Week 4 Lab Activity PART A Online Experiment
Week 4 Lab Activity PART A Online Experiment
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Week 4 Lab Activity PART A: Participating in online experiments
Organizations such as the Social Psychology Network and the American Psychological Society have links to various experiments online. Some websites with lists of online experiments include: http://socialpsychology.org/expts.htm and http://psych.hanover.edu/research/exponnet
Go to one or both of these websites, and participate in at least 1 online study. Then, answer the following questions:
1) Identify which study you participated in and on which website you found the link to that study.
2) Identify at least 4 relevant concepts from our textbook that you experienced with regard to the study (e.g. informed consent, independent variable, dependent variable, etc.). Be sure to explain clearly how each concept was incorporated into the study. Also, note any flaws/issues/concerns you encountered as well.
PART B: APA Style—figures and tables
Go to the following link: http://library.royalroads.ca/writingcentre/citingresources/apa style/apastylepractice exercises
Complete the following exercises: a) General formatting exercise, b) Formatting figures, and c) Formatting tables.
1) Save your report for each exercise and attach your results (for all 3 exercises) to this assignment.
PART C: Designing research studies
Reflect on and respond to the following prompts:
1) Design an experiment to test the hypothesis that singlegender math classes are beneficial to adolescent females. Operationally define both the independent and dependent variables. Your experiment should have two groups and use the matched pairs procedure. Make a good case for your selection of the matching variable. In addition, defend your choice of either a posttestonly design or a pretestposttest design.
2) Design a repeated measures experiment that investigates the effect of report presentation style on the grade received for the report. Use two levels of the independent variable: a “professional style” presentation (highquality paper, consistent use of margins and fonts, carefully constructed tables and charts) and a “nonprofessional style” (averagequality paper, frequent changes in the margins and fonts, tables and charts lacking proper labels). Discuss the necessity for using counterbalancing. Create an APA formatted table illustrating the experimental design.
3) Professor Foley conducted a cola taste test. Each participant in the experiment … Week 4 Lab Activity PART A Online Experiment