may not use this
example.) [20 points]
Explain how nutrients affect disease prevention and management. Make your answer specific with examples. Link the nutrient or nutrients you discuss to a condition. (For example, vitamin C deficiency is linked to scurvy. Note: you may not use this example). For full credit, you must provide at least three examples of how nutrient levels
can be related to disease prevention and management. [12 points]
Have fun with this question! This is really just your way of showing me what you have learned this semester and what
you will take away from this course.
Extra Credit: 2 points
B. What was the most useful thing you learned from this class?
Extra Credit: 2 points
C. What was the most interesting thing you learned from this class?
A1. I would change my diet by cutting down my added sugars intake by replacing cinnamon toast crunch with cherries.
Consuming too much sugars and starches would potentially lead me down the path to hypoglycemia. I would also increase my fiber intake by switching white break with whole grain wheat bread. Get my fruits from a farm and not from a can and shop at farmers markets instead of grocery stores for quality non gmo food. I would replace my added sugars by eating granola bars instead of ice cream and reduce my risks of high cholesterol by swapping whole milk to almond milk or soy. I will fry my eggs in olive oil instead of butter and swap out potato chips for healthier snacks like trail mix.Finally, I’ll use fat free condiments instead of regular and drink more water while cutting out the soda’s.
A2. A vitamin D deficiency is seen in children can lead to Rickets. Beriberi is a disease caused by a thiamine deficiency.
A vitamin K deficiency can result in hemorrhaging and/or problematic blood clotting.
B. The most useful thing I learned in this class was how to use the choosemyplate.gov site. This was my first time hearing about it and now I can use it with my wife to get us on the road to a healthier lifestyle.
C. The most interesting thing I learned was during the discussion week about vitamins and their deficiencies. My vitamin was vitamin K and I didn’t know that it could cause your blood to not clot. I wish I could type more but I’m almost out of time. Great class!Elements of Nutrition Final Exam

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