- Case #19, “Mattel Responds to Ethical Challenges,” Answers should total one to two paragraphs for each question. Each paragraph should contain three to five complex sentences.
- Do manufacturers of products for children have special obligations to consumers and society? If so, what are these responsibilities?
- How effective has Mattel been at encouraging ethical and legal conduct by its manufacturers?
- What changes and additions would you make to the company’s Global Manufacturing Principles?
- To what extent is Mattel responsible for issues related to its production of toys in China?
- What lessons can be learned from Mattel’s experience?
Application: Planned Change in a Department or Unit Assignment
Health care organizations are continuously immersed in change from the emergence of new policies, to promote quality care and improve patient safety to keeping pace with the rapid growth in knowledge and best practices. Establishing a solid framework for planning and implementing change is a wise move, as it provides a foundation for the extensive coordination that will be needed to successfully facilitate the change.
For this Assignment, you propose a change at the department or unit level and develop a plan for guiding the change effort.
To prepare for Application: Planned Change in a Department or Unit Assignment:
· Review Chapter 8 in the course text. Focus on Kurt Lewin’s change theory, and contrast it with other classic change models and strategies.
· Reflect on problems, inefficiencies, and critical issues within a specific department, unit, or area in your organization or one with which you are familiar. Select one issue as a focal point for this assignment, and consider a change that could be made to address the issue.
· Think about how the change would align with the organization’s mission, vision, and values as well as relevant professional standards.
· Using one of the change models or strategies discussed in Chapter 8, begin formulating a plan for implementing the change within the department/unit. Outline the steps that you and/or others should follow to facilitate the change effort. Align these steps to the change model or strategy you selected.
· Determine who should be involved in initiating and managing the change. Consider the skills and characteristics that are necessary to facilitate this change effort.
Response to Merger or Consolidation of Services: Choose two issues or challenges that the leaders of today’s health care organizations face. Select from among the following topics:
1. Staff Shortage (Physicians, Nurses, Allied Health Providers, Ancillary Services)
2. Reorganization in Response to Merger or Consolidation of Services
3. Layoffs as a Result of Declining Revenues
4. Influx of Registry, Part-Time, and Temporary Contract Staff
5. Poor Performance Outcomes Leading to a Reduction in Medicare Reimbursement Dollars
6. Poor Job Satisfaction Rates Resulting in Turnover
You are the manager of an ancillary service department at a large, 500+ bed hospital. Develop a proposal (800-1,200 words) that is directed toward your staff, in which you address the following:
1. Inform the staff of the two issues (from the topics provided) your organization is facing.
2. Describe the impact of these issues on your department.
3. Describe how improved communication, collaboration, and teamwork can improve conditions in your department.
4. Identify at least two examples from the required or recommended readings of techniques found to foster inclusion and improve communication and collaboration.
5. A minimum of FOUR academic references from credible sources are required for this assignment.
Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines
In addition to your textbook, “The Inter-professional Health Care Team: Leadership and Development”. A minimum of FOUR academic references from credible sources are required for this assignment. Response to Merger or Consolidation of Services
Using a Health Policy Model to Develop a Change in Policy to Improve the Public’s Health : This assignment focuses on the methods to develop a change in policy to improve the public’s health by using a health policy model.
Suppose you want to initiate a policy of taxing sugared sodas/pop/beverages in your community. Use the Longest’s policy cycle model to ponder the following questions:
- What arguments would you use to make the case for the policy?
- What argument(s) would your opponents make?
- How would you go about getting buy-in for your proposed policy?
- What stakeholder groups need to be involved in promoting your policy?
Submission Details:
- Submit your response in a 2-page Microsoft Word document (500 words).
- Name your document SU_NSG4068_W1_Project_LastName_FirstInitial.doc.
- Cite sources in the APA format on a separate page.
Health care organizations are continuously immersed in change from the emergence of new policies, to promote quality care and improve patient safety to keeping pace with the rapid growth in knowledge and best practices. Establishing a solid framework for planning and implementing change is a wise move, as it provides a foundation for the extensive coordination that will be needed to successfully facilitate the change.
For this Assignment, you propose a change at the department or unit level and develop a plan for guiding the change effort.
To prepare:
· Review Chapter 8 in the course text. Focus on Kurt Lewin’s change theory, and contrast it with other classic change models and strategies.
· Reflect on problems, inefficiencies, and critical issues within a specific department, unit, or area in your organization or one with which you are familiar. Select one issue as a focal point for this assignment, and consider a change that could be made to address the issue.
· Think about how the change would align with the organization’s mission, vision, and values as well as relevant professional standards.
· Using one of the change models or strategies discussed in Chapter 8, begin formulating a plan for implementing the change within the department/unit. Outline the steps that you and/or others should follow to facilitate the change effort. Align these steps to the change model or strategy you selected.
· Determine who should be involved in initiating and managing the change. Consider the skills and characteristics that are necessary to facilitate this change effort.
To complete:
Write a 3- to 5-page paper (page count does not include title and reference page) that addresses the following:
· Identify a problem, inefficiency, or issue within a specific department/unit.
· Describe a specific, realistic change that could be made to address the issue.
· Summarize how the change would align with the organization’s mission, vision, and values as well as relevant professional standards.
· Identify a change model or strategy to guide your planning for implementing the change. Provide a rationale for your selection.
· Outline the steps that you and/or others would follow to facilitate the change. Align these steps to your selected change model or strategy