Practicum: Pediatric Journal Entry

Practicum: Pediatric Journal Entry

Practicum: Pediatric Journal Entry


Practicum: Pediatric  Journal Entry 1 to 2 pages ( i have attached a sample paper to follow but choose your own case study)


Reflect on a patient who presented with a dermatologic disorder (Children)  during your Practicum experience as nurse practitioner provider . Describe your experience in assessing and managing the patient and his or her family. Include details of your “aha” moment in identifying the patient’s dermatologic disorder. Then, explain how the experience connected your classroom studies to the real-world clinical setting. you may select a related case study from a reputable source or reflect on previous clinical experiences.


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Burns, C. E., Dunn, A. M., Brady, M. A., Starr, N. B., & Blosser, C. G. (2013). Pediatric primary care (5th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier.


◦Chapter 21, “Introduction to Disease Management” (pp. 398–414).



Journal Entry

Gloria Okoye

Walden University

NURS – 6541N – 1

Prof. Nogueira


WK 4 Journal Entery Topic:Assessment and Management of Behavioral and Mental Health Patient

Eating disorder is defined as the behavioral and mental disorder that is characterized by the abnormal eating habits that may result to serious fatal illness that may lead to severe disturbances and discomfort to a person. Binge Eating Disorder (BED) is an example of eating disorder that is characterized by the recurrent intake of food in large quantities and at a fast rate that often leads to the patients’ discomfort. The psychological result of this condition is usually shame and distress (Burns, Brady, & Starr, 2013).

Assessment and Management of a Behavioral and Mental Health Patient

A 7 year old African American male patient visits the clinic in the company of the father and the parent explained that the child has been experiencing difficulties and discomfort in his abdominal areas such as swollen stomach or a full bladder. Father states that he has no fever, vomiting , bowel changes . He has been current with his immunization and has no developmental problem. After evaluation it is noted that the bowel movements of the patient are normal. On further inquiry it is noted that the patient takes in a lot of food and water frequently. The eating schedule for the patient has not been recorded. During the examination time , I noted the patient opening a candy bar one after the other for a total of three in a span of 5 minutes. After questioning the patient, he showed signs of anxiety and shame and commented that he was tense, his father states that he ound out that eating makes him calm down when they go to the doctor’s office or when he is uncomfortable.

On assessment, he weighes 70 pounds, HT 45.5 inches with BMI of 153.4 which puts him on obese. V/S :WNL

Diagnosis and Medical Goal

I informed the patient’s’ parent that the patient is not sick, but has a condition named Binge Eating Disorder (BED) that is characterized by the patient irregular eating patterns, large amounts of food intake than for normal patient, continuous eating, secretive eating, depression and shame after the eating. The parent affirmed to this thinking that the patient had a healthy eating pattern.

My “aha” moment was when I experienced the patients fast food intake in the form of a candy bar that contains enough calories to sustain a heavy breakfast and snack in less than five minutes. This is when I remembered of the characteristics of BED such as fast and in large quantities of food intake (Hagan, 2014). In addition to this, the patients’ response in shame and disgust and his acute obesity portrayed the characteristic that the patient has an eating disorder.

My goal of treatment was to regulate the patients eating pattern so as to control the behavior and mental health, so in collaboration with the parent, we schedule a calories-based timetable and quantity scheme that he is supposed to take with strict regulation from the parent (Jonovich, 2014). Vitamin additives accompanied the meals so as to ensure that there is no interference of patient’s body requirements. Referral for family group program was set up for evaluation of any underlying depression , anxiety or any other psychosocial issues at this time and to also teach him better way to manage stress also counselling for any deep issues or emotion that child and parents might be dealing with.

Lab: cholesterol , thyroid , BS to check for medical condition that can cause unhealthy eating habit.

F/u scheduled for 1 month for feedback on the eating schedule and goal



◦Chapter 36, “Dermatologic Disorders” (pp. 877–927)




DermNet New Zealand Trust. (2014). DermNet NZ. Retrieved from




• (2011). Dermnet Skin Disease Atlas. Retrieved from


•Practice Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Management of Skin and Soft Tissue Infections: 2014 Update by the Infectious Diseases Society of America by  Stevens, D.L.,  Bisno, A.L., Chambers, H.F., Dellinger, E.P.,  Goldstein,  E.J.C., Gorbach, S.L., Hirschmann, J.V., Kaplan, S.L., Montoya, J.G., & Wade, J.C. in C

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