Theories of Marriage and Family Quiz Questions

Theories of Marriage and Family Quiz Questions

Theories of Marriage and Family Quiz Questions


Text: Family Therapy Concepts and Methods 8th Edition, 2008

ISBN: 0-2-5-54320-0 ; 13: 978-0-205-54320-5


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Theories of Marriage and Family

Multiple Choice Questions (Enter your answers on the enclosed answer sheet)

1) Lyman Wyn ne’s term for the facade of fam i Iy harmony that characterized many schizophrenic families is:

A) pseudomutuality

B) pseudoharmony

C) pseudohosti I ity

0) pseudocomplementarity

2) Hospital clinicians began to acknowledge and include the family in an indi- vidual’s treatment when:

A) they noticed when the patient got better, someone in the fami Iy got worse

B) they realized the family was footing the bill for treatment

C) they realized the family continued to influence the course of treatment any way

0) A and C

E) none of the above

3) Family sculpting and choreography are applications of this early approach to group treatment, which consists of dramatic enactments from the lives of group members and uses a number of techniques to stimulate emotional expression and clarify conflicts.

A) T-group

B) psychodrama

C) psychoed ucation 0) encounter group

4) The first to apply group concepts to family treatment was:

A) John Elderkin Bell

B) Virginia Satir

C) Murray Bowen 0) Carl Whitaker

5) Since the beginning of their profession, have been concerned

with the family, both as a unit and the focus of intervention.

A) psychologists

B) social workers

C) psychiatrists 0) physicians



Theories of Marriage and Family

6) Gregory Bateson and his colleagues at Palo Alto introduced this concept to describe the patterns of disturbed family communication which cause schizo- phrenia.

A) none of the below

B) schizophrenogenesis

C) pseudohosti I ity

D) double bind

7) A conflict when a person receives contradictory messages on different levels of abstraction in an important relationship, and cannot leave or comment is called:

A) rubber fence

B) metacommunicate

C) quid pro quo

D) double bind

8) Frieda Fromm-Reichmann’s concept, ” mother,” described

a domineering, aggressive, rejecting, and insecure mother who was thought to provide the pathological parenting that produced schizophrenia. Theories of Marriage and Family Quiz Questions

A) u nd ifferentiated

B) reactive

C) schizophrenogenic

D) symbiotic

9) This family therapist believed in the existence of an interpersonal uncon- scious within each family.

A) Ivan Boszormenyi-Nagy

B) Murray Bowen

C) Virginia Satir

D) Nathan Ackerman

10) The techniques of structural family therapy fall into two general categories,

joining and _

A) disengaging maneuvers

B) restructuring techniques

C) paradoxical interventions

D) taking an “I” position



Theories of Marriage and Family

11) A primary goal of communications family therapy is to:

A) foster insight

B) promote individuation of family members

C) interrupt dysfunctional feedback loops

D) rei nforce symptoms

12) The Bateson group may be best remembered for the concepts of the double

bi nd and _

A) family structure

B) group process

C) metacommunication

D) triangles

13) The tendency of families to resist change in order to maintain a steady state is known as

A) complementarity

B) the black box concept

C) paradox

D) homeostasis

14) The idea that because the mind is so complex, it’s better to study people’s in- put and output (e.g., behavior and communication) than to speculate about what goes on in their minds. is known as

Theories of Marriage and Family Quiz Questions

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