NR 511 Final Exam Study Guide 2 – Question and Answers Paper
NR 511 Final Exam Study Guide 2 – Question and Answers Paper
NR 511 WEEK 1
- Define diagnostic reasoning
- Discuss and identify subjective data?
- Discuss-and identify objective data?
- Discuss and identify the components of the HPI
- What is medical coding?
- What-is medical billing?
- What are CPT codes?
- What-are ICD codes?
- What is specificity?
- What-is sensitivity?
- What is predictive value?
- Discuss the elements that need to be considered when developing a plan
- Describe the components of Medical Decision Making in E&M coding
- Correctly order the E&M office visit codes based on complexity from least to most complex
- Discuss a minimum of three purposes of the written history and physical in relation to the importance of documentation
- Accurately document why every procedure code must have a corresponding diagnosis code
- Correctly identify a patient as new or established given the historical information
- Identify the 3 components required in determining an outpatient, office visit E&M code
- Describe the components of Medical Decision Making in E&M coding
- Explain what a “well rounded” clinical experience means
- What is the first “S” in the SNAPPS presentation?
- What is the “N” in the SNAPPS presentation?
- State the maximum number of hours that time can be spent “rounding” in a facility
- What is the “A” in the SNAPPS presentation?
- What is the first “P” in the SNAPPS presentation?
- State 9 things that must be documented when inputting data into clinical encounter
- What is the second “P” in the SNAPPS presentation?
- What is the last “S” in the SNAPPS presentation? NR 511 Final Exam Study Guide 2 – Question and Answers.
NR 511 WEEK 2
- What is the most common type of pathogen responsible for acute gastroenteritis?
- Assessing for prior antibiotic use is a critical part of the history in patients presenting with diarrhea.
- Describe the difference between Irritable Bowel Disease (IBS) and Inflammatory Bowel Disorder (IBD)
- Discuss two common Inflammatory Bowel Diseases
- Discuss the diagnosis of diverticulitis, risk factors, and treatments
- Identify the significance of Barrett’s esophagus.
- What is best test for diagnosing GERD?
- Risk factors of GERD
- How do we treat suspected GERD in patients with classic symptoms?
- How do we treat suspected GERD in patients with “alarm symptoms”?
- What are “alarm symptoms” for patients with suspected GERD?
- Clinical characteristics of GERD:
- Discuss the differential diagnosis of acute abdominal pain, work-up and testing, treatments
- Discuss the difference between sensorineural and conductive hearing loss
- Identify the triad of symptoms associated with Meniere’s disease
- Identify the symptoms associated with peritonsillarabscess
- Identify-the most common cause of viral pharyngitis
- Identify the most common cause of acute nausea & vomiting
- What is the importance of obtaining an abdominal XR to rule out perforation or obstruction even though the diagnosis of diverticulitis can be made clinically?
- What are colon cancer screening recommendations relative to certain populations?
- Identify at least two disorders that are considered to be disorders related to conductive hearing loss.
- What is the most common cause of bacterial pharyngitis?
- What-are the clinical findings associated with mononucleosis?
- What are common characteristics in a rash caused by Group A Strep?
- How is the diagnosis of streptococcal pharyngitis made clinically based on the Centor Criteria?
- What is one intervention for a patient with gastroenteritis?
- What is an appropriate treatment for prophylaxis or treatment of traveler’s diarrhea?
- What-is at least one effective treatment for IBS?
- What is at least one prescription med used to treat chronic constipation?
- What-is at least one treatment for Meniere’s disease? NR 511 Final Exam Study Guide 2 – Question and Answers.
NR 511 WEEK 3
- The majority of dyspnea complaints are due to cardiac or pulmonary decompensation?
- What are the differences between intra-thorax and extra-thorax flow disorders
- What are at least three examples of flow and volume disorders (intra and/or extra thorax)?
- Describe classes of asthma?
- What are the different treatments for the asthma classes?
- Identify respiratory characteristics of asthma:
- What are treatment options for asthma?
- What-are appropriate tests in the work-up for dyspnea?
- What is Asthma?
- Why are there two peaks in prevalence of asthma?
- What would you anticipate to happen in between asthma attacks?
- How do you monitor asthma?
- What is the non-pharmacological treatment for asthma?
- What is COPD?
- Describe the clinical presentation of COPD
- Describe the differences between pink puffers and blue bloater
- What will an X-ray of a patient with COPD show?
- Describe the medication routes in the treatment of COPD
- Compare and contrast asthma and COPD
- Differentiate between rubeola, rubella, varicella, roseola, 5ths disease, pityriasis rosea, hand/foot/mouth, and molluscum contagiosum.
- Differentiate between tinea pedis, cruris, corporis, and unguium. What are the appropriate treatments for each?
- Identify the virus that causes warts
- Differentiate between atopic and contact dermatitis and give examples of each.
- Identify common characteristics associated with blepharitis, chalazion and hordeolum
- What are the risk factors for diabetic retinopathy?
- What are the manifestations of diabetic retinopathy?
- Differentiate between viral, allergic, bacterial, toxic and HSV conjunctivitis
- Which chemical injury is associated with the most damage and highest risk to vision loss?
- What are common eye emergency conditions that require emergency room eval?
- Discuss glaucoma, diagnosis and treatment
- What is diabetic retinopathy?
- what are the causes of diabetic retinopathy
- How is diabetic retinopathy diagnosed?
- What are nursing implications/ND for clients with diabetic retinopathy?
- How is diabetic retinopathy managed/goal of treatment?
- What are the surgeries for diabetic retinopathy:
- What assessment data would the nurse gather for someone with diabetic retinopathy? NR 511 Final Exam Study Guide 2 – Question and Answers.
NR 511 Week 5
- Identify the population most commonly affected by bacterial prostatitis
- Discuss the physical exam characteristics of acute bacterial prostatitis
- Discuss how the Phren sign can differentiate between testicular torsion and epididymitis
- Identify the population most affected by testicular cancer nr 511 final exam
- Discuss common symptoms reported from a patient with BPH
- Discuss the hallmark characteristic of a varicocele
- Explain spinal stenosis nr 511 final exam
- Discuss common characteristics (subjective and objective findings) of patients with lumbar spinal stenosis
- Identify the red flags associated with back and neck complaints which warrant further investigation
- Define chronic pain
- Identify the number of joints involved in a poly-articular disorder
- Describe the four cardinal signs of joint inflammation nr 511 final exam
- Differentiate between DeQuervain’s Tenosynovitis and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- Differentiate between lateral and medial epicondylitis
- Discuss at least 3 vital body functions which thyroid hormones regulate
- Describe a goiter and the type of thyroid dysfunction that can be associated with it
- Differentiate between overt hypothyroidism and subclinical hypothyroidism
- Differentiate between Hashimoto’s thyroiditis and Grave’s disease
- Identify at least 3 risks associated with obesity
- Identify at least 3 causes of obesity
- Discuss one primary prevention for obesity nr 511 final exam
- Identify the categories of obesity based on the BMI
- Discuss how acute low back pain without neurological dysfunction does not warrant radiological imaging
- Identify the roles of TSH, FT4, TT3, and TPO Abs in determining thyroid function
- Identify at least one “at-risk” population who should be considered for thyroid screening
- Discuss one physical characteristic seen in a hyperthyroid patient nr 511 final exam
- Identify the CDC recommended antibiotic class for treatment of acute bacterial prostatitis
- Identify-at least one treatment for BPH
- Identify treatment options for obesity based on BMI and comorbid condition
- Describe the Spurling test and what condition it is used to diagnose
- Describe how to perform a Phalen and Tinnel test
- Identify at least 3 physical exam maneuvers to assess the knee
NR 511 Week 6 final exam
- Differentiate between resting, postural and intention tremors and describe each
- Describe one disease with resting tremor as a clinical finding
- Describe a medication commonly associated with tremors
- Identify at least 3 laboratory tests to rule out systemic causes of tremor
- Describe at least one at-risk population that is recommended to have HIV screening
- Describe-at least one pharmacologic treatment option for tremor
- Describe an appropriate empiric antibiotic treatment plan for cellulitis
- Discuss an intervention to prevent HIV and HIV-associated behaviors
- Identify physical exam findings in the patient with HIV nr 511 final exam
- Describe symptoms, DDx, pathogens, testing, and treatment for the following conditions: Cellulitis, impetigo, MRSA, Bites (dogs, cats, humans), Erysipelas