Nursing Practice And School Health Privacy Assignment
Nursing Practice And School Health Privacy Assignment
Create a 6–8-slide PowerPoint presentation for a group of school nurses, which addresses the role of the school nurse in managing the unique health concerns of teenagers while adhering to privacy laws.
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:
Nursing Practice And School Health Privacy Assignment
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- Competency 1: Explain the effect of health care policies, legislation, and legal issues on health care delivery and patient outcomes.
- Explain the laws that relate to adolescent safety and health privacy in a school setting.
- Explain how the privacy laws affect schools, students, and school nurses.
- Competency 3: Apply professional nursing ethical standards and principles to the decision-making process.
- Describe health and wellness issues specific to the adolescent population.
- Recommend evidence-based ethical strategies relating to health and wellness privacy communication by the school nurse.
- Competency 4: Communicate in a manner that is consistent with expectations of nursing professionals.
- Write content clearly and logically, with correct use of grammar, punctuation, and mechanics.
- Correctly format citations and references using APA style.
Role of the School Nurse
It is the position of the National Association of School Nurses that the professional registered school nurse is the leader in the school community to oversee school health policies and programs. The school nurse serves in a pivotal role to provide expertise and oversight for the provision of school health services and promotion of health education. Using clinical knowledge and judgment, the school nurse provides health care to students and staff, performs health screenings, and coordinates referrals to the medical home or private health care provider. The school nurse serves as a liaison between school personnel, family, community and healthcare providers to advocate for health care and a healthy school environment (American Nurses Association & National Association of School Nurses, 2011).
To deepen your understanding of Nursing Practice And School Health Privacy Assignment, you are encouraged to consider the questions below and discuss them with a fellow learner, a work associate, an interested friend, or a member of your professional community.
- What is FERPA?
- What is HIPAA?
- How do FERPA and HIPAA affect school health privacy?
- What unique health concerns might young people have that differentiate them from adults?
Directions for Nursing Practice And School Health Privacy Assignment
Create a 6–8-slide PowerPoint presentation that examines the privacy issues unique to nurses serving the high-school age population. Address the following:
- Describe the types of health and wellness issues that can affect adolescents in their high-school years. Be sure you think beyond the usual things and really research the types of issues that are affecting young people today.
- Explain how privacy laws can impact the school nurse in regard to patient safety and health outcomes for adolescents.
- Explain how privacy laws benefit the student, the school, and the school nurse.
- Recommend two specific evidence-based ethical strategies regarding health and wellness privacy communications in a school environment.
Use the notes section of each slide to expand your points and cite your supporting evidence. Also, include a title slide and a reference slide that lists the resources you used in this assessment.
Be creative. Consider your intended audience.
Rights of Medication Administration
- Right patient
- Check the name on the order and the patient.
- Use 2 identifiers.
- Ask patient to identify himself/herself.
- When available, use technology (for example, bar-code system).
- Right medication
- Check the medication label.
- Check the order.
- Right dose
- Check the order.
- Confirm appropriateness of the dose using a current drug reference.
- If necessary, calculate the dose and have another nurse calculate the dose as well.
- Right route
- Again, check the order and appropriateness of the route ordered.
- Confirm that the patient can take or receive the medication by the ordered route.
- Right time
- Check the frequency of the ordered medication.
- Double-check that you are giving the ordered dose at the correct time.
- Confirm when the last dose was given.
- Right documentation
- Document administration AFTER giving the ordered medication.
- Chart the time, route, and any other specific information as necessary. For example, the site of an injection or any laboratory value or vital sign that needed to be checked before giving the drug.
- Right reason
- Confirm the rationale for the ordered medication. What is the patient’s history?
Module 2 Discussion
Middle Range Nursing Theories and the Future of Nursing Theory
1. Theories seem to be such esoteric notions for a profession that seemed to function well for decades, without highlighting them. Can our practice history guide our practice future with theories? Why/not?
2. Define both rationalism and empiricism. Differentiate between these two scientific approaches.
3. Identify how the development of nursing diagnosis and nursing therapeutic taxonomies contribute to advancing nursing knowledge. Identify how the support for evidence-based practice is an indication of progress in the nursing discipline.
4. Describe how grand nursing theory differs from middle range nursing theory. Give 2 examples of grand nursing theories and give 2 examples of middle range nursing theories.
Module 3 Discussion
Overview of Research Paradigms; Evidence for Practice
Chapter 2 deals with using research as evidence both for personal practice and for changing practice in specific settings using evidence based practice (EBP) models. Think about barriers that are associated with implementation of EBP either individually or at a unit /systems level. Please discuss the following:
1) What is one barrier that you have encountered or anticipate may occur with the implementation of EBP and what are some solutions to overcome that barrier?
Chapter 1 and 3 included information about the differences and similarities between quantitative and qualitative research methods. Consider the information and discuss the following.
2) Think about the positivist versus constructivist paradigm. From which perspective do you view the world? Why? How could this influence your research in your practice setting?
3) Prior to taking this course when reading research were you able to get a sense of the ethical aspects of the research? As you look at Chapter 7, particularly Box 7.3, the known aspects of IRB and safeguarding participants are included. Speak to how, when reading a research study, you will now be more aware of thinking about 1) vulnerable groups inclusion as well as 2) which groups were omitted with or without a justifiable rationale being included.
Module 4 Discussion
Research and Clinical Questions – PICO; Literature, Reviews & Theoretical Frameworks
1) Choose a problem or issue that you anticipate within your future advanced nursing role. Formulate a clinical question using the PICOT format. This question will drive the literature search for your issue.
2) To support and assist in choosing and writing your PICOT in part 1 of this discussion board, you should have reviewed a minimum of 6-10 articles. List the articles here as a response to #2 using the APA format for each citation.
3) Choose one of those articles cited in #2 above that is a quantitative article and use the guide in Box 4.3 of Polit and Beck text to critique the research problem, research question, and hypothesis in the article (page 84). Answer each of the 8 questions and discuss the relationship of this article to your PICOT. MSN 600 Theoretical Foundations of Nursing Practice and Research
Module 5 Discussion
Qualitative Research Design; Qualitative Data Collection & Analysis
1. Give one example each of issues/problems that could be answered using a qualitative research design in the following areas: A. nursing practice, B. nursing education, and C. nursing leadership.
2. What topics are better suited for phenomenological or grounded theory or ethnography? Provide rationale. Provide one topic that could be researched using each of the following: phenomenological, grounded theory, and ethnography.
3. Explain the various strategies used to promote qualitative research validity/trustworthiness/rigor as found in Chapter 25 of your assigned reading. Then, take one of these strategies and compare it to a specific quantitative strategy addressing similar issues of rigor. MSN 600 Theoretical Foundations of Nursing Practice and Research Module Papers.
Module 6 Discussion
Quantitative Research Design; Quantitative Data Collection & Analysis
1. Read this fictitious study and then answer the questions that follow:
Brusser and Joansy wanted to test the effectiveness of a new relaxation/biofeedback intervention on menopausal symptoms. They invited women who presented themselves in an outpatient clinic with complaints of severe hot flashes to participate in the study of the experimental treatment. These 50 women were asked to record, every day for 3 weeks before the intervention, the frequency and duration of their hot flashes. The intervention involved five 1-hour sessions over a period of 1 week. Then for 3 weeks after the treatment the women were asked to record their hot flashes again every day. At the end of the study, Brusser and Joansy found that both the frequency and average duration of the hot flashes had been significantly reduced in this sample of 50 women. They concluded that their intervention was an effective therapy in treating menopausal hot flashes.
a. What is the independent variable in this study?
b. What are the dependent variables in this study?
c. Was there random assignment in this study?
d. Is the design experimental, quasi-experimental, pre-experimental, or nonexperimental?
e. What is the specific name of the design used in this study?
f. Is the study design within subjects or between subjects?
g. Was there blinding in this study?
h. Provide at least one way in which this study could have been improved based on your chapter readings
2. Here is a brief summary of the data collection plan of a fictitious study. Read the summary and then respond to the questions that follow.
Traina conducted a study to investigate the relationship between adults’ blood pressure and their suppression of anger. Data were gathered from a sample of 347 healthy men and women aged 22 to 60 who were members of a gym in Washington DC. Subjects completed two paper and pencil scales: The Feeling of Anger Scale and the Expression of Anger Scale. The scales used a 9 point rating scales. Responses to each scale were summed to yield a total score for each variable. The subjects’ BP was measured by nurses using zero calibrated aneroid sphygmomanometers. Weight was measured with subjects wearing only gym shorts and a t-shirt on an upright scale to the nearest 10th of a pound. Heights was measured without shoes, feet together. All instruments were assessed at being below the eighth grade level. The results indicated for both men and women higher diastolic and systolic BP was associated with higher levels of suppressed anger even when various variables were statistically controlled.
a. Which of the following types of data were collected in this study (self-report, observation, biophysiologic, records)?
b. Were the data collection methods structured or unstructured?
c. For which variables did Traina NOT derive numeric information?
d. Which of the following specific methods were used (likert-type scale, semantic differential scale, event history calendar, rank-order questions, Q-sort)?
e. Which type of data collection was used: telephone interview, personal interview, web-based interview, or self-administered questionnaire?
f. Was readability assessed? At what level?
g. Provide at least one way that data collection and measurement effort be improved in this study based on your readings.
MSN 600 Theoretical Foundations of Nursing Practice and Research Module Papers
Module 7 Discussion
Application of Theory; Learning Theory
1. In your Alligood textbook, you have explored much about the development and progress of theoretical nursing. Your assigned readings this week introduces you to the ways of knowing in nursing written by Barbara Carper. This is a seminal work in nursing.
a. List the 4 patterns of knowing according to Barbara Carper.
b. Provide an example from your practice for each of the 4 patterns.
c. What are your thoughts about the pertinence of these patterns in nursing today?
2. There are multiple learning theories as you read in the Zhou & Brown chapter.
a. Choose and identify the name of one of the learning theories from the assigned reading of Zhou & Brown.
b. Develop a step-by-step program to decrease the frequency of medical mistakes in a healthcare practice setting. Cite the learning theory principles that back each step of the program