Academic and Professional Success Plan Template Sample

Academic and Professional Success Plan Template Sample

Academic and Professional Success Plan Template Sample

NURS 6003: Transition to Graduate Study for Nursing

Academic and Professional Success Plan Template


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 This document is to be used for NURS 6003 Transition to Graduate Study for Nursing to complete Assessments 1-6. Just as importantly the document serves to organize your thoughts about planning for your academic and professional success.

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For specific instructions see the weekly assessment details in the course, or ask your instructor for further guidance.

Academic and Professional Success Plan Template Sample

Week 1 | Part 1: My Academic and Professional Network

I have identified and secured the participation of the following academic (at least two) and professional (at least two) individuals and/or teams to form the basis of my network. This network will help me to clarify my vision for success and will help guide me now and in the future. Academic and Professional Success Plan Template Example .

Directions: Complete the information below for each member of your network. For more than four entries repeat the items below with details of your additional network member(s) in the ‘ADDITIONAL NETWORK MEMBERS’ section. Academic and Professional Success Plan Template Sample




Title: FNP-C 

Organization: Nor Lea General Hospital

Academic or Professional: Professional

Why I selected this individual and/or team and how they will support my success in the MSN program and as a practicing nurse:

Candida was not only my guidance counselor during the nursing program I received my Associates through, she was also one of the first FNP’s I worked for shortly after graduating when she completed her degree. She has been there for me through all of the ups and downs I have experienced in my nursing career and knows how to motivate me to do my very best.







Title: Enrollment Advisor

Organization: Walden

Academic or Professional: Academic

Why I selected this individual and/or team and how they will support my success in the MSN program and as a practicing nurse:


Amanda has been nothing short of amazing with staying in touch with me and addressing any questions or issues I have had. She is supportive and has made my enrollment smooth. I feel like she will be here for me for any needs I may have. Academic and Professional Success Plan Template Example .





Title: Student Success Advisor

Organization: Walden         

Academic or Professional: Academic

Why I selected this individual and/or team and how they will support my success in the MSN program and as a practicing nurse:


Claudia has remained a constant contact for me as I have prepared myself for the MSN program. She is available for me to reach out to, and have provided me helpful information so far to help make this experience easier.





Title: FNP-C

Organization: Nor Lea General Hospital

Academic or Professional: Professional

Why I selected this individual and/or team and how they will support my success in the MSN program and as a practicing nurse:


Kelli was my cardiac teacher in nursing school and has since became an FNP. She has no problem telling it like it is, and holding me responsible for completing goals I have set for myself.



Week 2 | Part 2: Academic Resources and Strategies

I have identified the following academic resources and/or strategies that can be applied to success in the nursing practice in general or my specialty in particular.

Academic Resource/Strategy 1


Academic Tutor- While this is an internet program, I intend to take advantage of Walden University’s excellent internet instructional tutoring facilities. My strategy will be to reach out to a tutor as soon as possible whenever I have any class issues, of course this will vary from class to class. Academic and Professional Success Plan Template Example. I have no issues with feeling comfortable asking for advice on how to answer questions if I have trouble finding information I need. I prefer face-to-face interaction, but I will do what I need to on my part to complete my goals.

Academic Resource/Strategy 2

Local Library – my strategy for using the local library will not only be an outstanding source for me, but will also give me access to newspapers, books and academic content that will assist me in finishing my graduate studies. My strategy will be to continue to work full time during the day and stop by the library around 3pm to look for any study resources or materials I will need for the week ahead. Once I pick out what I need, I will then study them in a secluded, quiet area in my home and utilize them to complete my assignments successfully

Academic Resource/Strategy 3

Internet/World Wide Web– The internet is one of the single most significant discoveries known to man. It is at our fingertips 24/7 and plays a vital role in our online learning. I plan on utilizing this academic resource to gain access to information from scholarly articles and journals through Google Scholar, and also use it help me understand APA format as well as Grammarly to assist with grammar. This will allow me to learn in and beyond the information and resources in the online classroom.

Professional Resource/Strategy 1

The International Council of Nurses (ICN) – I intend to engage actively in the International Nurses Council because it has values that I live by. Cultural values, customs, religious beliefs, for instance. The ICN is a coalition of more than 130 organizations of national nurses representing the millions of nurses worldwide (CGFNS, 2019).Since it is recognized on a national level, it would offer significant information depending on the information needed.

Professional Resource/Strategy 2

American Nurses Association (ANA) – These plans would require attending brief online classes and seminars to enhance my clinical and study skills continuity. Joining the ANA when I first became a nurse was one of the best choices I have made. This is a resource I will continue to use throughout my nursing career. My strategy will be to utilize the ANA for information that is credible and will benefit me in completing my MSN through Walden.

Professional Resource/Strategy 3

Nicole Russell, MD- My best friend graduated from Walden a few years ago with her MD in psychology. I intend on reaching out to her for any additional information needed while completing assignments or discussions. She is one of the most knowledgeable people I know and is a mentor to many. Academic and Professional Success Plan Template Example .



ANA Enterprise. (n.d.). Resources to succeed. Retrieved January 13, 2019, from

International Council of Nurses address key issues for nursing at 69th World Health

Assembly: Retrieved from:

Laureate Education (Producer). (2012e). Tips for effective online composition and

communication [Video File].  Baltimore, MD:  Author

Week 3 | Part 3: Strategies to Promote Academic Integrity and Professional Ethics

I have analyzed the relationship between academic integrity and writing, as well as the relationship between professional practices and scholarly ethics. I have also identified strategies I intend to pursue to maintain integrity and ethics of my academic work while a student of the MSN program, as well as my professional work as a nurse throughout my career. The results of these efforts are shared below.

Directions: In the space below craft your analysis/writing sample, including Part 1 (The Connection Between Academic and Professional Integrity) and Part 2 (Strategies for Maintaining Integrity of Work).


Part 1: Writing Sample: The Connection Between Academic and Professional Integrity

In the space below write a 2- 3-paragraph analysis that includes the following:

  • Explanation for the relationship between academic integrity and writing
  • Explanation for the relationship between professional practices and scholarly ethics
  • Cite at least 2 resources that support your arguments, being sure to use proper APA formatting.
  • Use Grammarly and SafeAssign to improve the product. Academic and Professional Success Plan Template Example .
  • Explain how Grammarly, Safe Assign, and paraphrasing contributes to academic integrity

PART 2: Strategies for Maintaining Integrity of Work

Expand on your thoughts from Part 1 by:

  • Identifying and describing strategies you intend to pursue to maintain integrity and ethics of your 1) academic work while a student of the MSN program, and 2) professional work as a nurse throughout your career. Include a review of resources and approaches you propose to use as a student and a professional.



Academic Integrity and Writing

Academic integrity refers to the measure of honesty that is represented in all academic matters and institutions; it is the utilization of statutes or values that guide the entire academic world. Academic integrity is achieved by avoiding plagiarism and also by using accredited, scholarly sources for assignments. When academic integrity is violated, it is tough for students to obtain proper knowledge that will allow them to achieve and reach their desired goals no matter what their focused study is. Academic dishonesty happens when there are incidents such as plagiarism, and academic forgery, which can occur in any setting, this is exceptionally unethical.  The most critical aspect of writing is academic integrity, as it shows the element of academic intellectuality (Cook, 2016). If a nursing student is completing an assignment, they must create and use their work. If using someone else’s information, then referencing them is mandatory to prevent plagiarism. Being honest and doing your research to gain the knowledge to complete an assignment is the best way to maintain academic integrity while writing. Academic and Professional Success Plan Template Sample.

Profession Practices and Scholarly Ethics

In every profession, one is expected to meet specific skills or set requirements. Professional practices are the behavior or the code of conduct one must follow when working in a particular institution. In nursing practice, embracing academic ethics creates honesty in the workplace and particularly with patients. Nursing is considered a profession with the highest ethical consideration as it is part of providing patients with secure care (Milton, 2015).   The professional nursing practice needs to learn to provide proof-based care, generally taken from scholarly articles, or surveys, and is provided by reputable researchers. This requires nurses to acknowledge or focus their attention to scholarly articles that provide valuable, factual information. A favorable connection between professionalism and academic ethics generates an ethical atmosphere for nurses to improve patient outcomes and gain their patient’s trust.

Scholarly ethics relates to different scholars ‘ mode of conduct. Scholarly ethics is related to the regulations governing how to do any academic job for a scientist or researcher (Marusic, 2011). A policy governs scholarly morality that guarantees that all academics adhere to academic writing or scholarly writing standards. A scholar, for example, is not supposed to present a plagiarized thesis. Instead, it is expected that a scholar will provide factual information and work that shows particular writing values. A scholar is to possess honesty when performing any work. This can only be achieved by providing your own work, and not copying someone else’s.

How Grammarly Improves Academic Integrity

Grammarly, safe assign, and paraphrasing enhance students ‘ writing skills each in their way. Grammarly, for example, allows you to fix grammatical errors, and also can help prevent plagiarism to an extent. This allows the writer to provide the resource and cite it correctly accurately. Academic and Professional Success Plan Template Example .It can also help with Paraphrasing. One of the skills that a writer is required to understand is the power of proper paraphrasing This skill is crucial in academic writing. If one knows how to paraphrase correctly, then there will be minimal cases of plagiarism. Similarly, Safe Assign and Turnitin are specifically designed applications for plagiarism detection. Through these apps, authors can gain more understanding about how to use suitable educational resources and how to quote them while completing assignments (Milton, 2015).

Strategies for Maintaining Integrity of Work

I intend to keep academic integrity in my academic work by using paraphrasing when writing and by using proper citing on all academic papers. To assure that my grammar is accurate as needed, I will continue to use Grammarly, SafeAssign, and Turnitin applications. These content checkers will help in evaluating the content that might have been directly copied from the already submitted. I’ll take time to carefully read my syllabus and seek my instructor’s clarification whenever I have any questions about assignments or what is required of myself in the class. This will enable me to obtain credible data and information, ensuring my success. Academic and Professional Success Plan Template Sample. Also, I’m going to make sure I’m sitting in a calm, quiet room when completing assignments and quizzes.

As a nurse, I will use evidence-based care and outlined nursing ethics to provide patients with the highest continuity of care. Accessing articles through Google Scholar, or the Walden Library will ensure that I am using credible resources for information I need for class work or to further educate myself on information for my patients. I will be an advocate for all of my patients ensuring to display compassion, honesty, empathy, and always do my very best to improve their outcomes. Academic and Professional Success Plan Template Example .


No matter how you look at it, success is measured by hard work and dedication. Whether it be in school or working as a nurse on the floor, your honesty and compassion will always bring great rewards. Choosing to work hard and not copy or plagiarise work is going to be the only way you can achieve your goals academically. There are many resources available to ensure that the information you need is scholarly and factual. In the end, we all want to be successful graduate nurses; we must never lose sight of that goal or let poor decisions negatively impact that.


Cook, M. L. (2016). Characteristics of nurse practitioners and physician assistants in the United States. Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners28(1), 39-46.

Marusic A. Problems of editors with authorship in small medical journals. The International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. 2011;2(3):130–132.

Milton, C. L. (2015). Ethics and academic integrity. Nursing science quarterly28(1), 18-20.

Week 4 | Part 4: Research Analysis

I have identified one topic of interest for further study. I have researched and identified one peer-reviewed research article focused on this topic and have analyzed this article.  The results of these efforts are shared below.

Directions: Complete Step 1 by using the table and subsequent space below identify and analyze the research article you have selected. Complete Step 2 by summarizing in 2-3 paragraphs the results of your analysis using the space identified.

 Step 1: Research Analysis

Complete the table below

Topic of Interest: Effective Pain Management and Improvements in Patients. 
Research Article: Include full citation in APA format, as well as link or search details (such as DOI) Glowacki, D. (2015). Effective Pain Management and Improvements in Patients Outcomes and Satisfaction. Critical Care Nurse,35(3), 33-41. doi:10.4037/ccn2015440
Professional Practice Use:One or more professional practice uses of the theories/concepts presented in the article ·         Professional practice use is for collaborative pain management team that can lead to improvements in the therapy and evaluation of patient pain management. Pain management team can use it to aid in pain management strategies, resulting in better outcomes and satisfaction scores 

·         Professional practice use for pain management education for patients and their families. Academic and Professional Success Plan Template Example.


·         Professional practice use to reduce the number of signs and symptoms, and improve functional status.


Research Analysis MatrixAdd more rows if necessary Strengths of the Research Limitations of the Research Relevancy to Topic of Interest Notes
Information gathered directly from patients EMRs and charts  Some outdated sources referenced Positive patient outcomes
Proof for aiding in pain management  Certain pain management techniques not effective for all patients New ways to manage pain for nurses and interdisciplinary team
Direct access to patients  Lack of participants Allows nurses to practice effectively
Method used for analyzing and collecting information is backed by proof and other resources  Could have used a different approach to research such as systematic review of pain and how it is effectively managed. Pain reduced for patients
Multifaceted team approach  Links between pathophysiology of pain and ways to control it understood and effective in reducing it.
Large participation in the study 
Method used validated info

Step 2: Summary of Analysis

Craft a summary (2-3 paragraph) below that includes the following:

  • Describe your approach to identifying and analyzing peer-reviewed research
  • Identify at least two strategies that you would use that you found to be effective in finding peer-reviewed research
  • Identify at least one resource you intend to use in the future to find peer-reviewed research

Identifying and Analyzing Peer-Reviewed Research

The method by which scholars critically assess each other’s research article before publication in an academic journal is how information becomes peer-reviewed (Bow Valley College, 2019). To identify and analyze peer research, I first look for credentials behind the author’s name or names. Credentials will indicate the level of education and credibility. I then move on to see if the name of the article focuses on the information I am researching. The title is a good indicator, and you can narrow this information down in the search bar. I then look to identify the structure and also to see how long it is. Often a short article is not as accurate in providing scholarly information. Reviewing the literature, tone, and point of view of the article is a good sign of an excellent peer-reviewed article. Also, scholarly articles usually have an abstract, a summary of contents; these are listed before the main body of the item (Cornell University, 2018).

This peer review focuses on the research study of pain management and is aimed at its effectiveness. In this article, it shows how the importance of understanding the pathophysiology of pain and how to control it go hand in hand. Unfortunately, today’s healthcare workers are not familiar with these two fundamental things in pain management. I would recommend this article to inform professional practice because it provides excellent insight into effective pain management and its outcomes for patients. This in return, improves satisfaction scores for the healthcare team and facility. Academic and Professional Success Plan Template Example .

Strategies in Finding Peer-Reviewed Research

Finding a credible peer-reviewed article does not have to be complicated. Some strategies I use include limiting the database search to peer-reviewed journals only. Narrowing down the information being researched is the most effective way to pull up peer-reviewed information. Another approach is to examine the publication to see if it is peer-reviewed. This is the most simple, but yet it is useful. If by chance, I am having a difficult time determining if the information is peer-reviewed, I use the database through Walden’s library of Journals to determine if the journal is peer-reviewed. If I am ever unsure after doing these things, then I would reach out to my instructor for guidance.

Future Resource for Information

In the future, I plan on using Google Scholar to help me find peer-reviewed articles. I went through the steps of setting up and linking my Walden Library to my Google Scholar, so I ensure accuracy when searching. I utilize this in almost all of my assignments and find it is beneficial in assisting me with the information I am researching. I also came across Ulrich’s Web while in the Walden Library, this is another way to verify if an article is peer-reviewed or not. I will utilize this when in doubt for future assignments. After completing my paper, I always use Grammarly to help with grammatical errors as well. The more tools and resources used, the better chance you have of receiving a passing grade for assignments. Academic and Professional Success Plan Template Sample.

Week 5 | Part 5: Professional Development

I have developed a curriculum vitae to capture my academic and professional accomplishments to date. I have also developed a statement identifying one or more professional development goals, and a statement proposing how I might align one or more of these professional development goals with the University’s emphasis on social change.

The results of my efforts are below.


Directions: Complete Step 1 by developing (or copying and pasting) a curriculum vitae (CV) in the space provided. Complete Step 2 by completing a statement identifying your professional development goals space identified. Complete Step 3 by writing a statement proposing how you might align one or more of your professional development goals with the University’s emphasis on social change.




Step 1: Curriculum Vitae (CV)

Use the space below to write your CV based on your current education and professional background. Alternatively, you may write this in a separate document and copy/paste the results below.

NOTE: If needed there are a variety of online resources available with tips and samples of graduate nurse CVs. Academic and Professional Success Plan Template Sample.


Professional Development Plan

As a nurse it always compelling to achieve and go for greatness. Today I am pursuing a graduate nursing degree in pursuit to continue to develop my life long curriculum vitae. How one obtain success in life solely depends on the person’s vision (Laureate 2018). Academic and Professional Success Plan Template Sample.


Curriculum Vitae :

Candice Thomas, RN-BSN


Registered nurse with extensive experience in providing patients with quality care. Professional with over six years of experience in emergency room care, triage and post-surgical rehabilitation. Strong expertise in the hospital or private practice environment of medicine, pharmacology, and expectations of care. Caring and reliable individual with a reputation for creating an excellent relationship between medical professionals and patients. Committed to advocating for patients and keeping them more informed and comfortable during their care.




Walden University, Minneapolis Minnesota                                        August 2015- Current

  • Bachelors of Science – Nursing Cum Laude

New Mexico Junior College, Hobbs, NM                                           August2009- December 2013

  • Associate of Science Degree, Nursing


New Mexico Registered Professional Nurse (Compact Lisensure)

American Heart Association Basic Life Support (BLS), Certified

American Heart Association Advance Cardiac Life Support (ACLS), Certified


Care Transition Coordinator

Encompass Health – Hobbs, NM              

 August 2017 to Present

  •  Assess, plan, implement, coordinate, monitor, and evaluate options and services with a primary goal of providing a safe transition from acute care to home for home health or hospice services.
  •  Integrate evidence-based clinical guidelines, preventative guidelines, protocols in development of transition plans that are patient-centered, promoting quality and efficiency in the delivery of post-acute care.
  •  Promote adherence to post-acute plans and ensure ordered services are completed. Academic and Professional Success Plan Template Example .
  •  Monitor execution of transitional care services through ongoing quality assurance visits with referral sources.
  •  Responsible for Care Transitions Program admission activity for territory, while positively impacting patient outcomes and referral source satisfaction.

Registered Nurse/Drug Testing Supervisor/OSHA & HIPPA officer

Eunice Industrial Center – Eunice, NM

August 2016 to August 2017

  •  Perform all drug and alcohol screens as required by company policy for a multiple offices in the area.
  •  Conduct all DOT physical work ups prior to examination, entering all information collected in to the FMCSA website.
  •  Increase in revenue for the Industrial Medicine Clinic by 30% by utilizing leadership skills and knowledge.
  •  Fulfilling all manager duties as needed to ensure proper operations and day to day functions of the Eunice Health Center.
  •  Maintain OSHA and HIPPA compliance for clinic.
  •  Perform Lab draws and other lab tests as need to assist other nurses in providing patient care.


MDS Coordinator/Nurse Manager

Lea Regional Medical Center – Hobbs, NM

March 2016 to August 2016

  •  Responsible for coordinating the RAI process assuring the accuracy, timeliness and completion of the MDS for all residents in the facility in accordance with all federal and state certification guidelines
  •  Monitor and document the management of the Medicare and Managed Care residents in collaboration with facility team members
  •  Provide innovative, responsible healthcare with the implementation of new ideas and concepts that continually improve processes to achieve positive patient outcomes.
  •  Supervise nurses in their daily duties, assisting them as needed.

Registered Nurse

Nor Lea Hobbs Medical Clinic – Hobbs, NM

October 2015 to March 2016

  •  Supervise Medical Assistant’s, their performance and care provided to patients during office visits.
  •  Coordinate the care of patients, making follow up calls with test results, and scheduling follow up appointments as needed.
  •  Interpret patient information and make critical decisions about patient care by using the nursing process.
  •  Administer medications and treatments as prescribed and ordered by a provider, ensuring patient understood all education pertaining to their diagnosis.

Registered Nurse

Seminole Memorial Hospital – Seminole, TX

December 2013 to January 2016

  •  Educate patients in the outpatient clinic; respond to consultations as requested by physicians.
  •  Provide patient care using ADPIE, ensuring compliance with HIPPA and OSHA guidelines.
  •  Assess patients and their health history, and perform medication reconciliations.
  •  Evaluate results and monitor treatment plans; maintain medical records.
  •  Attend and assist during minor surgical procedures. Wound care, stitch and staple removal from wounds.
  •  Interpret patient information and make critical decisions about patient care.
  •  Assist with training new employees on proper standards of procedures and use of equipment


References Available Upon Request.

Step 2: Professional Development Goals

Use the space below to write a statement identifying your professional development goals.

Everyone has goals that they set out to achieve. My personal goals are to accomplish as much as I can personally and professionally by completing my MSN with a focus on Family Nurse Practitioner. I believe in the motto that the sky is the limit, and nothing should come in between you and your achievements. I love being able to help people while they are in a compromising position. It gives me a sense of well–being and gratification.  I also feel through my actions of caring that I am contributing to creating a better society. As my career development plan begins to advance, it is an essential step in my life to have my family’s support while doing so. By possessing longevity within one company will allow me room for advancement and to grow as an individual not only on a personal but professional level as well. This kind of longevity will prove loyalty dedication to the company.

When developing my professional development plan I always aim high. Think about where you want to be ten years from now, 15 years from now.  If you’re going to be the CNO of the organization, start thinking now what steps you’re going to have to go through (Laureate 2018). It is essential to think positive and aim for what it is that your heart desires.  My personal goal is to become a well-established Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP).  I’ll do this by obtaining my Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) and moving on to be licensed by the state. I plan on earning my Doctorate and establishing my practice after working as an FNP for a couple of years.

The school of Nursing at Walden University provides academically rigorous, culturally, and contextually relevant educational programs, all based on the scholar-practitioner model. This program is for a diverse array of nursing specialists seeking improvement in critical thinking skills, techniques to select and implement evidence-based practices, and core specialty nursing knowledge to transform society. By realizing my potential to make a lasting difference in nursing, I will better my community (Laureate 2019). It brings me exceptional satisfaction to be a part of the Walden university mission to achieve my professional and personal goals. Academic and Professional Success Plan Template Sample.

Step 3: Alignment with Social Change

Use the space below to write a statement proposing how you might align one or more of your professional development goals with the University’s emphasis on social change.

Aligning with Social change, is using the knowledge you have gained and applying it to your practice. In doing so society today have created an understanding of personal portfolios.  Everyone has a portfolio, and each one is individualized and tailored in accordance to their achievements. “The portfolio is used to collect appropriate evidence to demonstrate progress, competence, and reflective practice” (Nesbitt & Mccaslin, 2018 P. 478). Being organized is one of the traits I intend to use to my advantage while furthering my education. This will ensure that I do not lose track of assignments and goals, therefore having a greater impact on society.

As society evolves daily, I want to incorporate my knowledge to better my community; I have the benefit to help others for the better with the constant changes in society. Walden supports actual social change through the development of principled, knowledgeable, and ethical scholar-practitioners, who are and will become public and professional role models by advancing the betterment of society (Laureate 2018). While evolving with social change, it is essential to display one’s accomplishment, achievements, and strength to prove just how knowledgeable you are in your field of practice.

In conclusion, I feel good about the career path I have chosen. I look forward to being successful in everything I do with the help of Walden University. I am confident that Walden University will prepare me with the knowledge, wisdom, and understanding I need to advance my career.


Bow Valley College (2019). Retrieved on July 1st, 2019 from

Cornell University Library. (2018) Distinguishing scholarly journals from other periodicals.

Retrieved from

Czarnecki, M. L., Turner, H. N., Collins, P. M., Doellman, D., Wrona, S., & Reynolds, J. (2011).

Procedural Pain Management: A Position Statement with Clinical Practice

Recommendations. Pain Management Nursing,12(2), 95-111. doi:10.1016/j.pmn.2011.02.003

Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2018). The Blueprint to Success [Video file].

Baltimore, MD: Author.

Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2018). The Walden Journey to a Masters in

Nursing: Your Professional Development Plan [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.

Ulrich’s Web Global Serials Directory (2019). Retrieved on July 1st, 2019 from

Nesbit,C., & McCaslin, J. (2018).  Building the best portfolio for career progression. Surgery


Week 6 | Part 6: Finalizing the Plan

I have considered various options for my nursing specialty, including a close look at my selected (or currently preferred) specialty and second-preferred specialty. Academic and Professional Success Plan Template Example . I have also developed a justification of my selected (or preferred) specialty. Lastly, I have examined one professional organization related to my selected or preferred specialty and considered how I can become a member of this organization.

The results of my efforts are below.


Directions: Complete Step 1 by writing 2-3 paragraphs in the space below comparing the nursing specialty you have selected – or the one you prefer if your choice is still under consideration –  to your second preference. Identify each specialty and describe the focus and the role that graduates are prepared for. Identify any other differentiators you feel are significant, especially those that helped or may help you reach a decision.


Complete Step 2 by writing a paragraph identifying and justifying your reasons for choosing your MSN specialization. Be sure to incorporate any feedback you received from colleagues in this week’s Discussion Forum.


Complete Step 3 by examining and identifying one professional organization related to your selected or preferred specialty. Explain how you can become a member of this organization.



Step 1: Comparison of Nursing Specialties

Use the space below to write 2-3 paragraphs comparing the nursing specialty you have selected – or the one you prefer if your choice is still under consideration –  to your second preference. Identify each specialty and describe the focus and the role that graduates are prepared for. Identify any other differentiators you feel are significant, especially those that helped or may help you reach a decision. Academic and Professional Success Plan Template Sample.



Step 2: Justification of Nursing Specialty

Use the space below to write a paragraph identifying and justifying your reasons for choosing your MSN specialization. Be sure to incorporate any feedback you received from colleagues in this week’s Discussion Forum.

Step 3: Professional Organizations

Use the space below to identify and examine one professional organization related to your selected or preferred specialty. Explain how you can become a member of this organization. Academic and Professional Success Plan Template Example .

Academic and Professional Success Plan Template Example

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