Nursing Essay: Patient Assessment
Nursing Essay: Patient Assessment
This work is done based on the preliminary assessment process that the patient experiences when it arrives at the endoscopic examination unit. It was placed in the endoscopic examination unit in the second year of adult diploma treatment. I will explore the patient’s overall needs, determine the focus of care that the patient needs, then I emphasize certain priorities and give rationality behind it. During my hospitalization I completed the preliminary assessment of a 37-year-old woman who arrived at the unit for upper gastrointestinal endoscopy under the supervision of a tutor.Nursing Essay: Patient Assessment
I will explain and explain the care model and explain why I chose. An outline of the evaluation process is shown, followed by an introduction and history of the selected patient. The model is used to evaluate the patient to identify potential problems encountered by the patient or problems that may be encountered. Thereafter, the care plan related to the specific problem identified in the evaluation will be detailed. Finally, I will review the process of running a care plan and discussing the relationship between nurses and patients.Nursing Essay: Patient Assessment
The relationship between the nurse and the patient should start with the first evaluation. This is the first phase of the care process and therefore identifies any problems that affect the patient. This relationship depends on specific factors, including harmony, empathy, honesty, enthusiasm and positive attention. Castledine (2004) stated that patients should make informed decisions, avoid isolation and inhumanization, work as supporters of vulnerable patients, help to assess and resolve problems, and solve problems Patients who help help learn about new care and care methods for people in the changing world who are embarking on or conducting activities of daily living and human needs, teaching, promoting, and changing health education