NURS 4001 Assignments – Research and Scholarship Papers

NURS 4001 Assignments – Research and Scholarship Papers

NURS 4001 Assignments – Research and Scholarship Papers

This course focuses on the basic elements of the research process in discovery of new knowledge and models for applying evidence to inform clinical decisions and improve nursing practice and patient outcomes. Consideration is given to the ethical conduct of research and scholarly work as well as the nurse’s role in the collection, documentation, analysis, interpretation, dissemination, and utilization of research data.NURS 4001 – Research and Scholarship Assignment Papers.

This course focuses on the basic elements of the research process in discovery of new knowledge and models for applying evidence to inform clinical decisions and improve nursing practice and patient outcomes. Consideration is given to the ethical conduct of research and scholarly work as well as the nurse’s role in the collection, documentation, analysis, interpretation, dissemination, and utilization of research data. NURS 4001 Assignments – Research and Scholarship Papers.

NURS 4000 and NURS 4001 Research & Scholarship for Evidence-Based Practice Introduction to Weekly Tips

In NURS 4000/4001, you have weekly assignments that require specific writing skills. To make these skills easier to master, we have provided writing information based on this course’s particular weekly assignments. Click on the week (at the left of the screen) that corresponds with the current week of the course. Once you’ve clicked on the appropriate week, you will find definitions, resources, and useful tips to help you complete each assignment successfully!

Week 1: Brainstorm and Organize Your Paper

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NURS 4001 Assignments – Research and Scholarship Papers

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Welcome to the first week of your course!

For your application assignment, you must write a 4-5-page paper focusing on a significant clinical problem. Having trouble choosing a topic and getting started? Follow these suggestions:NURS 4001 – Research and Scholarship Assignment Papers.

Use a pre-formatted template. Go to the Writing Center and download the School of Nursing Sample Paper Template. Save it to your computer and then replace the current text (including the headings) with your own; the title page, running head, page numbers, and margin formatting are already done for you. You can use this template to start each application assignment.

Download the NURS 4000 Week 1 Application Rubric from the Course Info area of Blackboard. Keep it handy to ensure you are hitting the required components and using the correct headings. This rubric can act as an outline for the paper.NURS 4001 – Research and Scholarship Assignment Papers.
Brainstorm a problem that you have witnessed at your health care institution. You will be more engaged and write more effectively if you are genuinely interested in the issue you’ve chosen.
Build your paragraphs. Each paragraph should focus on one idea. This idea is expressed in a topic sentence, usually at the beginning. Add supporting details and analysis to develop and clarify that idea.

NURS 4000 and NURS 4001 Research & Scholarship for Evidence-Based Practice Week 2: Write a Comparison-Contrast

This week’s discussion helps you pinpoint the differences between scholarly and popular publications and evaluate their trustworthiness. Before starting to write your post, think about how you will structure your argument. NURS 4001 – Research and Scholarship Assignment Papers. For example, will you provide a brief summary of the publications first and then compare them? Will you list all the similarities and then all the differences?

See this tutorial on Comparing and Contrasting for help in crafting your comparison. You could even create a Venn diagram or comparison table to visualize how the publications differ and relate.

NURS 4000 and NURS 4001 Research & Scholarship for Evidence-Based Practice Week 3: Critically Read Articles

Writing a 5-6-page article summary and evaluation requires that you read very carefully. For this assignment, you need to choose two articles from the Week 3 Articles list. As you read each article, pay attention to the key details of author, research problem, study design, sample, and results. Jot down notes or highlight where these details can be found.NURS 4001 – Research and Scholarship Assignment Papers.

Remember: For this assignment, you must move beyond summary to assess each study’s strengths and weaknesses. In addition to thinking about key details then, ask yourself questions:

Is the article scholarly and current?
Is the design suited to the study’s problem and purpose?
Did researchers show bias?
Is the sample size appropriate?
Does the research exhibit (as applicable) credibility, transferability, dependability, confirmability, validity, and reliability?
See this page for more information on reading like a scholar.

NURS 4000 and NURS 4001 Research & Scholarship for Evidence-Based Practice Week 4: Write Your Rough Draft

You have a big project due in Week 5. Remember to get started on the assignment early so that you are not researching, reading, and writing all at the last minute.NURS 4001 – Research and Scholarship Assignment Papers.

Here are some tips for approaching this project:

Download the NURS 4000 Week 5 Application Rubric and use it as a guide.
Allow for a very rough draft.
If you find that you are not meeting the 6-7-page requirement, read through your current draft, noting
topics that you can split into subtopics
paragraphs that are underdeveloped (fewer than 3 sentences)
any evidence that you have not adequately explained
opportunities for additional library research
Include information from at least seven sources and give the authors credit.NURS 4001 – Research and Scholarship Assignment Papers.
Build in time for review and revision.

NURS 4000 and NURS 4001 Research & Scholarship for Evidence-Based Practice Week 5: Create a PowerPoint Presentation

Creating a successful PowerPoint presentation is different than writing a traditional discussion post. With slides, we need to think about image and color in addition to text. Read about the basics of design to make this week’s presentation informative and engaging for your colleagues. Also feel free to use this PowerPoint template for your slides.NURS 4001 – Research and Scholarship Assignment Papers.

NURS 4000 and NURS 4001 Research & Scholarship for Evidence-Based Practice Week 6: Use Detail and Evidence in Your Writing
Congratulations! You’ve almost reached the conclusion of the course. In Discussion 1, you are analyzing potential ethical violations in a case study. Remember to

Include enough details from the case that the reader can follow your argument.
Support your critique with evidence. Read and view the course resources to find evidence that answers the “why?” question. Why is something an ethical violation? Use “because” language to explain: This researcher violates ______ principles because ________.
Proofread your post for flow, grammar, and clarity.

NURS 4000 and NURS 4001 Research & Scholarship for Evidence-Based Practice

Welcome to your course guide

Please find your required library readings below. See the links on the left for library skills assignment support and writing tutor.

If you have problems with the links below, please contact the Library. If you have APA questions about these materials, please contact the Writing Center.NURS 4001 – Research and Scholarship Assignment Papers.

NURS 4001 Required Course Readings

After clicking on a citation below, enter your myWalden user name and password at the prompt.

Evidence-Based Nursing Practice

Meta Anderson

NURS 4000 5/ NURS-4001-5 Res/ Scholarship Evid-Based Practice

April 21, 2013

Pressure Ulcers are very serious, but common occurrences in healthcare in our older patients today. Millions of dollars are spent daily to prevent this occurrence. The purpose of this paper is to educate on the evidence based nursing practice surrounding pressure ulcers. NURS 4001 Assignments – Research and Scholarship Papers.

Practice Setting Problem

Pressure Ulcer is a breakdown of skin appears on the skin over a very thin or bony prominence where circulation is impaired. (Physical Examination &Health Assessment, p. 236). Usually occurs when a patient adult or child is confined for long periods of time to a bed, or is …show more content…
The implications for BSN-prepared nurses in addition to those of RNs with an associate degree or diploma are that the BSN-prepared nurses receive more education and developing skills and are able to work directly with the patient, having the time to do research and teach patients about their healthcare. They are able as BSN-prepared nurses to assure quality wound care and management to patients with pressure ulcers. The BSN-prepared nurses are trained in more theory and have more clinical hours and will be able to fully comprehend the importance of having evidence-based research. The BSN will be better prepared for patient care encompassing theory and beside care (Nursing Link Journal).NURS 4001 – Research and Scholarship Assignment Papers.

Impact on patients and/or a community

Pressure Ulcers affects patients the older patients due to the problem of immobility. A pressure ulcer causes the patient to suffer with pain, disfigurement, and prevents them from their daily life activities. The cost associated with pressure ulcers treatment exceeds $11 million in all health care settings. (Lippincott Nursing Center.Com). All the patients with pressure ulcers have to deal with pain, depression, infection and possible risk of immortality and morbidity is immeasurable. NURS 4001 Assignments – Research and Scholarship Papers.

Since the American Association of Colleges of Nursing’s (AACN’s) Position Statement on Defining Scholarship for the Discipline of Nursing was published in 1999, academic nursing leaders have been continually evaluating nursing education programs to ensure that they are preparing the next generation of nurses to meet the healthcare needs of the public. Along with the need to determine what constitutes high quality education, the time is right to reconsider the role of the faculty in an increasingly complex learning environment where research, teaching, practice, and service are all of crucial importance. In today’s academic setting, scholarship should be inclusive and applicable to scientists, as well as practice, education, and policy scholars.

A number of landmark reports issued since 1999 have propelled us to this new day. Building a safer, high-quality, high-value healthcare system has become the focus of all health professions following numerous reports from the Institute of Medicine (IOM, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2012). In 2004, the Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) was advanced in a position statement adopted by the AACN membership, which forever changed how the profession prepares nurses for the highest level of practice. Doctoral programs in nursing are now available for nurses seeking a terminal research or practice doctorate. NURS 4001 Assignments – Research and Scholarship Papers.

In 2010, the Institute of Medicine published a landmark study, The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health. The interdisciplinary committee recommended that nurses: 1) should practice to the full extent of their education and training; 2) should achieve higher levels of education and training through an improved education system that promotes seamless academic progression; 3) be full partners, with physicians and other healthcare professionals, in redesigning health care in the United States, and 4) engage in effective workforce planning and policy making that requires better data collection and an improved information infrastructure. As the recommendations were transitioned to action and policy, the need to expand access to baccalaureate through doctoral education for nurses accelerated.

In 2016, AACN released Advancing Healthcare Transformation: A New Era for Academic Nursing, a report that provides recommendations for enhancing nursing’s contributions to improving healthcare delivery and the health of the nation. The report advanced a new definition for “academic nursing”:

Encompassing the integration of practice, education, and research within baccalaureate and graduate schools of nursing. Faculty engaged in academic nursing demonstrate a commitment to inquiry, generate new knowledge for the discipline, connect practice with education, and lead scholarly pursuits that improve health and health care (AACN, 2016a). NURS 4001 Assignments – Research and Scholarship Papers.

As the need for academic and clinical partnerships has intensified, so has the demand for doctoral education for advancing practice and nursing scholarship. The paradigm shift to a broader definition ensures that academic nursing scholarship is at the highest level of scholarly endeavor.NURS 4001 – Research and Scholarship Assignment Papers.

The mission of the Center for Nursing Research (CNR) at HBSON is to support and facilitate the development of nurse scientists and their research.

The Goals of the CNR:

Foster a sustainable culture of scholarship
Develop an infrastructure to support and disseminate nursing research
Facilitate inter-professional research collaboration
Engage students in the research process
The Center for Nursing Research (CNR) at Hunter College is evidence of the high value the School and the College place on the development of nurse researchers. The CNR offers support to faculty in all stages of the research process, from conceptualization of research design through obtaining funding, implementation of the research project, data analysis and publication of findings.

Opportunities are provided for students to participate in research with faculty as research assistants. The Center assists students in the preparation of research posters for presentation at nursing conferences and the CNR annual Evidence-Based Practice Poster Day.

Hunter-Bellevue School of Nursing is a partner in a major research consortium of the Weill Cornell Medical College Clinical and Translational Science Center (CTSC). The mission of the CTSC is to provide an environment that allows optimal use of our considerable multi-institutional assets and the diversity of our patient population to move translational research seamlessly from bench to bedside and to the community. NURS 4001 Assignments – Research and Scholarship Papers.

The CTSC acts as a conduit through which essential resources, technological tools and education programs for all partners can be efficiently shared and managed. The multi-institutional consortium includes The Weill Cornell Graduate School of Medical Sciences, New York Presbyterian Hospital, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, the Hospital for Special Surgery, the Hunter College School of Nursing, the Hunter College Center for Translational and Basic Research and the Cornell University Cooperative Extension in New York City.

Evidence-based nursing (EBN) means using the best available evidence from research, along with patient preferences and clinical experience, when making nursing decisions.1 Nurses are increasingly concerned about ensuring that care is research based, and EBN offers a strategy to help nurses achieve this goal by using 5 steps:

Step 1: reflecting on practice and identifying areas of uncertainty

Step 2: translating these areas of uncertainty into focused, searchable questions2

Step 3: searching the literature for studies that use appropriate designs to help answer the question3–6

Step 4: critically appraising the research

Step 5: changing practice if the research suggests this is necessary.

Previous Notebooks in Evidence-Based Nursing that have described the process of EBN 2–6 were written with busy clinical nurses in mind. The next series of Notebooks will explore step 4 in detail—how to assess whether research findings are valid and appropriate for clinical application. NURS 4001 Assignments – Research and Scholarship Papers.

The volume of healthcare literature has been described in graphic terms. Did you know, for example, that Medline has indexed more than 9 million citations in more than 4,000 journals since 1966?7 Clearly, no individual practitioner can read this volume of research; nor should they try, as only a small proportion of it is of good quality. The trick to keeping abreast of the latest research is to quickly filter the good from the bad. For example, staff of the evidence-based journals office recently calculated that of 136 journals read for 4 evidence-based journals (Evidence-Based Nursing, Evidence-Based Mental Health, Evidence-Based Medicine, and ACP Journal Club), an estimated 8% of 21 100 articles passed evidence-based methodologic filters (personal communication, A McKibbon, 20 Mar 2000).

Anyone who has designed or implemented a research study knows that it can be difficult to do well. Researchers, like the rest of us, like to spread “news” and may exaggerate the importance and strength of the findings of their own research.NURS 4001 – Research and Scholarship Assignment Papers. The clinician is faced with the challenge of filtering the thousands of articles published each year into manageable information. This challenge is increased because researchers are notoriously bad at communicating in a language that is accessible to anybody other than researchers. It is not surprising that time and again, nurses tell researchers that they find it extremely difficult, if not impossible to use research findings in their practice. NURS 4001 Assignments – Research and Scholarship Papers.

But don’t despair! EBN is possible because (1) there are now a number of clinical evidence sources which present appraised and summarised research for clinicians; (2) good search strategies can identify research that has used an appropriate design to answer your particular clinical question; and (3) critical appraisal is easy to learn, becomes easier with practice, and may be made easier with the Users’ Guides series, which will appear in upcoming issues of Evidence-Based Nursing.

Sources of pre-appraised clinical evidence

Clinicians are no longer expected to fend for themselves when trying to deal with the huge volume of research literature. Systematic reviews, for example, are summaries of all the research on a particular topic. An international collaboration, the Cochrane Collaboration, produces and disseminates high quality systematic reviews, and even more importantly, keeps them up to date as new studies become available.NURS 4001 – Research and Scholarship Assignment Papers. The Cochrane Library (available on CD-ROM and via the Internet at is probably the most important source of reliable information about health care anywhere in the world. The Library contains systematic reviews prepared by Cochrane review groups and others, and a large database of clinical trials.3

Journals such as Evidence-Based Nursing, Evidence-Based Mental Health, and Evidence-Based Medicine summarise the most valid and clinically applicable research selected from the international research literature. NURS 4001 Assignments – Research and Scholarship Papers. High quality studies and systematic reviews are identified using explicit methodologic criteria and then summarised in the form of structured abstracts. This approach differs from “current awareness” services, which serve to merely announce potentially interesting new research; evidence-based journals use an explicit, quality filtering process to identify only those studies of high methodologic quality. The structured abstracts provide a brief summary of the research question, study design, methods, and main results and the accompanying commentaries help us to interpret the study findings and to suggest how they might be applied in clinical practice.

Clinical Evidence is a new publication that produces and updates rigorous summaries of the research on many common conditions, including, for example, child health and wound care.8

Sensitive and specific search strategies

Databases such as Medline and CINAHL provide electronic access to the healthcare literature, but they index letters, editorials, and general articles as well as primary studies and systematic reviews. Furthermore, high quality studies and reviews comprise an extremely small proportion of the indexed literature.NURS 4001 – Research and Scholarship Assignment Papers. The trick to searching these databases to find studies to answer your clinical questions lies in using search strategies that have maximum sensitivity (ie, identify a high proportion of the valid and relevant studies) and specificity (ie, do not identify many irrelevant studies). For example, the best single term Medline search to find studies that are likely to have used an appropriate design to evaluate a therapy or intervention is “clinical trial (publication type)”.4 Of course, any primary studies identified through searches of Medline, CINAHL, or other databases must be appraised for validity and applicability using the critical appraisal techniques that will be addressed in the remainder of this users’ guide and the series that follows. NURS 4001 Assignments – Research and Scholarship Papers.

Critical appraisal

Imagine that you have recently been promoted to a new role in your hospital and that you have responsibility for practice development on the medical wards. For the first time in your career you are able to set aside time in your week for reading and keeping abreast of new research—you think you have about 3 hours each week and are keen to use those 3 hours as efficiently has possible. The library is full of medical and nursing journals, but how do you start?NURS 4001 – Research and Scholarship Assignment Papers.

One suggestion is that you start by gathering a list of frequently asked questions (FAQs); that is, those questions you often ask yourself during your clinical work, and those often asked by your colleagues. For example:

Is it safe for patients with diabetes to inject insulin directly through their clothing without skin cleansing?NURS 4001 – Research and Scholarship Assignment Papers.

Is it useful to give dietary supplements to critically ill patients on your ward?

Should you be educating and counselling patients who have had a myocardial infarction, while they are still in hospital?

If you apply what you have learned about asking answerable questions to the first question in your list, it becomes2:

Is it effective and safe for patients with diabetes to inject insulin through clothing compared with the standard technique of skin cleansing and injection? NURS 4001 Assignments – Research and Scholarship Papers.

The most important lesson to learn about filtering your reading is to read only studies or reviews that have used an appropriate design to answer your particular question. The question about insulin injection is a question of whether a particular treatment (ie, injection of insulin through clothing) is effective and whether it is safe. In an earlier EBN notebook, we learned that randomised controlled trials (RCTs) are the strongest research design for answering this type of question. Systematic reviews of RCTs are better still as they summarise all the RCTs done on a particular topic.5 Searching Medline using PubMed on the Internet (a free service that can be found at with the terms insulin AND inject* AND cloth* AND clinical trial identifies 2 papers, one of which is a report of a study that appears to directly address our question. NURS 4001 Assignments – Research and Scholarship Papers.

The next step is to look at the study or review and decide whether it is valid and clinically applicable. Some of our medical colleagues have developed an excellent series of Users’ Guides to the Medical Literature, and we intend to use these guides as a basis for this series.9 As you might expect, separate guides exist for different types of clinical questions, as each is best answered using a specific study design. NURS 4001 – Research and Scholarship Assignment Papers. Regardless of the type of study, the clinician should always ask whether the results of the study are valid—that is, is the way the study was done likely to give a true result? The criteria to look for under this broad heading of validity vary, depending on whether the question is about treatment, prognosis, harm, or about understanding complex phenomena, such as feelings or perceptions. The validity checks can be applied quickly, and with a little practice, you will be able to decide efficiently whether to read a paper at all (on the principle that if the methods are not valid, there is no point in reading the paper). For example, the filtering question for a clinical question about whether a treatment works or not is was the assignment of patients to treatments randomised? If a study fails the basic filtering question, you will need to consider carefully whether or not to read it as it is not likely to direct your practice safely.

This approach to filtering your reading helps to keep the amount you do have to read to a manageable amount. If a study passes the validity filtering question and warrants a more detailed review, then there are further questions to help you determine the study validity with greater confidence, and others to help you tease out what the results of the study really mean, and whether they apply to your patients.

Returning to your question of injecting insulin through clothing, a search of Medline on PubMed would have identified a paper by Fleming and colleagues, which compared insulin injection through clothing with conventional techniques.10 Better still, a search through back copies of Evidence-Based Nursing would have identified that the Fleming study had been summarised in a structured abstract, accompanied by a commentary that addressed the question of clinical applicability. NURS 4001 Assignments – Research and Scholarship Papers. The answer seems to be that injecting insulin through clothing appears to be as safe as conventional techniques and more convenient.11

NURS 4001 Assignments – Research and Scholarship Papers


To make the most efficient use of the limited time available to keep abreast of clinical evidence, we should filter our reading so as to read only studies or reviews that are likely to provide valid results to our focused clinical questions. We should always look for high quality systematic reviews on a topic for which the author has already identified, appraised, and summarised the relevant studies. Other sources of pre-appraised research, such as the evidence-based journals and Clinical Evidence, can also save us work. Where pre-appraised research is not available or up to date, simple critical appraisal questions can help us to rapidly filter the useful studies from those that contain useless or even harmful information, and help us make decisions about clinical applicability. The figure⇓ summarises this approach to reading. Critical appraisal checklists for use in appraising different study designs will form the basis of future users’ guides. NURS 4001 Assignments – Research and Scholarship Papers.

Avacare, founded in 2001, is a healthcare company providing Kenya with various healthcare related products and solutions. From the birth of Avacare, we have grown our staff from 2 to 21 focusing on areas such as marketing, regulatory and distribution of various healthcare products.

We are a company passionate about healthcare and caring for people’s health in all walks of life. Apart from our passion for healthcare we have a firm belief in the importance of medical education and the benefits thereof to the healthcare sector in the country. Following on this belief we have partnered with many medical associations within a varierty of events and conferences over the course of the past few years. We remain committed and passionate about supporting medical education. NURS 4001 Assignments – Research and Scholarship Papers.

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We care about our people and their health, which is why we are empowering our medical and healthcare professionals
Medical CPD Journals
The well-being of our people is of utmost importance to us and therefore encourage our medical and healthcare professionals to stay up to date with the latest developments and trends within the healthcare sector. This will result in high quality patient care and service delivery. NURS 4001 Assignments – Research and Scholarship Papers.

We therefore support the notion of continuous professional development (CPD) for all healthcare professionals and because of this we sponsor the access to an extensive range of online medical journals. Kenya’s healthcare professionals will have access to over 130 peer-reviewed and CPD accredited medical journals. These journals are from the foremost medical publishers on the MPC CPD Education and Compliance Platform. MPC is the leading online CPD management and education system in African and our partners on this initiative.

MPC CPD Education platform
The MPC CPD Education platform will provide healthcare professionals with:

An all-inclusive online medical education solution that range from medical journals and single CPD course, to various medical short courses and registered qualifications.

Innovative CPD management services and solutions that assist healthcare professionals to effectively manage their professional development requirements and lead them to CPD compliance. NURS 4001 Assignments – Research and Scholarship Papers.

Evidence-Based Nursing systematically searches a wide range of international medical journals applying strict criteria for the validity of research and relevance to best nursing practice. Content is critically appraised then the most relevant articles are summarised into a succinct expert commentary focusing on the papers key findings and implications for clinical practice.

Evidence-Based Nursing is looking for authors to write commentaries for the journal. Authors need not have a PhD, but they should have experience in writing papers. We are also happy to commission less experienced authors if you have a more experienced colleague you can write with. Authors will ideally be nurses or midwives, but other healthcare professionals may register their interest.

The aim of a commentary is to discuss, in no more than 800 words:

The context of the problem addressed by the paper
A brief description and critique of the methods, results & conclusions
implications for practice
How the results fit in with what is currently known in the field
You can read free examples of a commentary on a research paper here and a commentary on a systematic review here. NURS 4001 Assignments – Research and Scholarship Papers.

To register your interest, please fill in the form here.

Please note that Personal data provided by you will be treated in accordance with BMJ’s Privacy Notice

You may also wish to use the language editing and translation services provided by BMJ Author Services. If your article is accepted you can take advantage of BMJ’s partnership with Kudos, a free service to help you maximise your article’s reach.

Editorial policy
Article publishing charges

Editorial policy
Evidence-Based Nursing adheres to the highest standards concerning its editorial policies on publication ethics, scientific misconduct, consent and peer review criteria. The journal follows guidance produced by bodies that include the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), the World Association of Medical Editors (WAME) and the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE).To view all BMJ Journal policies please refer to the BMJ Author Hub policies page. NURS 4001 Assignments – Research and Scholarship Papers.

We take seriously all possible misconduct. If an Editor, author or reader has concerns that a submitted article describes something that might be considered to constitute misconduct in research, publication or professional behaviour they should forward their concerns to the journal. The publisher will deal with allegations appropriately.

Articles are published under an exclusive licence or non-exclusive licence for UK Crown employees or where BMJ has agreed CC BY applies. For US Federal Government officers or employees acting as part of their official duties, the terms are as stated in accordance with our licence terms. Authors or their employers retain copyright. Open access articles can be reused under the terms of the relevant Creative Commons licence to facilitate reuse of the content; please refer to the Evidence-Based Nursing Author Licence for the applicable Creative Commons licences. More information on copyright and authors’ rights.

As the author you may wish to post your article in a PrePrint service, institutional or subject repository or a scientific social sharing network. For more information on author self archiving and rights to reuse content – which are dependent on the licence you have obtained – please refer to the BMJ author self archiving and permissions policies page.

Article publishing charges

During submission, authors can choose to have their article published open access for 1,950 GBP (exclusive of VAT for UK and EU authors). There are no submission, page or online-only colour figure charges. NURS 4001 Assignments – Research and Scholarship Papers.

For more information on open access, funder compliance and institutional programmes please refer to the BMJ Author Hub open access page.

The BMJ Publishing Group journals are willing to consider publishing supplements to regular issues. Supplement proposals may be made at the request of:

The journal editor, an editorial board member or a learned society may wish to organise a meeting, sponsorship may be sought and the proceedings published as a supplement.
The journal editor, editorial board member or learned society may wish to commission a supplement on a particular theme or topic. Again, sponsorship may be sought.

The BMJPG itself may have proposals for supplements where sponsorship may be necessary.
A sponsoring organisation, often a pharmaceutical company or a charitable foundation, that wishes to arrange a meeting, the proceedings of which will be published as a supplement.
In all cases, it is vital that the journal’s integrity, independence and academic reputation is not compromised in any way. NURS 4001 Assignments – Research and Scholarship Papers.

For further information on criteria that must be fulfilled, download the supplements guidelines.

When contacting us regarding a potential supplement, please include as much of the information below as possible.

Journal in which you would like the supplement published
Title of supplement and/or meeting on which it is based
Date of meeting on which it is based
Proposed table of contents with provisional article titles and proposed authors
An indication of whether authors have agreed to participate
Sponsor information including any relevant deadlines
An indication of the expected length of each paper Guest Editor proposals if appropriate

Prerequisite: Admission to the nursing program, successful completion of all Area A-f courses and all first year nursing courses: NURS 3000, NURS 3010, NURS 3020, NURS 3040, NURS 3030, NURS 3021,NURS 3050, NURS 3031

According to the Global Burden of Disease Study (2010, 2013) an unhealthy diet is a leading risk for non-communicable diseases (NCDs) such as obesity, hypertension, heart disease, stroke diabetes, cancer, and kidney disease around the world. An estimated 40% of deaths from NCDs can be attributed to dietary factors such as excess intakes of sodium, saturated fats, and sugar-sweetened beverages as well as lack of fruits and vegetables. NURS 4001 Assignments – Research and Scholarship Papers. This international (I) course elective provides opportunities for learners to explore their own cultural values, beliefs, and practices surrounding food, nutrition, and health compared to values, beliefs, and practices of various cultures. Additionally. learners will investigate global issues related to nutrition and health such as food security, sustainable agriculture, under nutrition, healthy diets, and health policy while participating in initiatives to promote nutrition and health within the context of a cultural immersion experience.

Evidence-Based Nursing systematically searches a wide range of international medical journals applying strict criteria for the validity of research and relevance to best nursing practice. Content is critically appraised then the most relevant articles are summarised into a succinct expert commentary focusing on the papers key findings and implications for clinical practice.

Evidence-Based Nursing is looking for authors to write commentaries for the journal. Authors need not have a PhD, but they should have experience in writing papers. We are also happy to commission less experienced authors if you have a more experienced colleague you can write with. Authors will ideally be nurses or midwives, but other healthcare professionals may register their interest.

The aim of a commentary is to discuss, in no more than 800 words:

The context of the problem addressed by the paper
A brief description and critique of the methods, results & conclusions
implications for practice
How the results fit in with what is currently known in the field
You can read free examples of a commentary on a research paper here and a commentary on a systematic review here.NURS 4001 – Research and Scholarship Assignment Papers.

To register your interest, please fill in the form here.

Please note that Personal data provided by you will be treated in accordance with BMJ’s Privacy Notice

You may also wish to use the language editing and translation services provided by BMJ Author Services. If your article is accepted you can take advantage of BMJ’s partnership with Kudos, a free service to help you maximise your article’s reach. NURS 4001 Assignments – Research and Scholarship Papers.

Editorial policy
Article publishing charges

Editorial policy

Evidence-Based Nursing adheres to the highest standards concerning its editorial policies on publication ethics, scientific misconduct, consent and peer review criteria. The journal follows guidance produced by bodies that include the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), the World Association of Medical Editors (WAME) and the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE).To view all BMJ Journal policies please refer to the BMJ Author Hub policies page.

We take seriously all possible misconduct. If an Editor, author or reader has concerns that a submitted article describes something that might be considered to constitute misconduct in research, publication or professional behaviour they should forward their concerns to the journal. The publisher will deal with allegations appropriately. NURS 4001 Assignments – Research and Scholarship Papers.

Articles are published under an exclusive licence or non-exclusive licence for UK Crown employees or where BMJ has agreed CC BY applies. For US Federal Government officers or employees acting as part of their official duties, the terms are as stated in accordance with our licence terms. Authors or their employers retain copyright. Open access articles can be reused under the terms of the relevant Creative Commons licence to facilitate reuse of the content; please refer to the Evidence-Based Nursing Author Licence for the applicable Creative Commons licences. More information on copyright and authors’ rights.

As the author you may wish to post your article in a PrePrint service, institutional or subject repository or a scientific social sharing network. For more information on author self archiving and rights to reuse content – which are dependent on the licence you have obtained – please refer to the BMJ author self archiving and permissions policies page. NURS 4001 Assignments – Research and Scholarship Papers.

Article publishing charges

During submission, authors can choose to have their article published open access for 1,950 GBP (exclusive of VAT for UK and EU authors). There are no submission, page or online-only colour figure charges.

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NURS 4001 Assignments – Research and Scholarship Papers


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Many parents experience breastfeeding problems in the early days after having a baby. Breastfeeding (Lactation) Counselors have the opportunity to make a real difference to the families they work with. Breastfeeding counselor training will enable you to assist clients to overcome breastfeeding difficulties, building a close relationship with those you are working with, and knowing that with your support, you can help a parent and baby gain the benefits of breastfeeding. Whether you want to become a Breastfeeding Counselor on its own or take your first step towards the IBCLC certification, this ANCC accredited course will provide you with the knowledge, tools, and skills to achieve your goals!

Being a Breastfeeding Counselor brings you into a family at a time when they may be struggling. Whether you’re helping a new parent learn how to latch her baby on, or working intensively someone who’s trying to overcome mastitis, your role will be a crucial one. At CBI we make sure you have a thorough grounding in all these areas and more. You’ll also have support and guidance from your trainer, and from our network of breastfeeding counselors around the world. NURS 4001 Assignments – Research and Scholarship Papers.

Much of your work as a Breastfeeding Counselor will be listening to the clients you work with and truly supporting them. As a student you’ll develop strong communication skills, learning the important skills of reflective practice and effective and active listening. During this online training program, you will develop strong skills in using the counseling process to help clients feel supported and heard. You’ll also cover all the business aspects – how to build your client base, paperwork, forms and legal issues, advertising and promoting your business.

Join our Facebook group to learn more about options for Breastfeeding Counselor training and certification: Becoming a Lactation Consultant

Fast Facts
Course Fees
Certification: Certified Breastfeeding Counselor (CBC)

Duration: 10-15 months

Time Limit: None

Delivery: Online

Cost: From $905 or 5 payments of $191

Refunds: Full refund within 2 days, less administration fee ($50)

Prerequisites: None

IBCLC: Provides the 90 hours required for IBCLC

Let’s Get Started!

Breastfeeding Counselor versus Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) – what is the difference? (popup window)

IBCLC pathways – compare the pathways (PDF)

Five Payments
US$ 199
per month for 5 months
Pay over five easy monthly installments with online access immediately and your paper manuals will be sent to you when the final payment is made. Monthly payments include an admin fee of $10. NURS 4001 Assignments – Research and Scholarship Papers.
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One Payment
US$ 945
Single Payment
Pay one single payment and receive your paper manuals as well as online access through the student website.
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Green Option
US$ 905
one payment
Be gentle on the environment! Complete your course online and save money and trees! The Green Option is also available in monthly installments for $191 per month for 5 months. NURS 4001 Assignments – Research and Scholarship Papers.
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Read payment plan terms and conditions

Course Syllabus
No other breastfeeding counselor course makes it as easy to complete your certification, while covering such a depth of topics. In addition to the counseling skills required as a Breastfeeding Counselor , we also focus on strengthening your knowledge base of the physiology of lactation, developing communication skills, and provide a strong foundation in preparation for the IBCLC exam.

During your training you’ll cover four main topic areas:

Communication Skills
Physiology of Lactation
Being a Breastfeeding Counselor
Building Your Business
Take a look at the topics below that are covered in your Breastfeeding Counselor training. If you prefer to read it later, you can download the syllabus.

Communication Skills

Enhancing your communication skills enables you to build strong relationships with clients and caregivers alike. Many of you will work in challenging environments. During the course, you’ll explore these challenges and develop skills in building relationships with caregivers, without compromising your professionalism or your client’s wishes.NURS 4001 – Research and Scholarship Assignment Papers.

At the heart of every CBI training and certification program is reflective practice. But what exactly is “reflective practice”?

At its simplest, reflective practice is looking at what you’ve done, or didn’t do, and reflecting on it. In relation to CBI training, though, it’s so much more. Reflective practice is about examining choices and decisions, considering them from different perspectives, thinking about alternatives, learning from them, and then applying that learning to your work. It demonstrates best practice in continuing education, increases confidence and professionalism. It’s an incredibly valuable skill that you can pass on to your clients and help them to assimilate their experiences. NURS 4001 Assignments – Research and Scholarship Papers.

All CBI training programs have an ongoing reflective practice focus. In every assignment you submit, this will be evaluated by your trainer, providing you with feedback on this aspect and help you to see your own growth in this area. You’ll be encouraged to reflect on the language you use, your participation in discussions and how you approach every aspect of your work.

At the end of this module, you’ll write a reflective essay that will be reviewed by your trainer who’ll provide feedback and assessment.

Topics in this module
effective communication
language and communication
active listening skills
reflective practice and debriefing
diversity & cultural humility
evidence-based care and informed choice
grief and loss
professional practice
perspective and recognition
Being a Breastfeeding Counselor

Develop your hands-on skills as a Breastfeeding Counselor, enabling you to provide the best care possible. You’ll learn how to use the counseling process to really hear clients and guide them through finding solutions to their breastfeeding problems. You’ll examine the social and cultural influences on breastfeeding, and explore the formula industry and its impact on breastfeeding rates across the world. During this module, you’ll provide reviews on three books, a survey, evaluations of the support hours you’ve provided, and answer a series of case study questions. These will all be reviewed and assessed by your trainer. This module has been mapped to the IBCLC Exam Blueprint. NURS 4001 Assignments – Research and Scholarship Papers.

Topics in this module
recognizing perspectives on birth and parenting
the role of a breastfeeding counselor
using the counseling process
counseling tools
teaching breastfeeding classes
the social and cultural context of breastfeeding
the formula industry and the WHO code
parenting and breastfeeding
working towards IBCLC certification
working as a breastfeeding counselor
Physiology of Lactation

Gain a thorough understanding of the anatomy and physiology of lactation. All student materials are focused on evidence-based care. Evidence-based means medical care that is based on sound research. The opinions and thoughts of experts on breastfeeding are referred to throughout your student manuals – it’s important to hear the views of others in the field to build your own knowledge base. At the end of this module, you’ll complete the online, open-book tests to assess your learning. You’ll also submit a reflective evaluation of this module which will be reviewed and assessed by your trainer. This module has been mapped to the IBCLC Exam Blueprint. NURS 4001 Assignments – Research and Scholarship Papers.

Topics in this module
physiology of lactation
breast and infant anatomy
infant growth and development
positioning and latching
early weeks of breastfeeding
breastfeeding problems
health problems in the baby
illness in the mother
breastfeeding a premature baby
breastfeeding in special circumstances
medications and toxins
moving beyond breastfeeding
equipment and supplies
Building Your Business

The Building Your Business module provides you with everything you need to know about starting up, or growing, your business. We take away the daunting aspects of running a business and help you to find strategies to get started. With this in mind, our easy step-by-step process will soon have you on track with a business plan (that you understand!) and all the documentation you need for success.

This is an optional module and does not include any assignments. However, some students prefer to have more guidance. For this reason, we offer three different mentorship options that you can choose from.

Topics in this module
becoming a birth and parenting professional
determine your personal and business goals
learn marketing strategies such as segmentation, targeting, and positioning
develop a customer profile
analyze your competitors
determine your unique selling point
identify ways to broaden your products and services
develop your brand
learn the basics of website design
develop a social media strategy
determine your advertising approach
learn how to carry out financial analysis and avoid debt
understand the different options for a legal business structure
time management and ways to deal with work stresses

I enjoyed that I could work at my own pace and go back to recover information as needed. I enjoyed the challenge of this course. There is so much to know about breastfeeding and I really appreciate that the manual covered so much information. NURS 4001 Assignments – Research and Scholarship Papers.
I really enjoyed the hands on of helping other women learn and also enjoyed learning from them. The thanks from a mother who has finally gotten her baby to latch on and nurse is incredibly gratifying.
I feel like at the end of this course, particularly after working on the case studies, I understand so much more that the word ‘counselor’ in the title of breastfeeding counselor is incredibly important. We are not there only to educate mothers about the technical elements of breastfeeding (although that is part of what we do). We are there also to listen and help mothers to find their own breastfeeding path. This is so much more than a physical act; breastfeeding is emotional, and it’s important to support and validate those emotions.

Stefanie, WA, USA

All the trainers I had contact with, and especially my own trainer, spoke with such kindness and genuine caring towards the progress and growth of my course. I’ve studied at my own pace in the past with different colleges, but with Childbirth International trainers never did I once feel unsupported or ignored.

Carla, WA, Australia

I loved getting a new view on breastfeeding. As a medical doctor, unfortunately the teaching about breastfeeding is very sparse and students are not taught to teach breastfeeding to patients. This often leads to a vicious cycle of the doctor prescribing antibiotics for mastitis without taking care of the underlying issue. I feel having completed this course will hopefully give me a niche market of clients that want the medical view as well as the breastfeeding counselling. I am so happy I have broadened my horizon with this course and deepended my knowledge about breastfeeding in general. During training I have already managed to make a difference to some women and their babies and it was very rewarding. It feels very good to have an impact on the start a mother and baby get to their breastfeeding experience, since the first few weeks are most crucial. This training will give my career the turn I was hoping for and let me work closely with mothers and babies. NURS 4001 Assignments – Research and Scholarship Papers.

Sharon, London, UK (Doctor)

I enjoyed how much it pushed me. Learning about breastfeeding is absolutely amazing. I’m not sure I will ever be satiated with what I currently know, but always be seeking to gain more insight. The case studies really pushed me, from having a book knowledge, to applying it to real life situations. They were hard, but so helpful in understanding how to dialogue with women in various breastfeeding situations.

Amy, Singapore

Throughout my training, I have learned how to listen better, be more compassionate, and follow a mom’s cues in supporting her and how she wants to feed her baby. As important as the informational part of this course is, the communications portion has been VITAL. That goes for all of my courses! But especially in breastfeeding, as it can be such a sensitive area, I learned that my approach really sets the tone in how a mom feels about breastfeeding. And how she feels about it truly is a determining factor in whether or not she decides to continue on or seek alternative feeding methods. NURS 4001 Assignments – Research and Scholarship Papers.

Emilie, Kansas, USA

Questions About Breastfeeding Counselor Training

Is this course accredited or recognized?

Yes!! Childbirth International Training is accredited with distinction as a provider of continuing nursing education by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. We are the only doula training organization to have been accredited with distinction by the ANCC. Your final certificate will show the continuing education hours and can be used for any organization that recognizes ANCC continuing nurse education hours. Read more about our accreditation.

Do you have discounts or scholarships available??
We do not offer scholarships at this point in time. We do, however, have a number of discounts. Existing students and graduates receive a 15% discount on all subsequent courses that they purchase. If you purchase more than one course together, a discount of 15-25% is available. We offer group discounts for friends or work colleagues who register for the same course together. Our Green option allows you to reduce the cost of training by working online. In addition, we have payment plans available to enable you to pay for your course over five months. NURS 4001 Assignments – Research and Scholarship Papers

Do I have to have breastfed to be a Breastfeeding Counselor?
Not at all! Your training will provide you with the knowledge you need to support breastfeeding parents. We have students who have never given birth, or who chose not, or were unable to, breastfeed.NURS 4001 – Research and Scholarship Assignment Papers.

After I have finished the course, can I become an IBCLC?
You can use CBI’s Breastfeeding Counselor course for the 90 hours of lactation specific education required for IBCLC certification – many of our students have done just that! You will still need to meet the other requirements as stipulated by the IBLCE. You can read more about IBCLC requirements on the IBLCE website.

Will I be able to find a job working in a hospital or clinic?
That will depend on the requirements that the hospital or clinic determine. Many of our graduates have gone on to work in healthcare settings. Sometimes an organization will require the IBCLC designation, while others will be looking for an individual who has completed a set amount of lactation specific education.

How much can I earn as a Breastfeeding Counselor?
That will depend on how you decide to establish your business and the clients that you work with. Generally, a Breastfeeding Counselor charges by the hour and may charge anything from $25-$100 per hour. Sometimes they might offer packages of a fixed number of visits. NURS 4001 Assignments – Research and Scholarship Papers.

Can I provide documentation of clients I supported before I started the course?
The client support that you provide (30 hours in total) must have taken place after you started your training with CBI. You can use hours on telephone and email support (up to four hours), as well as facilitating breastfeeding support groups or running childbirth classes (up to six hours).NURS 4001 – Research and Scholarship Assignment Papers.

Do I have to recertify or pay membership fees?
We don’t require you to pay membership and recertification fees in order to stay certified. We provide training – and we’re really good at it! Similar to a university program, you deserve to have your hard work acknowledged for life! We’re not going to charge you every three years to prove that you still have the knowledge and skills that you built. We also will not charge you to continue to belong to CBI – your membership is lifelong.

If you need to show recertification in order to belong to a local organization you can do so – you just submit the required documents for proof, we will review them and reissue your certification – showing it is a recertification. And we’ll do this for a minimum fee that just covers our costs.

This course focuses on the basic elements of the research process in discovery of new knowledge and models for applying evidence to inform clinical decisions and improve nursing practice and patient outcomes. Consideration is given to the ethical conduct of research and scholarly work as well as the nurse’s role in the collection, documentation, analysis, interpretation, dissemination, and utilization of research data.

Practice Introduction to Weekly Tips

In NURS 4000/4001, you have weekly assignments that require specific writing skills. To make these skills easier to master, we have provided writing information based on this course’s particular weekly assignments. Click on the week (at the left of the screen) that corresponds with the current week of the course. Once you’ve clicked on the appropriate week, you will find definitions, resources, and useful tips to help you complete each assignment successfully! NURS 4001 – Research and Scholarship for Evidence-Based Practice Paper.

Week 1: Brainstorm and Organize Your Paper

Welcome to the first week of your course!

For your application assignment, you must write a 4-5-page paper focusing on a significant clinical problem. Having trouble choosing a topic and getting started? Follow these suggestions:

Use a pre-formatted template. Go to the Writing Center and download the School of Nursing Sample Paper Template. Save it to your computer and then replace the current text (including the headings) with your own; the title page, running head, page numbers, and margin formatting are already done for you. You can use this template to start each application assignment.

Download the NURS 4000 Week 1 Application Rubric from the Course Info area of Blackboard. Keep it handy to ensure you are hitting the required components and using the correct headings. This rubric can act as an outline for the paper.

Brainstorm a problem that you have witnessed at your health care institution. You will be more engaged and write more effectively if you are genuinely interested in the issue you’ve chosen. NURS 4001 – Research and Scholarship for Evidence-Based Practice Paper.

Build your paragraphs. Each paragraph should focus on one idea. This idea is expressed in a topic sentence, usually at the beginning. Add supporting details and analysis to develop and clarify that idea.

Practice Week 2: Write a Comparison-Contrast

This week’s discussion helps you pinpoint the differences between scholarly and popular publications and evaluate their trustworthiness. Before starting to write your post, think about how you will structure your argument. For example, will you provide a brief summary of the publications first and then compare them? Will you list all the similarities and then all the differences?

See this tutorial on Comparing and Contrasting for help in crafting your comparison. You could even create a Venn diagram or comparison table to visualize how the publications differ and relate. NURS 4001 Assignments – Research and Scholarship Papers

Practice Week 3: Critically Read Articles

Writing a 5-6-page article summary and evaluation requires that you read very carefully. For this assignment, you need to choose two articles from the Week 3 Articles list. As you read each article, pay attention to the key details of author, research problem, study design, sample, and results. Jot down notes or highlight where these details can be found.

Remember: For this assignment, you must move beyond summary to assess each study’s strengths and weaknesses. In addition to thinking about key details then, ask yourself questions:

Is the article scholarly and current?
Is the design suited to the study’s problem and purpose?
Did researchers show bias?
Is the sample size appropriate?
Does the research exhibit (as applicable) credibility, transferability, dependability, confirmability, validity, and reliability?
See this page for more information on reading like a scholar. NURS 4001 Assignments – Research and Scholarship Papers

Practice Week 4: Write Your Rough Draft

You have a big project due in Week 5. Remember to get started on the assignment early so that you are not researching, reading, and writing all at the last minute.

Here are some tips for approaching this project:

Download the NURS 4000 Week 5 Application Rubric and use it as a guide.
Allow for a very rough draft.
If you find that you are not meeting the 6-7-page requirement, read through your current draft, noting
topics that you can split into subtopics
paragraphs that are underdeveloped (fewer than 3 sentences)
any evidence that you have not adequately explained
opportunities for additional library research
Include information from at least seven sources and give the authors credit.
Build in time for review and revision.
Creating a successful PowerPoint presentation is different than writing a traditional discussion post. With slides, we need to think about image and color in addition to text. Read about the basics of design to make this week’s presentation informative and engaging for your colleagues. Also feel free to use this PowerPoint template for your slides. NURS 4001 Assignments – Research and Scholarship Papers

Practice Week 6: Use Detail and Evidence in Your Writing

Congratulations! You’ve almost reached the conclusion of the course. In Discussion 1, you are analyzing potential ethical violations in a case study. Remember to

Include enough details from the case that the reader can follow your argument.
Support your critique with evidence. Read and view the course resources to find evidence that answers the “why?” question. Why is something an ethical violation? Use “because” language to explain: This researcher violates ______ principles because ________.
Proofread your post for flow, grammar, and clarity. NURS 4001 – Research and Scholarship for Evidence-Based Practice Paper.

Evidence-based practice (EBP) is the justified use of current best evidence to related clinical expertise and patient values to guide in making health care decisions.1-4 However, these practices are not always implemented in care delivery.5 Traditionally, patient safety research has focused on data analyses to identify patient safety issues and to demonstrate that a new practice will lead to improved quality and patient safety.6 Much less research attention has been paid to how to implement practices.

Yet, only by putting into practice what is learned from research will care be made safer.6 Implementing
evidence-based practices are difficult and need strategies that address the complexity of systems of care, individual practitioners, and changing health care cultures to be evidence-based practice environments.6

NURS 4001 Assignments – Research and Scholarship Papers



Evidence based practice (EBP) is based on the integration of the best research evidence with clinical
expertise to facilitate clinical decision making. Those patients who receive evidence-based therapies have better outcomes than those who do not. Evidence-based medicine is becoming a specialty in its own right, and it’s an area that medical students should pay close attention to when determining their path.

The objective of the study was to assess the knowledge, attitude and practice regarding evidence based practice among the undergraduate and postgraduate students of a medical college in North Karnataka.
Methods: After obtaining ethical clearance from institutional ethical committee, this cross-sectional study was conducted in a Medical College in North Karnataka from November 2016–January 2017. All the interns and postgraduates studying in the College were included in the study. After obtaining informed consent, data was collected through pre-designed semi-structured questionnaire. Data was compiled and tabulated by using MS Excel and was analyzed. NURS 4001 Assignments – Research and Scholarship Papers


Overall, majority of the participants hold positive attitudes toward EBP but lack sufficient knowledge and skills for implementation. The main barriers to implement EBP are insufficient time to read scientific research articles and the cost to its access.


More focus should be given to EBP from the medical school itself, either through continuing medical
education or various workshops, it can even be included in the curriculum so that all the undergraduate medical students can be sensitized to it from a very initial stage. NURS 4001 – Research and Scholarship for Evidence-Based Practice Paper.

Keywords: Evidence based practice, Medical students, Health care decisions

Department of Community Medicine, S. Nijalingappa Medical College, Bagalkot, Karnataka, India
Received: 14 March 2018
Revised: 04 April 2018
Accepted: 05 April 2018

Dr. Anjani Kumar Srivastava,
Copyright: © the author(s), publisher and licensee Medip Academy. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License, which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. DOI:

Manjula R et al. Int J Community Med Public Health. 2018 Jun;5(6):2411-2415. International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health | June 2018 | Vol 5 | Issue 6 Page 2412

Best evidence comes from randomized controlled trials; and from other scientific methods such as descriptive and qualitative research; as well as from case reports, scientific principles, and expert opinion. The practice should be guided by research evidences available, in conjunction with clinical expertise and patient values. NURS 4001 – Research and Scholarship for Evidence-Based Practice Paper.In some cases, however, a sufficient research base may not be available and health care decision making is derived principally from non research evidence sources such as expert opinion and scientific principles.

As more research is done in a specific area, the research evidence must be incorporated into the EBP.4 NURS 4001 – Research and Scholarship for Evidence-Based Practice Paper.

Little research has been done regarding the attitudes and behaviors of healthcare professionals relative to the use of evidence in practice. Evidence-based medicine is becoming a specialty nowadays, and it’s an area that medical students should pay close attention to when making any health care decisions. NURS 4001 Assignments – Research and Scholarship Papers.


To assess the knowledge, attitude and practice regarding evidence based practice among the undergraduate and postgraduate students of a medical college in North
Karnataka. India


A cross-sectional study was carried out in a Medical College in North Karnataka from November 2016 to January 2017.
Sample size was calculated using open EPI software, taking confidence interval of 95%, absolute precision of 3% and prevalence of awareness about evidence based practice as 95% according to a study done by Weng et al in Taiwan, it comes out to be 203.8 A total of 208 students were interviewed in the study. NURS 4001 Assignments – Research and Scholarship Papers.

Inclusion criteria

All the interns and postgraduates studying in the College were included in the study.
Exclusion criteria
 Students not willing to participate.
 Students who cannot be reached on three consecutive attempts

After obtaining ethical clearance from institutional ethical committee and informed consent from study participants, data was collected through pre-designed semi-structured questionnaire.
Questionnaire included general information about the participants and items for measuring the awareness of, attitudes toward, knowledge of, barriers to, and implementation of EBP.9
The questionnaire contained 5-point Likert-type scale

(1=strongly disagree, 2=disagree, 3=neutral, 4=agree, and
5=strongly agree) and multiple choice questions to assess
the KAP about EBP. NURS 4001 – Research and Scholarship for Evidence-Based Practice Paper.
Data was compiled and tabulated by using MS Excel and was analysed using proportions.


Study participants included 64.4% intern and 35.6% postgraduates. Majority of the participants were female (55.3%) and belonged to 20–24 years age group (59.1%).
Only 1.4% participants reported that they take some formal training in evidence based practice.
About 49% of the participants mentioned that they are aware of EBP, while rest were unsure about the term EBP and its principles (Table 1).
About 50-60% of the study subjects intend to undergo formal training about EBP and its principles (Table 2 and 3).
It was observed (Figure 1) that postgraduates gave more correct answers regarding some specific epidemiological terms as compared to interns. NURS 4001 Assignments – Research and Scholarship Papers

Table 4 shows that majority of participants were found not using any sort of questionnaire that can define their patient or the intervention required to manage them. And majority of participants are not in the habit of searching electronic database or read published research reports or informally share or discuss research findings with their colleagues.

Table 5 shows that majority of participants have a desire to learn new information and researches but the main barriers they come across is insufficient time to use EBP and the cost of information resources.


In the present study 49.1% participants were well aware about EBP while in a study done by Gupta et al in Bhopal among dentist practitioners it was 70.5%, while it was 95% in a study done by Weng et al.8,10 So we can see, though in this study almost half of the participants were aware about EBP, it was still less than some other studies, which calls for a need to introduce some workshops or maybe as a subject within the medical curriculum to expose the students more with the research activities and skills.

82.2% participants in this study agree that research findings are useful in their day-to-day work, similar to a study done by Silva et al in Brazil, where it was found in 76.5%.11 NURS 4001 – Research and Scholarship for Evidence-Based Practice Paper.
Routine access to database was done daily by just 8.2% participants in this study however it was 44.5% in the study done by Silva et al.11 This shows that there is a need to stimulate the students to make use of the available resources more frequently, so that later in life when they graduate they can make use of the knowledge gained from various researches.NURS 4001 – Research and Scholarship Assignment Papers.
Lack of time is one of the main barriers in the use of EBP (41.8%), which is similar to the study done by Majid et al 42.3%.12

Overall, most of the participants hold positive attitudes toward EBP but lack sufficient knowledge and skills for implementation. NURS 4001 – Research and Scholarship for Evidence-Based Practice Paper.
Undergraduate curriculum especially in India is vastly based on textbooks and theoretical and students do not learn any evidence based approaches to clinical situation.

Although continuing education programs are quite regular now but they tend to focus more on postgraduate students. NURS 4001 Assignments – Research and Scholarship Papers.


Therefore, it is strongly recommended that concept of EBP should be introduced into the curriculum as an integral part of continuing medical education.


The authors would like to thank the Head of the department, Department of community medicine, for his continuous support and guidance and the students who participated, for their co-operation and valuable time.

Funding: No funding sources
Conflict of interest: None declared
Ethical approval: The study was approved by the
Institutional Ethics Committee


1. Cook D. Evidence-based critical care medicine: a potential tool for change. New Horiz. 1998;6(1):20-
2. Jennings BM, Loan LA. Misconceptions among nurses about evidence-based practice. J Nurs
Scholarsh. 2001;33(2):121-7.
3. Sackett DL, Straus SE, Richardson WS, Rosenberg W, Haynes RB. Evidence-based medicine: how to
practice and teach EBM. 2nd ed. London: Churchill-Livingstone; 2000.
4. Titler MG. Developing an evidence-based practice. 6th ed. St. Louis, MO: Mosby; 2006.
61.9 67.6
40.3 35.8
42.5 40.5

Relative Risk Absolute Risk Odds Ratio Confidence
Interval Case Control
Study Statistical
Significance Randomised
Controlled Trial

NURS 4001 – Research and Scholarship for Evidence-Based Practice Paper.

Manjula R et al. Int J Community Med Public Health. 2018 Jun;5(6):2411-2415
International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health | June 2018 | Vol 5 | Issue 6 Page 2415

5. Hughes RG. Patient safety and quality: an evidence-based handbook for nurses. Volume 1. Rockville,
MD: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality; 2008: 113.

6. Leape LL. Implementation issues. Volume 3. Rockville, MD: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality; 2005.

7. Titler MG, Kleiber C, Steelman VJ, Rakel BA, Budreau G, Everett CLQ, et al. The Iowa model of
evidence-based practice to promote quality care. Crit Care Nurs Clin North Am. 2001;13(4):497-509.

8. Weng YH, Kuo KN, Yang CY, Lo HL, Chen C, Chiu YW. Implementation of evidence-based practice across medical, nursing, pharmacological and allied healthcare professionals: a questionnaire
survey in nationwide hospital settings. Implementation Sci. 2013;8:112.

9. Evidence-Based Practice Profile Questionnaire. Available at:
M.PDF. Accessed 5 November 2016.

10. Gupta M, Bhambal A, Saxena S, Sharva V, Bansal V, Thakur B. Awareness towards Evidence Based
Dental Practice in Bhopal City. J Clin Diagnostic Res. 2015;9(8):49-54.

11. Silva TM, Costa LCM, Costa LOP. Evidence-Based Practice: a survey regarding behavior, knowledge,
skills, resources, opinions and perceived barriers of Brazilian physical therapists from São Paulo state.
Braz J Phys Ther. 2015;19(4):294-303.

12. Majid S, Foo S, Luyt B, Zhang X, Theng YL, Chang YK, et al. Adopting evidence-based practice
in clinical decision making: nurses’ perceptions, knowledge and barriers. J Med Libr Assoc.
2011;99(3):229-36. NURS 4001 – Research and Scholarship for Evidence-Based Practice Paper.

Cite this article as: Manjula R, Srivastava AK, Dorle AS.Evidence based practice: knowledge, attitude and
practice among undergraduate and postgraduate medical students of a medical college in North
Karnataka, India. Int J Community Med Public Health 2018;5:2411-5. NURS 4001 Assignments – Research and Scholarship Papers.

Please find your required library readings below. See the links on the left for library skills assignment support and writing tutor.

If you have problems with the links below, please contact the Library. If you have APA questions about these materials, please contact the Writing Center.

NURS 4001 Required Course Readings

After clicking on a citation below, enter your myWalden user name and password at the prompt.NURS 4001 – Research and Scholarship Assignment Papers.

Please Ask a Librarian if you have any questions about the links.

**NOTE: Week 3 articles are listed in the box below this one. **

Ashton S. (2014) Researcher or nurse? Difficulties of undertaking semi-structured interviews on sensitive topics. Nurse Researcher. 22(1), 27-31. doi: 10.7748/nr.22.1.27.e1255

Cornell, P., Gervis, M.T., Yates, L. & Vardaman, J.M. (2014). Impact of SBAR on nurse shift reports and staff rounding. MedSurg Nursing, 23(5), 334-342. NURS 4000 and NURS 4001 Research & Scholarship for Evidence-Based Practice

Hurlbut, J.M., Robbins, L.K. & Hoke, M.M. (2011). Correlations between spirituality and health-promoting behaviors among sheltered homeless women. Journal of Community Health Nursing, 28(2), 81-91. DOI:10.1080/07370016.2011.564064

Kerfoot, K.M. & Douglas, K.S. (2013a). The impact of research on staffing: An interview with Linda Aiken-Part I. Nursing Economic$, 31(5), 216-219, 253. NURS 4001 – Research and Scholarship for Evidence-Based Practice Paper.

Kerfoot, K.M. & Douglas, K.S. (2013b). The impact of research on staffing: An interview with Linda Aiken-Part II. Nursing Economic$, 31(6), 273-276,306.

Makaroff, K.S., Storch, J., Pauly, B., & Newton, L. (2014). Searching for ethical leadership in nursing. Nursing Ethics, 21(6), 642-658. NURS 4000 and NURS 4001 Research & Scholarship for Evidence-Based Practice

Makic, M.B.F., Martin, S.A., Burns, S., Philbrick, D., & Rauen, C. (2013). Putting evidence into nursing practice: Four traditional practices not supported by the evidence. Critical Care Nurse, 33(2), 28-44. doi: 10.4037/ccn2013787

Montalvo, W & Larson, E. (2014). Participant comprehension of research for which they volunteer: A systematic review. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 46(6), 423-431. doi: 10.1111/jnu.12097

Schmelzer, M. (2000). Understanding the research methodology: Should we trust the researchers’ conclusions? Gastroenterology Nursing, 23(6), 269–274.

Schmelzer, M. (2004). Understanding statistics: What is alpha (á)? Gastroenterology Nursing, 27(6), 292–293. NURS 4000 and NURS 4001 Research & Scholarship for Evidence-Based Practice.

Schrems, B.M. (2014). Informed consent, vulnerability and the risks of group-specific attribution. Nursing Ethics, 21(7), 829-843. 10.1177/0969733013518448

Tinkham, M.R. (2014). Magnet insights: The value of research councils and journal clubs. AORN Journal, 100(2), 206-209, doi: 10.1016/j.aorn.2014.05.004. NURS 4000 and NURS 4001 Research & Scholarship for Evidence-Based Practice

Webb, M.S., Passmore, D., Cline, G., & Maguire, D. (2014). Ethical issues related to caring for low birth weight infants. Nursing Ethics, 21(6), 731-741. doi: 10.1177/0969733013513919

Week 3 Articles

Enter your myWalden user name and password at the prompt.

Qualitative Articles (Choose one)

Cahill, S & Diaz-Ponce, A.M. (2011). ‘I hate having nobody here. I’d like to know where they all are’: Can qualitative research detect differences in quality of life among nursing home residents with different levels of cognitive impairment? Aging & Mental Health, 15(5), 561-572. doi: 10.1080/13607863.2010.551342

Hamilton, G., Corlett, J. & Dowling, M. (2014). Adult-trained perioperative nurses’ practice of family-centered care. British Journal of Nursing, 23(9), 477-482. doi: 10.12968/bjon.2014.23.9.477. NURS 4000 and NURS 4001 Research & Scholarship for Evidence-Based Practice

Lavoie-Tremblay, M., O’Connor, P., Lavigne, G.L., Biron, A., Ringer, J., Baillargeon, S. MacGibbon, B., Cyr, G., & Briand, A. (2014). Transforming care at the bedside: Manager’s and health care providers’ perceptions of their change capacities. Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 45(11), 514-520. doi:10.3928/00220124-20141023-02. NURS 4000 and NURS 4001 Research & Scholarship for Evidence-Based Practice

Vandenberg, H. & Kalischuk, R.G. (2014). Conceptualizations of culture and cultural care among undergraduate nursing students: An exploration and critique of cultural education. Journal of Cultural Diversity, 21(3), 99-107.

Quantitative Articles (Choose one)

Duncan, C., Riley, T.V. Carson, K.C., Budgeon, C.A. & Siffleet, J. (2013). The effect of an acidic cleanser versus soap on the skin pH and micro-flora of adult patients: A non-randomized two group crossover study in an intensive care unit. Intensive and Critical Care Nursing, 29, 291-296. doi; 10.1016/j.iccn.2013.03.005

Kalisch, B.J., Xie, B. & Ronis, D.L. (2013). Train-the-trainer intervention to increase nursing teamwork and decrease missed nursing care in acute are patient units. Nursing Research, 62(6), 405-413. doi: 10.1097/NNR.0b013e3182a7a15d. NURS 4000 and NURS 4001 Research & Scholarship for Evidence-Based Practice

Pokrywka, M., Feigel., J., Douglas, B., Grossberger, S., Hensler, A., & Weber, D. (2014). A bundle strategy including patient hand hygiene to decrease clostridium difficile infections. MedSurg Nursing, 23(3), 145-164.

Sarna, L. P., Bialous, S. A., Kraliková, E., Kmetova, A., Felbrová, V., Kulovaná, S., & … Brook, J. K. (2014). Impact of a smoking cessation educational program on nurses’ interventions. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 46(5), 314-321. doi:10.1111/jnu.12086

NURS 4000 and NURS 4001 Research & Scholarship for Evidence-Based Practice

ressure Ulcers are very serious, but common occurrences in healthcare in our older patients today. Millions of dollars are spent daily to prevent this occurrence. The purpose of this paper is to educate on the evidence based nursing practice surrounding pressure ulcers. NURS 4001 Assignments – Research and Scholarship Papers.

Practice Setting Problem

Pressure Ulcer is a breakdown of skin appears on the skin over a very thin or bony prominence where circulation is impaired. (Physical Examination &Health Assessment, p. 236). Usually occurs when a patient adult or child is confined for long periods of time to a bed or diploma are that the BSN-prepared nurses receive more education and developing skills and are able to work directly with the patient, having the time to do research and teach patients about their healthcare. They are able as BSN-prepared nurses to assure quality wound care and management to patients with pressure ulcers. The BSN-prepared nurses are trained in more theory and have more clinical hours and will be able to fully comprehend the importance of having evidence-based research. The BSN will be better prepared for patient care encompassing theory and beside care (Nursing Link Journal). NURS 4001 Assignments – Research and Scholarship Papers.

Impact on patients and/or a community

Pressure Ulcers affects patients the older patients due to the problem of immobility. A pressure ulcer causes the patient to suffer with pain, disfigurement, and prevents them from their daily life activities. The cost associated with pressure ulcers treatment exceeds $11 million in all health care settings. (Lippincott Nursing Center.Com). All the patients with pressure ulcers have to deal with pain, depression, infection and possible risk of immortality and morbidity is immeasurable. NURS 4001 Assignments – Research and Scholarship Papers.

Evidence-based practice (EBP) has become a key concept in nursing and nursing education. Nurse educators teach the concept of EBP in all nursing programs from prelicensure programs right up to the doctoral level. The application of the concept, which came from the field of medicine and is credited to Cochrane, a British epidemiologist (French, 2002), has been studied extensively in advanced practice nurses (APNs) who graduated from on-ground nursing programs (Ax & Kincade, 2001; Brown, Wickline, Ecoff, & Glasser, 2009; Butler, 2011).There have been no studies to date that have addressed the use of EBP in APNs who graduated from online MSN programs. This exploratory descriptive study was undertaken to begin exploration of any differences or similarities in practice between these two groups and fill this identified gap in the nursing literature. NURS 4001 Assignments – Research and Scholarship Papers.

Literature Review

The research-practice gap has been a topic of great interest, discourse, and research for many years. Pioneering activities related to understanding research utilization by nurses occurred in the United Kingdom in the 1960s. This interest was followed 10 years later by empirical studies conducted in the United States aimed at understanding the factors which influenced nurses’ use of research evidence in practice (Estabrooks & O’Leary, 2006). Interest in this area continues as evidenced by the numerous studies both in the United States (Brown et al., 2009; Frasure, 2007; Halm, 2010; McCloskey, 2008; Solomon & Spross, 2011; ) and internationally (Eizenberg, 2010; Hutchinson & Johnston, 2004; Mehrdad, Salsali, & Kazemnejad 2008; Sandstrom, Borglin, Nilsson, & Wilman, 2011; Upton & Upton, 2006) that were aimed at trying to determine the barriers and facilitators of EBP by nurses.

The rationale for pursuing further dialogue and research derives from the belief among many nursing scholars that research evidence should be a variable factored into the decision making of professional nurses for quality cost-effective care (American Association of Colleges of Nursing [AACN], 2011; Butler, 2011; Institutes of Medicine [IOM], 2011; Titler et al., 2001). The significance of continued research is attested to by the “Essentials of Masters Education” document recently published by the AACN (2011). Of the nine essential topics which comprise the foundation for graduate degree education, Essential IV, “Translating and Integrating Scholarship into Practice”, speaks to the importance of applying research in practice. Reaching this goal is further explicated in one of the 15 terminal outcomes for graduate nursing education which states graduates must “apply the best available evidence from nursing and other sciences as the foundation for practice” (AACN, 2011, p. 27). There is little question of the need for
continuous exploration of factors which serve as barriers and facilitators to EBP by graduates of masters degree programs.

NURS 4001 – Research and Scholarship for Evidence-Based Practice Paper.

Despite 50 years of nursing research aimed at increasing our understanding and knowledge related to the research-practice gap, many questions remain. One such question is how APNs who are graduates of online nursing programs use EBP in their nursing practice. Online nursing education has provided flexible and realistic expansion of educational opportunities working to meet the forecast need for nurses with advanced degrees (Holly, 2009). Thus, it was the aim of this study to contribute to nursing’s and nursing education’s knowledge base by focusing on the application of EBP by graduates of online graduate nursing programs.

NURS 4001 Assignments – Research and Scholarship Papers

Research Questions

The purpose of the proposed study is to answer the following questions:

a. Do nurses who have graduated from an on-line graduate nursing program report applying
evidence-based practice (EBP) in their nursing practice?
b. What barriers do these nurses report in applying EBP?
c. What facilitators do these nurses report in applying EBP?


Sample and Setting

The sample chosen for the survey consisted of all MSN graduates from a major online university from the time the program graduated its first class in 2007 to October of 2012. The graduates were from the program’s nursing educator and nursing administration tracks. The mean and median age of the respondents was 47.96% of which the majority, 96%, were female (n = 49) and 4% were male (n = 2). The majority (71%) of respondents graduated with a major in education (n = 36) and 29% graduated with a major in nursing administration (n = 15). With regard to employment status and setting, the majority of respondents (82%) worked full time (n = 40) and 43% held a position in nursing education (n = 21), while 14.3 % reported working part time (n = 7) and 29.4% held a position in nursing administration (n = 15). The setting for the survey was online using the Survey Monkey website. NURS 4001 Assignments – Research and Scholarship Papers.

Data Collection Procedures

After approval from the university’s IRB and the program’s dean and MSN chair, personal email addresses, supplied by the assistant dean of students, were used to send an email message to all graduates of the program. The email message explained the research study and contained an authenticated link to the survey. The email included a copy of the informed consent and directions for completing the survey via SurveyMonkey. Three follow-up emails were sent every 2 weeks thanking those who had responded and asking those who had not completed the survey to do so, reiterating the deadline for completion. A total of 202 emails were sent, with 1 respondent opting out, 54 responding, and 6 partially responding. This resulted in a response rate of 24%.


The researchers created a survey designed for graduates of online MSN programs. Survey items were developed after an extensive review of the literature to identify themes related to the application of EBP in practice settings. There were 11 demographic questions, 11 mixed item-type survey questions (e.g., Likert scale, Yes/No, and checkbox items), and 4 open-ended questions designed to identify facilitators and barriers reported by practitioners for applying EBP practice. NURS 4001 – Research and Scholarship for Evidence-Based Practice Paper.


Application of evidence-based nursing practice in online graduates of MSN programs was operationalized by asking respondents to rate their ability and confidence levels in the use of EBP in their present positions. Two variables (i.e., Work in Teaching Hospital and Confidence Levels) were found to have significant correlation with the respondents’ application of EBP. To explore the relationships between the variables, multiple cross tabulations were computed.

Work in Teaching Hospital

Cross-classified by time to read research. Table 1 shows the total counts and percentages of participants in both categories in parentheses below these total counts, and rounded to the nearest tenth of a percent. Only complete sets of paired responses were included in the tables. Omitting one of the responses meant that the particular case was excluded from the crossclassification and totals vary from table to table.

Ten respondents, or 22.7% of the sample, worked in a teaching hospital and also reported time to read research. A total of 15 or 34.1% of the survey participants did not work in a teaching hospital or have time to do research. In contrast, 6 (13.6%) of respondents who worked in a teaching hospital indicated that they did not have time to read research, while 13 (29.5%) reported that they did not work in a teaching hospital but did have time to read research. NURS 4001 Assignments – Research and Scholarship Papers.


Cross-classified by ability to identify research implications. Table 2 displays the crossclassified responses for whether or not the participants work in a teaching hospital and can identify implications of research. All respondents who worked in a teaching hospital (n = 15) indicated their ability to identify research implications. All but one of the 28 participants who did not work in a teaching hospital also reported that they were able to identify research implications.


Cross-classified by research improves practice. As shown in Table 3, 14 of the respondents who worked in a teaching hospital believed that research improves practice (31.8%), while 2 (4.5%) did not. A total of 25 who did not work in a teaching hospital similarly believed that research improves practice (56.8%), while 3 (6.8%) did not.


Cross-classified by research is relevant. All of the survey respondents believed that research is relevant, regardless of where they worked.

Cross-classified by use of evidence-based practice. As shown in Table 5, half of the 16 who worked in a teaching hospital did use evidence-based practice (n = 8) while the other half did not. Of those who did not work in a teaching hospital, 18 used EBP while 10 did not. Cross-classified by authority to change practice. Of the 44 respondents to these questions, 19 (43.2%) did not work in a teaching hospital, but did have authority to change practice, as contrasted with 7 (15.9%) of those who worked in a teaching hospital. An equal number (n = 9, 20.5%) did not have authority to change practice, regardless of where they worked.

NURS 4001 – Research and Scholarship for Evidence-Based Practice Paper.

Confidence Level in Ability to Critically Evaluate Research

Cross-classified by use of evidence-based practice. Table 7 contains the results of cross classifying the respondents’ self-reported confidence level in their ability to use EBP by actual use. A total of 13 participants felt very confident in their ability and reported using EBP (27.1%), while 5 felt very confident in their ability to use EBP but did not actually use EBP (10.4%). Ten who used EBP (20.8%) and 12 who did not (25%) reported feeling somewhat confident about its use. Finally, 5 felt confident and used EBP (10.4%), while 3 feel confident but did not use it (6.3%).

Cross-classified by belief that research improves practice. As shown in Table 8, 17 (35.4%) felt very confident in their ability to critically evaluate research and also believed that research improves practice. Another 20 (41.7%) felt confident in their ability and believed that research improves practice. In contrast, 1 respondent (2.1%) felt very confident in critically evaluating research but did not believe that such research improved practice. Two each felt confident or somewhat confident in their critical evaluation ability (4.2%) but did not believe that research improved practice.

NURS 4001 – Research and Scholarship for Evidence-Based Practice Paper.

Cross-classified by belief that research is relevant. Table 9 shows that, regardless of reported confidence level, ranging from very confident to somewhat confident, all of the respondents believed that research was relevant to nursing practice.

Cross-classified by authority to change practice. Table 10 contains the results of cross classifying self-reported confidence in the ability to critically evaluate research with whether or not they had the authority to change practice. Twelve (25.5%) felt very confident, while 10 (21.3%) felt confident and also had the authority to change practice. By comparison, 12 (25.5%) felt confident and 5 (10.6%) felt very confident in their critical evaluation ability, but at the same time did not have the authority to change practice.


Correlations of Ratings for Select Survey Items

As a follow-up step, non-parametric distribution-free Spearman’s Rho correlation coefficients were computed between pairs of ratings for select survey items. Table 11 displays the Spearman’s rho values that were statistically significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed test of significance). The results should be interpreted with caution, given the nature of the study. At the same time, these values may be indicative of potential trends and relationships worthy of future research exploration.


The use of EBP was moderately negatively correlated with the belief that research improves practice (-0.288 correlation). In other words, those respondents who believed research improved practice were also less likely to use it. Similarly, those who did not believe that research improved practice were more likely to use it. Again, the moderate size of the correlation coefficient should be kept in mind; however, the results were significant at 0.05 (associated p-value of 0.047). NURS 4001 – Research and Scholarship for Evidence-Based Practice Paper.

Given that the Spearman Rho measures magnitude and direction of linear relationship, it could be the case that another non-linear pattern of correlation better fits pairwise data (e.g., asymptotic, exponential, log-linear). This would be worthy of further study. The relationship between the use of EBP and time to read research was also negative, moderate in size (-0.303), and statistically significant (associated p-value of 0.036). Those who used EBP were less likely to have time to read about it and vice versa. The relationship between the belief that research improved practice and time to read research was also moderate and in the expected direction (0.356; associated p-value of 0.013). Those participants who believed that research improved practice also took the time to read it. Likewise, the correlation between
authority to change practice and the use of EBP was in the expected direction (0.293; associated p-value of 0.045). Those who had the authority to change practice were also more likely to use EBP than those who did not. Finally, the relationship between the authority to change practice and the belief that research improved practice was inverse and moderate in size (-0.284; associated p-value of 0.053). Those who had the authority to change practice were less likely to believe that research improved such practice and vice versa.

Analysis of Open-ended Questions

Since the publication of the first articles about the use of EBP in nursing (Funk, Champagne, Wiese, & Tornquist, 1992), authors and researchers have focused on factors which practitioners reported as facilitating and inhibiting applying EBP in an attempt to explain the research-practice gap. In keeping with this focus, we included similar questions in an attempt to identify if online students reported similar experiences. NURS 4001 – Research and Scholarship for Evidence-Based Practice Paper.
Barriers. Of the 25 respondents who reported barriers, all attributed organizational factors as inhibiting their ability to apply EBP. Among these factors were “funding”, “upper levels of management”, “corporate policies and administration”, “budget constraints”, and “red tape . . . number of committees to get approval”. Of interest was the finding that only 4 of the 25 respondents stated “time” was a barrier. This finding was not consistent with previous studies which emphasized that time is the major barrier to applying EBP in the clinical setting (Atkinson, Turkel, & Cashy, 2008; Butler, 2011; Melnyk, Fineout-Overholt, Gallaher-Ford, & Kaplan, 2012).

Since few previous studies have elaborated on the concept of time, what is not clear is “not enough time for what”. For example, when nurses report “time” as a barrier to applying EBP, what is it about time that bars their application of EBP? Is it insufficient time to retrieve research articles? To read and critique research? To develop a plan for change? To apply research? To get staff involved in EBP? To gain administrative support? There is no question that further exploration of the concept of time could prove to be fruitful for increasing our understanding of EBP. NURS 4001 – Research and Scholarship for Evidence-Based Practice Paper.


Of the 24 participants who responded to the question about facilitators to applying EBP, three respondents credited other staff by stating, “willingness of other APN’s to support and implement EBP”, “Nursing Directors are supportive”, “Proactive nursing administration”, and one credited “autonomy . . . in the classroom” as factors which facilitated their ability to use EBP. Since the question was worded awkwardly, interpretation of the remaining responses cannot be categorized definitely. However, an additional survey question which asked participants to identify individuals or groups who supported their actions to apply research for improving patient outcomes does provide indirect evidence that major support came from peers and colleagues, followed by administration, with physicians being reported as
providing the least support. This finding is consistent with many previous studies (Butler, 2011; Melnyk et al., 2012; Sandstrom, 2011; Solomons, 2011) which speak to the key role played by leadership in providing the resources and support to successfully implement EBP in practice.

Applying EBP at Work. Inresponse to the question, “If you have been involved in applying EBP where you work, please tell us what that experience was like”, of the 25 who responded to this question, 9 reported positive experiences such as “very rewarding because a change did take place”, “rewarding, liberating”, “educational”, and an “exceptional experience”. One respondent explained that “it’s a slow process” and another indicated that the “facility was supportive, but it took almost a year of research and committee review to get it going”. In contrast, some respondents reported a negative experience which was expressed as “very difficult to obtain ongoing support from administration”, “the agency did not invest in evidence based resources at opportunity to interact with staff and this time”, and “It’s been a challenge to get approval from the board because not a lot of them have the background necessary for
understanding in medical professions”. NURS 4001 Assignments – Research and Scholarship Papers.

Initiating research in practice. One question in the survey, not posed in previous reported research, shed light on who initiated the EBP project. Of the 26 respondents who provided answers to this question, the majority (n = 9) reported initiating the EBP change by themselves or with the support-cooperation of administration, such as the DNO or CNO. Other individuals or departments mentioned were infection control, nursing education, a public health nurse, or the research team, suggesting a multidisciplinary effort. These findings are encouraging in that, despite the many barriers (i.e., staffing, funding, lack of knowledge about 11 EBP by leaders, and colleague support) reported by the participants in this survey, almost half of the respondents were able to actually apply an EBP change.

Additional comments. A final open-ended question asked participants to share any additional comments about EBP. There were 25 responses, almost half of the total number of respondents, which revealed some ambiguous feelings about the experience of applying EBP in their clinical setting. One nurse indicated “my experience has been very frustrating. EBP is a buzz word and leadership will state they support EBP but in reality practice remains a conceptual practice”. Another respondent stated “although challenging perseverance is the key”, suggesting that the individual practitioner is key in applying EBP. NURS 4001 – Research and Scholarship for Evidence-Based Practice Paper.

The analysis of these open-ended questions strongly suggests that graduates of this university’s MSN online program found barriers consistent with those identified by on-ground MSN graduates (e.g., organizational and financial), but did not find time to be a barrier.

Facilitators were also found to be consistent with on-ground graduates, also (e.g., support of peers and colleagues). Overall, the participants who added comments found that applying EBP to practice was a rewarding experience, though obtaining support and gaining approval to use EBP was difficult at times. NURS 4001 Assignments – Research and Scholarship Papers.


These findings are encouraging in light of using EBP by online MSN graduates. These data indicate that online MSN graduates do understand the value of EBP and are applying it in their practices. Our first research question (i.e., Do nurses who have graduated from an on-line graduate nursing program report applying evidence-based practice (EBP) in their nursing practice?) was answered in the affirmative, as the data showed that 59% of the participants reported applying EBP in their practice. NURS 4001 – Research and Scholarship for Evidence-Based Practice Paper.
In addressing our second research question (i.e., What barriers do these nurses report in applying EBP?), the barriers reported by respondents were primarily related to organizational factors such as budget constraints and priorities of management. Time was not the primary barrier to applying EBP as in many previous studies. Facilitators reported by participants, related to our third research question (i.e., What facilitators do these nurses report in applying EBP?), were support of peers, colleagues, and administrators.

There were some interesting findings that bear consideration. Those participants, who did not work in hospitals, which was the majority of the participants, appeared to be more confident in applying EBP in the workplace. All respondents felt that research improves practice and reported being confident in critically evaluating research. However, almost 32%were not applying the evidence in practice. The reasons for these dichotomies were not apparent to the researchers and merit further discussion and research. NURS 4001 – Research and Scholarship for Evidence-Based Practice Paper.

There were only 4 instances (16% of responses) of time reported as a barrier to implementing EBP, though it is pervasive in previously reported research (Atkinson et al., 2008; Butler, 2011; Melnyk et al., 2012;). It could be conjectured that respondents were more skillful in retrieving and critiquing research studies because of the on-line learning environment and use of online databases. However, a definitive answer to this question awaits further study. NURS 4001 Assignments – Research and Scholarship Papers.


Limitations of the study included the small sample size, the small number of nursing administration and nursing informatics graduates in the sample, and that all online MSN graduates in this sample came from the same university. As this was a descriptive exploratory study, the researchers were attempting to begin expanding research on EBP in graduates of MSN programs to those who graduated from online universities, and felt the study was important even with these limitations. NURS 4001 – Research and Scholarship for Evidence-Based Practice Paper.


The application of research to the practice area permeates all levels of nursing education, from the associate to the doctoral level, and is vital to the profession. This is the first reported study of the application of EBP by MSN graduates of an online program. In light of the ever-increasing number of online nursing students, findings from this study have significant implications for nursing education. Participants’ responses attested to not only to their confidence in applying EBP, but also actually initiating an EBP change. This finding suggests that these respondents were able to overcome organizational barriers and knew the process for actually implementing a EBP change. This is in stark contrast to the findings reported by Butler (2011) who reported that in her sample of 90 ANPs there was an inconsistency between “beliefs and attitudes” (p. 56) of respondents and their actually implementing EBP. Although generalizations cannot be made from Butler’s (2011) convenience sample from Tennessee or from this study, the findings of the present study bear further investigation as it suggests that perhaps the online learning environment provides students with the knowledge for applying EBP and implementation in practice to be confident in actually applying EBP in the real world. NURS 4001 – Research and Scholarship for Evidence-Based Practice Paper.

This course focuses on the basic elements of the research process in discovery of new knowledge and models for applying evidence to inform clinical decisions and improve nursing practice and patient outcomes. Consideration is given to the ethical conduct of research and scholarly work as well as the nurse’s role in the collection, documentation, analysis, interpretation, dissemination, and utilization of research data. NURS 4001 Assignments – Research and Scholarship Papers.

NURS 4000 and NURS 4001 Research & Scholarship for Evidence-Based Practice Introduction to Weekly Tips

In NURS 4000/4001, you have weekly assignments that require specific writing skills. To make these skills easier to master, we have provided writing information based on this course’s particular weekly assignments. Click on the week (at the left of the screen) that corresponds with the current week of the course. Once you’ve clicked on the appropriate week, you will find definitions, resources, and useful tips to help you complete each assignment successfully!

Week 1: Brainstorm and Organize Your Paper

Welcome to the first week of your course!

For your application assignment, you must write a 4-5-page paper focusing on a significant clinical problem. Having trouble choosing a topic and getting started? Follow these suggestions:

Use a pre-formatted template. Go to the Writing Center and download the School of Nursing Sample Paper Template. Save it to your computer and then replace the current text (including the headings) with your own; the title page, running head, page numbers, and margin formatting are already done for you. You can use this template to start each application assignment.

Download the NURS 4000 Week 1 Application Rubric from the Course Info area of Blackboard. Keep it handy to ensure you are hitting the required components and using the correct headings. This rubric can act as an outline for the paper.

Brainstorm a problem that you have witnessed at your health care institution. You will be more engaged and write more effectively if you are genuinely interested in the issue you’ve chosen.

Build your paragraphs. Each paragraph should focus on one idea. This idea is expressed in a topic sentence, usually at the beginning. Add supporting details and analysis to develop and clarify that idea.
NURS 4000 and NURS 4001 Research & Scholarship for Evidence-Based Practice Week 2: Write a Comparison-Contrast

This week’s discussion helps you pinpoint the differences between scholarly and popular publications and evaluate their trustworthiness. Before starting to write your post, think about how you will structure your argument. For example, will you provide a brief summary of the publications first and then compare them? Will you list all the similarities and then all the differences?

See this tutorial on Comparing and Contrasting for help in crafting your comparison. You could even create a Venn diagram or comparison table to visualize how the publications differ and relate. NURS 4001 Assignments – Research and Scholarship Papers.

NURS 4000 and NURS 4001 Research & Scholarship for Evidence-Based Practice Week 3: Critically Read Articles

Writing a 5-6-page article summary and evaluation requires that you read very carefully. For this assignment, you need to choose two articles from the Week 3 Articles list. As you read each article, pay attention to the key details of author, research problem, study design, sample, and results. Jot down notes or highlight where these details can be found. NURS 4001 Assignments – Research and Scholarship Papers.

Remember: For this assignment, you must move beyond summary to assess each study’s strengths and weaknesses. In addition to thinking about key details then, ask yourself questions:

Is the article scholarly and current?
Is the design suited to the study’s problem and purpose?
Did researchers show bias?
Is the sample size appropriate?
Does the research exhibit (as applicable) credibility, transferability, dependability, confirmability, validity, and reliability?
See this page for more information on reading like a scholar. NURS 4001 – Research and Scholarship Assignment Papers.

NURS 4000 and NURS 4001 Research & Scholarship for Evidence-Based Practice Week 4: Write Your Rough Draft

You have a big project due in Week 5. Remember to get started on the assignment early so that you are not researching, reading, and writing all at the last minute. NURS 4001 Assignments – Research and Scholarship Papers.

Here are some tips for approaching this project:

Download the NURS 4000 Week 5 Application Rubric and use it as a guide.

Allow for a very rough draft.
If you find that you are not meeting the 6-7-page requirement, read through your current draft, noting
topics that you can split into subtopics
paragraphs that are underdeveloped (fewer than 3 sentences)
any evidence that you have not adequately explained
opportunities for additional library research
Include information from at least seven sources and give the authors credit. NURS 4001 – Research and Scholarship Assignment Papers.
Build in time for review and revision.

NURS 4000 and NURS 4001 Research & Scholarship for Evidence-Based Practice Week 5: Create a PowerPoint Presentation

Creating a successful PowerPoint presentation is different than writing a traditional discussion post. With slides, we need to think about image and color in addition to text. Read about the basics of design to make this week’s presentation informative and engaging for your colleagues. Also feel free to use this PowerPoint template for your slides. NURS 4001 Assignments – Research and Scholarship Papers.

NURS 4000 and NURS 4001 Research & Scholarship for Evidence-Based Practice Week 6: Use Detail and Evidence in Your Writing

Congratulations! You’ve almost reached the conclusion of the course. In Discussion 1, you are analyzing potential ethical violations in a case study. Remember to

Include enough details from the case that the reader can follow your argument.
Support your critique with evidence. Read and view the course resources to find evidence that answers the “why?” question. Why is something an ethical violation? Use “because” language to explain: This researcher violates ______ principles because ________.
Proofread your post for flow, grammar, and clarity.

NURS 4000 and NURS 4001 Research & Scholarship for Evidence-Based Practice

Welcome to your course guide
Please find your required library readings below. See the links on the left for library skills assignment support and writing tutor.

If you have problems with the links below, please contact the Library. If you have APA questions about these materials, please contact the Writing Center.NURS 4001 – Research and Scholarship Assignment Papers.

NURS 4001 Required Course Readings

After clicking on a citation below, enter your myWalden user name and password at the prompt.

Please Ask a Librarian if you have any questions about the links.

This course focuses on the basic elements of the research process in discovery of new knowledge and models for applying evidence to inform clinical decisions and improve nursing practice and patient outcomes. Consideration is given to the ethical conduct of research and scholarly work as well as the nurse’s role in the collection, documentation, analysis, interpretation, dissemination, and utilization of research data. NURS 4001 Assignments – Research and Scholarship Papers

Nurses prepared in research and practice focused doctoral programs make important contributions to the development and implementation of the science that shapes nursing practice. This article explores the different, yet complementary roles that PhD and DNP prepared nurses make to the scholarship of discovery within the discipline of nursing. The impact of translational research, implementation science, and improvement science on the quality of healthcare is explored, along with the possibilities presented by big data. Examples of successful collaborations are highlighted, including opportunities for DNP and PhD faculty to advance scholarship and research. The authors consider the context of these roles in both research and practice and academia. NURS 4001 – Research and Scholarship for Evidence-Based Practice Essay Paper

Citation: Trautman, D.E., Idzik, S., Hammersla, M., Rosseter, R., (May 31, 2018) “Advancing Scholarship through Translational Research: The Role of PhD and DNP Prepared Nurses” OJIN: The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing Vol. 23, No. 2, Manuscript 2.

DOI: 10.3912/OJIN.Vol23No02Man02

Key Words: Nursing research, nursing science, PhD in nursing, Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP), PhD-DNP collaboration, scholarship NURS 4001 – Research and Scholarship for Evidence-Based Practice Essay Paper of discovery, implementation science, translational research, improvement science, nurse faculty

In March 2018, leaders from the nation’s nursing schools voted to endorse a position statement advanced by the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) on Defining Scholarship for Academic Nursing. The task force that prepared this document was charged with capturing the profession’s current consensus related to the scholarship of discovery or scientific inquiry; the scholarship of practice or application and integration; and the scholarship of teaching. Though often considered the domain of research scientists, the AACN position (2018a) recognizes that “in today’s academic setting, scholarship should be inclusive and applicable to scientists, as well as practice, education, and policy scholars” (para. 1). As a significant focus of healthcare research shifts toward translational research, it is important for faculty, graduate students, and other stakeholders within academic nursing to consider how the profession’s two terminal degrees incorporate this into their scholarship. NURS 4001 – Research and Scholarship for Evidence-Based Practice Essay Paper

4) Credit Hours

Prerequisite: Admission to the nursing program, successful completion of all Area A-f courses and all first year nursing courses: NURS 3000, NURS 3010, NURS 3020, NURS 3040, NURS 3030, NURS 3021,NURS 3050, NURS 3031
According to the Global Burden of Disease Study (2010, 2013) an unhealthy diet is a leading risk for non-communicable diseases (NCDs) such as obesity, hypertension, heart disease, stroke diabetes, cancer, and kidney disease around the world. An estimated 40% of deaths from NCDs can be attributed to dietary factors such as excess intakes of sodium, saturated fats, and sugar-sweetened beverages as well as lack of fruits and vegetables. This international (I) course elective provides opportunities for learners to explore their own cultural values, beliefs, and practices surrounding food, nutrition, and health compared to values, beliefs, and practices of various cultures. Additionally. learners will investigate global issues related to nutrition and health such as food security, sustainable agriculture, under nutrition, healthy diets, and health policy while participating in initiatives to promote nutrition and health within the context of a cultural immersion experience. NURS 4001 – Research and Scholarship for Evidence-Based Practice Essay Paper

Critical thinking skills are applied to developing evidence based care for the patient across the lifespan experiencing complex physiological and mental/emotional alterations in health. Emphasis is on competency in the role as provider of care and acquisition of skills of collaboration, consultation, delegation, accountability, patient advocacy and respect in the role of manager of care. Prerequisite(s): NURS 3001 and NURS 3003. NURS 4001 Assignments – Research and Scholarship Papers.

Professional Communication in acute care settings: Communicating within the role of the PN during an emergency , Collaborating with other team members in providing nursing care to implement and evaluate care, Problem solving and decision making, Conflict resolution, Adapting communication skills appropriate to the client

Relational Practice with clients experiencing an acute illness: Role of the LPN in providing family members with emotional support, Honouring diversity, Cultural humility, Cultural advocacy, Caring and respect Interprofessional Communication in Acute Care settings: Supporting colleagues to practice
effectively, Sharing knowledge with unregulated providers, novices and learners NURS 4001 – Research and Scholarship for Evidence-Based Practice Essay Paper

In 1985, feeling lost after her divorce, Pat Baranowski felt that God had spoken to her when Reverend Hybels reached out to her, drew her into the church, gave her a job, and ultimately invited her to live with him and his wife and children. She alleges that Reverend Hybels drew her into a relationship that included oral sex. She ultimately ended the relationship, but was plagued with guilt, shame and a feeling that God’s servant had betrayed her.

Ms. Baranowski kept her story to herself until other women brought forward allegations of their own. Reverend Hybels vigorously denies all of the allegations, calling them a mix of “misinterpretations” and “outright lies.” The church elders investigated the allegations against Reverend Hybels and concluded that they were not believable. But a day after the New York Times article, Reverend Hybels resigned from his leadership role in the church. NURS 4001 Assignments – Research and Scholarship Papers.

The Hybels/Baranowski story illustrates in dramatic fashion the tinder-box nature of pastoral and psychiatric relationships. A vulnerable person feels uniquely understood by a trusted caretaker who is invested with the charisma that comes from being seen as a pastor serving God or a physician serving the healing profession. The pastor or physician receives love, gratitude and idealization. Used skillfully and responsibly, this “transference” can promote healthy development. But as Ms. Baranowski and other members of the Willow Creek congregation allege, the relationship of trust can be exploited, with potentially devastating consequences for the congregant or patient.

As is so often the case, this is a “he said/she said” situation. Reverend Hybels presents himself as a victim, not an exploiter/sinner. There is a continuum of possibilities. At one extreme, he could be the victim of a combination of misunderstandings, fantasies, and malicious accusations. At the other he could be an exploiter who is fully aware of his duplicity and issues denials he knows to be false. In between is a range of misunderstandings and human frailties on the part of all parties to the relationships. NURS 4001 Assignments – Research and Scholarship Papers.

Pastors and psychiatrists have distinctive ethical obligations associated with their roles in society. These obligations go beyond ordinary morality. Whatever religion they follow, pastors present themselves as servants of gods, devoted to the salvation of their congregants. Psychiatrists and other physicians present themselves as servants of medicine, devoted to serving their patients’ health and well-being. In return for these commitments, society grants pastors and physicians distinctive forms of respect and privilege.

Whatever the truth is about the Willow Creek Church situation, it’s a tragedy. #metoo will see one more example of male exploitation. Some of the faithful Willow Creek congregants will see misunderstanding, maliciousness, or even the devil instigating false accusations. An anthropologist from Mars will not claim certainty about the truth of the situation, but will see it as an inevitable hazard created by our human needs, vulnerabilities and limitations.

(For posts that discuss the power of transference in the pastoral and psychiatric relationships, see here and here.) NURS 4001 Assignments – Research and Scholarship Papers.



On May 5, 1977, Dr. Franz Ingelfinger, editor of the New England Journal of Medicine, delivered the George W. Gay lecture on medical ethics at Harvard Medical School. I was in full time practice at the time and, alas, was not at the lecture. NURS 4001 – Research and Scholarship for Evidence-Based Practice Essay Paper

Dr. Ingelfinger, one of the world’s experts on esophageal cancer, had developed the disease he had taught so many others about. Here’s what he tells us with regard to the difficult question of whether to undergo chemotherapy and radiation after surgery:

I received from physician friends throughout the country a barrage of well-intentioned but contradictory advice. As a result, not only I, but my wife, my son and daughter-in-law (both doctors), and other family members became increasingly confused and emotionally distraught. Finally…one wise physician friend said, “What you need is a doctor.” He was telling me to forget the information I already had and the information I was receiving from many quarters, and to seek instead a person who would…tell me what to do, who would in a paternalistic manner assume responsibility for my care. When that excellent advice was followed, my family and I sensed immediate and immense relief.” NURS 4001 – Research and Scholarship for Evidence-Based Practice Essay Paper

Yesterday I spoke with a dear friend whose spouse is suffering from a profoundly serious medical condition that calls for complex clinical, psychosocial and financial decisions. My friend reported “if I had a dollar for every time I was asked – ‘what should we do about XYZ’ – there would be no financial problems to deal with!” My friend described feeling “you are the doctor – what do you think we should do?”

My friend was encountering a common medical ethics dilemma. We physicians are taught to provide “patient-centered” care, to “respect patient and family autonomy” and to avoid “paternalism.” But as Dr. Ingelfinger described so poignantly, in the context of serious illness, patients and families also need support and guidance. Physicians need to develop communication skills that allow us to thread between respecting autonomy and providing structure and guidance. NURS 4001 – Research and Scholarship for Evidence-Based Practice Essay Paper

There’s no single right answer as to how to do this. I often found it helpful to (a) elicit the patient’s goals and values, (b) give my view of what course of action these goals and values called for, but then (c) check on whether, from the patient’s perspective, I’d gotten it right.

Over the years with medical students and residents I’ve often quoted Muhammad Ali’s philosophy of boxing: “float like a butterfly/sting like a bee.” Ali’s eight-word formula conveys the need to embrace and integrate ostensibly incompatible components. Doing this takes experience. It also takes time. NURS 4001 Assignments – Research and Scholarship Papers.

I don’t know if my friend’s physicians felt rushed. My brilliant colleague Dr. Amy Ship recently wrote about how limited time constrains us in our efforts to be the best we can with patients and families. But whether or not time was a factor for my friend’s physicians, Dr. Ingelfinger’s guidance from his own experience as a patient holds true forty-one years after his lecture.

(Dr. Ingelfinger’s lecture, published in 1980 after his death, is available here. “Physicians as counsellors,” a previous post on a related topic, is here. ) NURS 4001 – Research and Scholarship for Evidence-Based Practice Essay Paper

Forest Bathing
For years I’ve enjoyed taking long walks in the woods. But it’s only from reading a recent New York Times article that I learned I’ve been following the Japanese practice of shinrin yoku – “forest bathing.”
There’s nothing new about walking in the woods. Our ancestors spent their lives in forests. I assume many forest-dwelling genes are buried in our DNA. But as our species has become progressively more urbanized we spend most of our time indoors. A 2001 EPA survey reported that we Americans spend 87% of our waking time indoors, and another 6% in an enclosed vehicle!

In 1982 the Japanese Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries coined the term translated as “forest bathing” to describe the effort to imbibe what it saw as the healing power of nature by going into green areas with a mindful attitude. Since then, in the U.S., an “Association of Nature Forest Therapy” has trained and certified multiple cohorts of forest guides. A Google search shows that forest bathing is catching on as a commercial “back to nature” trend.

As an adolescent, Walden and Henry Beston’s The Outermost House were among my favorite books. It seemed obvious that there was something very “natural” about being in “nature.”

Three days ago the Journal of the American Medical Association published an important study demonstrating that creating green spaces of grass and trees on what had been garbage-strewn abandoned lots has a positive mental health effect on the neighborhood. This was a methodologically rigorous, randomized study that is likely to convince skeptics that there’s more than sentimental anecdote behind the endorsement of time in the woods as a promoter of health and well-being. NURS 4001 Assignments – Research and Scholarship Papers.

In an aggressively capitalist society, it only takes a few nanoseconds for good ideas to become “monetized” and the focus for snake oil style hype. On the web I found vendors hinting that walking in the forest will combat cancer. But despite the hype surrounding the forest bathing concept, if I were still in clinical practice I would add spending time in “nature” as a recommendation to many of my patients. NURS 4001 – Research and Scholarship for Evidence-Based Practice Essay Paper

Since the American Association of Colleges of Nursing’s (AACN’s) Position Statement on Defining Scholarship for the Discipline of Nursing was published in 1999, academic nursing leaders have been continually evaluating nursing education programs to ensure that they are preparing the next generation of nurses to meet the healthcare needs of the public. Along with the need to determine what constitutes high quality education, the time is right to reconsider the role of the faculty in an increasingly complex learning environment where research, teaching, practice, and service are all of crucial importance. In today’s academic setting, scholarship should be inclusive and applicable to scientists, as well as practice, education, and policy scholars.

A number of landmark reports issued since 1999 have propelled us to this new day. Building a safer, high-quality, high-value healthcare system has become the focus of all health professions following numerous reports from the Institute of Medicine (IOM, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2012). In 2004, the Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) was advanced in a position statement adopted by the AACN membership, which forever changed how the profession prepares nurses for the highest level of practice. Doctoral programs in nursing are now available for nurses seeking a terminal research or practice doctorate.NURS 4001 – Research and Scholarship Assignment Papers.

In 2010, the Institute of Medicine published a landmark study, The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health. The interdisciplinary committee recommended that nurses: 1) should practice to the full extent of their education and training; 2) should achieve higher levels of education and training through an improved education system that promotes seamless academic progression; 3) be full partners, with physicians and other healthcare professionals, in redesigning health care in the United States, and 4) engage in effective workforce planning and policymaking that requires better data collection and an improved information infrastructure. As the recommendations were transitioned to action and policy, the need to expand access to baccalaureate through doctoral education for nurses accelerated.

In 2016, AACN released Advancing Healthcare Transformation: A New Era for Academic Nursing, a report that provides recommendations for enhancing nursing’s contributions to improving healthcare delivery and the health of the nation. The report advanced a new definition for “academic nursing”:

Encompassing the integration of practice, education, and research within baccalaureate and graduate schools of nursing. Faculty engaged in academic nursing demonstrate a commitment to inquiry, generate new knowledge for the discipline, connect practice with education, and lead scholarly pursuits that improve health and health care (AACN, 2016a).

As the need for academic and clinical partnerships has intensified, so has the demand for doctoral education for advancing practice and nursing scholarship. The paradigm shift to a broader definition ensures that academic nursing scholarship is at the highest level of scholarly endeavor. NURS 4001 Assignments – Research and Scholarship Papers.

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