Week 2 Discussion: Improving the Health of the Poor in Mexico

Week 2 Discussion: Improving the Health of the Poor in Mexico

Week 2 Discussion: Improving the Health of the Poor in Mexico

NURS 4115 Week 2 Discussion Task

Week 2 Discussion

To prepare for this Discussion:

Review the case study “Improving the Health of the Poor in Mexico.” Then, prepare your response to the following questions:

How do politics and economics influence health and health care?
What might the benefits be of awarding the mothers cash grants?
What social problems might be created by giving the mothers cash grants?
Do you think the resources were ethically distributed? (Think about stereotyping.)
What changes do you think should be made to the program, if any?
If the program were to be discontinued for any reason, what could you, as a nurse, say that might help to maintain funding?

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Do you think a similar program might work in your community? Why or why not? Week 2 Discussion: Improving the Health of the Poor in Mexico

By Day 3

Post your response to the following prompts:

Explain how politics and economics may influence health and the health care system from your own perspective. Analyze whether the political and/or economic systems play a major role in your or your family’s access to health and explain why. Then, describe how government intervention might benefit a health care system. Be specific and provide examples. Week 2 Discussion: Improving the Health of the Poor in Mexico

Support your response with references from the professional nursing literature.

1. Explained how politics and economics influence health and healthcare.

In the United States, politics and economics play a significant role in health and healthcare. The largest healthcare program in the United States since the 1960s is Medicare and Medicaid, which are funded via payroll taxes (Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, 2014). The government has regulations in place for determining who can have access healthcare in this country. Medicare, which is regulated by the federal government, provides health insurance for Americans aged 65 and older regardless of income or medical history (Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, 2014). Some younger individuals also may qualify that have disabilities that receive Social Security Disability Insurance (Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, 2014). Therefore, politics do influence health and healthcare in this country since the government has the power to regulate and set special requirements for use.

Analyzed possible benefits and problems that might be generated by giving the mothers the cash grants.

For the reading by Levine (2007, pp. 65-72) possible benefits for giving the mothers the cash grant include helping to increase the families’ income, thereby providing them with food and other necessary resources. The cash grants helped to increase school enrollment and attendance by giving the families money to access preventative care for immunizations to prevent illnesses, basic health care services, and nutrition counseling (Levine, 2007, pp. 65-72). Possible problems that may arise from giving the cash grants could be that once so many people have money to access healthcare, that there may not be enough medical providers to care for those in need. The healthcare system may not be prepared for the increasing number of individuals who now have the financial means to receive care. Therefore, it may not be enough “supply” to meet the increased “demand” for healthcare services.

Analyzed possible ethical dilemmas when promoting health for a select population using cash grants such as equal distribution within the population, possible social problems, or continuation of the program. Week 2 Discussion: Improving the Health of the Poor in Mexico

Possible dilemmas that could be created by this program could be that the community-at-large may want to have input on how the money is spent by the mothers receiving the grants. People may also feel that singling out the poor is unethical as well. When I think of the cash grants it sort of reminds my of the food stamp welfare program, as only certain people qualify and the money can only be spent on certain items. The food stamps can only be spent for cold food items but many people want more restrictions on how the government assistance should be spent, as well as more restrictions on who qualifies for services. I feel that the cash grants could also create the same issues due to people wanting to ensure that the money is being spent appropriately and being provided to those with the greatest need.

Recommended approaches to assure continuation of the program if funding were threatened.

If the program funding were to be threatened, I would show statistical evidence on how the program works. As the article mentioned, that many rural children dropped out of school by the 6th or 9th grades, that there were high incidence of preventable childhood and adult illnesses, high infant mortality, and poor reproductive outcomes (Levine, 2007, pp. 65-72). The cash grant program has helped to improve school attendance and enrollment, as well as improving child and adult health, reduce illnesses, and improve nutritional health (Levine, 2007, pp. 65-72).

Determine whether a similar program might work in the community the student lives in.

I currently do not live in the typical community that may need a program of this sort but I grew up in a single parent home in a poor neighborhood. A program of this type may have benefited the community I grew up in, and may have even helped my mom who was a single parent. I do believe that the program would need regulations for who would qualify and regulations set on how the money can be spent to ensure the money is not being misused. NURS 4115 Role of the Nurse in Public and Global Health Discussions


Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. (2014). Medicare program- General information.
Retrieved January 18, 2018, from

Levine, R. (2007). Improving the Health of the Poor in Mexico. In Case studies in global

health: Millions saved. Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett.

NURS 4115 Role of the Nurse in Public and Global Health Week 3 Discussion

Preventing Disease in Communities: The Role of Public Health, the Silent Sentinel

Week 3 Discussion-Preventing Disease in Communities

In this Discussion, you will visit a site and interview people who work there about risks for disease transmission, then report on your findings.
To prepare, select which site you will visit from the following options:
High school nurse’s office
Water treatment plant
Public health department
Pediatrician’s office

Create a brief description of your setting, providing some context; for example, how many patients are seen, size or capacity of the facility as applicable, and/or the location of the office or organization.
Take pictures of the building and surrounding area/neighborhood to provide context. You do not have to include the interior/s of the building/s or people/clients who may be there.

Then, during your site visit, pose the questions listed in the following chart:

High school nurse
What is the school’s policy on giving students advice about birth control?
How often do you get requests for information about birth control or how to protect oneself from an STD?
How do you track vaccination compliance, and what happens to students who fall out of compliance?
Local water treatment plant
Where does your community’s water come from?
Where is it stored?
How often is it tested for purity?
What safeguards are in place to prevent tampering with the water supply?
Local public health department
Does this department have an STD clinic?
In addition to testing, does the department offer treatment of one party or both parties?
What is the most frequently diagnosed STD?
A pediatrician’s office
What is your policy on accepting patients who refuse vaccinations?
What are the most common reasons parents decline vaccinations for their children in this particular office?

What is the policy at this office for giving antibiotics to treat viral syndromes?
Now, look at the site you visited through the eyes of the public health nurse (PHN). Imagine you are the PHN and have been asked to investigate an outbreak at this facility.
What questions would you ask?
What suggestions could you make to avoid a disease outbreak at the facility?

What would your role as a change agent be for any deficiencies you find in your on-site inspection?
Our ‘world’ starts with our own community, county, and state, then moves out in concentric rings from that point to include our country and eventually the world. Disease is transmitted from person to person through direct contact, or from a source such as a vector or contaminated water through a variety of means, such as flood waters or even terrorist actions. Individuals with limited or no knowledge of safe sex methods may have unprotected sexual relations and knowingly or unknowingly transmit disease to their partners, then to their partners’ partners, and on and on. Often it is the role of the public health nurse to investigate a disease outbreak, contain it, and then educate others so that the same situation doesn’t happen again.

By Day 3

Post your brief description and pictures of the site you visited. Share the answers you were given to the questions you posed. Then, respond to the above prompts through the eyes of a PHN asked to investigate an outbreak at this facility.

Support your response with references from the professional nursing literature. NURS 4115 Role of the Nurse in Public and Global Health Discussions

Week 4 Discussion-Nurses Working to Prevent Disease at Home

NURS 4115 Role of the Nurse in Public and Global Health Week 4 Discussion

Nurses Working to Prevent Disease at Home

In general, the CDC (2016) has recommended that people wear long-sleeved shirts and long pants when outside and apply insect repellant beforehand to avoid getting bitten. People who possibly have been infected with the Zika virus are urged to use a condom during sexual contact to avoid spreading the virus to others. In fact, some countries, such as El Salvador, have recommended that women avoid pregnancy for the next two years (The New York Times, 1/25/16). The CDC has also recommended that any vessels or containers of open water be protected from access to mosquitoes so that breeding cycles are disrupted. Brazil has begun a massive campaign to stop mosquitoes from accessing breeding grounds by closing their access to water collection systems and other sources of standing or still water. Could something like the Zika virus begin in your neighborhood?

In this Discussion, you will examine your neighborhood through the eyes of the public health nurse or a nurse epidemiologist.

To prepare for this Discussion:

Walk around a two-block radius near where you live or work.
Look to see if you can spot any areas where mosquitoes may reproduce. These sites may include abandoned tires, rainwater collection systems that have been installed at homes, parks or golf courses, low sections at roadsides or near sidewalks, and the like. You may include pictures of sites that you find to enhance your discussion thread.

Note any positive or negative findings that you observe. Have steps been taken to prevent mosquito breeding?

Find out what your community health department does for mosquito abatement.
Discover who in your community you would contact to report deficiencies/negative findings.
Determine what you can do, as a PHN, to change policy to reduce mosquito breeding grounds in your neighborhood.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) (2016), a vaccination has not been found to prevent the Zika virus, a disease that has been transmitted to humans through mosquito bites from mosquitoes that are most active during the day. Zika has been found in many countries around the globe, and its range is expanding. The symptoms of Zika are generally mild, last about a week, and include fever, rash, joint pain, and/or conjunctivitis. Symptoms are generally so mild that many victims will not know they have been infected, but about 20% of those individuals who are bitten will develop Zika. The most concerning symptom of Zika affects pregnant women, whose babies may develop microcephaly.

By Day 3

Post your findings regarding mosquito breeding grounds in a two-block radius near where you live or work. Include any preventative strategies you can see that are already in place. Report on the role your local health department plays in mosquito abatement and to whom you would report negative findings. Then, describe your role as a BSN in changing policy to ensure a healthier climate (reduced mosquito breeding grounds) in your neighborhood.

Support your response with references from the professional nursing literature. NURS 4115 Role of the Nurse in Public and Global Health Discussions

NURS 4115 Role of the Nurse in Public and Global Health Week 5 Discussion

Week 5 Discussion – Cultural Considerations in Nursing

Many factors influence maternal health. In many countries, an unacceptable number of women die in childbirth or shortly after giving birth. As discussed by Dr. Leslie Mancuso in this week’s first media presentation, culture and religious beliefs influence childbirth practices.

To prepare for this Discussion:

Review Case 6, Saving Mothers Lives in Sri Lanka.

Review Dr. Mancuso’s comments on cultural beliefs that influence maternal health.

In addition, consider the following questions:

NURS 4115 Role of the Nurse in Public and Global Health Week 5 Discussion-What cultural and historical features of Sri Lanka contributed to the success of the country’s maternal health program?
What are some assumptions that a person might make about you based on your appearance or cultural background? All cultural diversity is not about ethnicity, religious affiliation, or traditional backgrounds. When you consider what cultural issues affect you and/or your community, think about whether you represent diversity of another kind, such as; rural versus urban, east coast versus west coast, employed in a small hospital versus a large research center, or providing nursing practice to young versus elderly, acute care versus clinic care or mental health care. Each of these “types” of diversity contribute to you as a person and how you practice nursing.

What cultural information would you want a nurse or doctor to know about you?
What would you want a health promotion program to include that addresses a health concern for your cultural or ethnic community?

By Day 3

Post your response to the following prompts:

After considering the different aspects of cultural beliefs and practices, explain how culture influences health beliefs and how might most health programs address these beliefs? Describe how you would apply this to care you receive and care you provide to others.
Support your response with references from the professional nursing literature. NURS 4115 Role of the Nurse in Public and Global Health Discussions

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