NUR3126 Weekly Discussions Complete paper
NUR3126 Weekly Discussions Complete
Week 1 discussion
DQ1 A 26-year-old female who has a history of obesity wants to begin an exercise program and is seeking information about how to improve her general health.
a. How would you approach the concept of the physiology metabolism as an energy source?
b. What is the best way to explain the body’s physiologic energy needs as it relates to exercise
The Course Objective the guides your learning outcome is Course Objective 1 (CO1): Define cell/tissue function and general mechanisms of disease.
DQ2 A 12-year-old adolescent boy has hemophilia A. His father and mother have requested a meeting, as they really do not understand how their son could have this disorder as neither one of them have the disease.
a. What concepts of gene disorders should be discussed?
b. What teaching would be necessary for the long term and short term?
The Course Objective the guides your learning outcome is CO 2: Differentiate pathophysiology of genetic disorders.
Week 2 discussion
DQ1 You work in an Extended Living Facility with 122 residents which is experiencing a recent illness within the complex. Several of the residents have been experiencing the following symptoms over the past 3 to 5 days: fever, chills, diaphoresis, muscle aches and pains, cough, and loss of appetite. The Public Health Nurse visited the facility and suspects influenza A and recommends only those health care workers who have received the influenza vaccine to continue to work shifts with the residents.
Callie works as a personal care attendant and has had her “flu shot” but she does not understand how this will help protect her from getting the flu. What type of immunity does the flu shot provide physiologically at the cellular level? How can you help Callie understand how her immune system is at work in this case. NUR3126 Weekly Discussions Complete
As the nurse, you must also consider the older adult population that is affected in this situation. Why is this important?
DQ2 First, Please Watch This Video. Then Read the Case Study Below and Answer the Questions.
Understanding Acid-Base Balance
A woman brings her 77 year-old father into the clinic. She explains her father has been sleepy and has not wanted to eat because he has been feeling nauseated. She also tells you he has not been urinating very much. Upon assessment you find the patient is lethargic but arousable. The following are his laboratory results:
Lab findings:
Na 146
Cl 112
K 3.9
Arterial Blood Gases:
pH 7.32
PCO2 33
HCO3 20
PO2 97
Urine Specific Gravity 1.038
Based on these results, what specific electrolyte disturbance does the patient have?
What clinical manifestations would the nurse expect to see with this electrolyte abnormality?
What abnormalites of blood gas is/are seen in this patient? Provide a rationale for each result.
What is your interpretation of this arterial blood gas?
What is the patient’s anion gap? Please explain if it is decreased, increased, or normal. Provide a rationale for your response.
NUR3126 Weekly Discussions Complete
Week 3 discussion
Week 3 Threaded Discussion Question 1 of 2
1. Discuss circulatory failure (shock) and the pathophysiology of shock.
Include the cellular responses and compensatory mechanisms of shock
2. Then choose one of the following types of shock and explain the pathophysiology, manifestations, and treatment:
1. Hypovolemic Shock
2. Cardiogenic Shock
3. Obstructive Shock
4. Neurogenic Shock
5. Anaphylactic Shock
5. Sepsis and Septic Shock
Please write the type of shock you are discussing in the Subject bar.
Respond to other students’ posts who chose a different type of shock than the one you discussed in your Initial response post.
The Course Objectives (COs) that guide your learning this week are:
CO 8: Identify a pathophysiological question or hypothesis relating to an ares of potential study of interest
CO 9: Explain assessment and intervention in a specific pathophysiological state
CO 10: Review a pathophysiologic evidence-based study of interest relevant to a selected area of nursing study
CO 14: Evaluate the concepts of pathophysiologic alterations in the application of the nursing process in clinical practice
Week 3 Threaded Discussion 2 of 2
Please choose one of the following Case Studies to discuss:
Case Study 1
A 78 year-old man is admitted to the hospital with the chief complaint of shortness of breath. He states the shortness of breath has been increasing over the past 2 months and is aggravated by exertion. He has found that he often awakens at night with a sensation of “feeling like he is smothering” that is partially relieved when he gets up and opens the window. He has no ankle swelling or edema noted.
Past medical history is only positive for myocardial infarction 8 years ago. He currently does not have complaints of chest pain. BP is 140/98. When the nurse listens to his heart, she hears a normal S1 and S2 with a rate of 88. When auscultating his lungs, the nurse notes bibasilar rales. There is no peripheral edema.
The admission diagnosis for the patient was left-sided heart failure.
1. Describe the pathophysiology of left-sided heart failure
2. Describe other clinical manifestations the nurse would monitor for in this patient. Which clinical manifestations would be seen in only left-sided failure? Which symptoms would occur if right-sided failure was present also?
Case Study 2
An 82 year-old woman presented in the Emergency Department (ED) with complaints of chest pain, fainting episodes (syncope), feeling palpitations in her chest, and shortness of breath when walking. The result of her EKG shows she has a supraventricular arrhythmia indicating AV heart block. The client’s daughter is with her in the ED.
1. Explain the pathophysiology of the normal conduction system of the heart and how AV heart block disrupts the normal conduction system.
2. The physician tells the client she needs to have a pacemaker inserted. Help the patient and her daughter understand how the pacemaker will alter the electrical path of the heart.
Please write the Case Study you are discussing in the Subject bar.
One of your peer posts must be to a student who chose a different Case Study than the one you discussed in your Initial response post.
The Course Objectives (COs) that guide your learning this week are:
CO 6: Describe the anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular system, diagnostic procedures in disease states, coronary atherosclerotic disease, valvular heart disease, cardiac mechanical function and circulatory support, and vascular disease.
CO 8: Identify a pathophysiological question or hypothesis relating to an ares of potential study of interest.
CO 9: Explain assessment and intervention in a specific pathophysiological state.
CO 10: Review a pathophysiologic evidence-based study of interest relevant to a selected area of nursing study.
CO 11: In collaboration with a healthcare team (or simulated situation), explain application of this study in nursing practice to improve patient outcomes/or positively impact.
CO 13: In actual/simulated evidence-based nursing practice communicate/document the process and outcome to involve patients, families, and healthcare teams.
CO 14: Evaluate the concepts of pathophysiologic alterations in the application of the nursing process in clinical practice. NUR3126 Weekly Discussions Complete
Week 4 discussion
Week 4 Threaded Discussion Question 1 of 2
You are assessing a 10 month-old boy. Jason requires continuous portable oxygen via nasal prongs at 0.5 L/min. His mother understands Jason has a chronic lung disease. She has tried to wean the baby from the oxygen during the nighttime but she tells you Jason’s O2 saturation will drop to 90% and his respiratory rate will increase. The baby was born at 27 weeks gestation, weighed 960 g at birth and was ventilated for the first 14 days of life. He has been on continuous oxygen since birth.
There is a student nurse observing today. Outside the exam room, she asks you if the baby has asthma. How will you respond? Provide rationales for your responses.
Which chronic lung disease does Jason have? What would you be concerned about as the baby gets older?
Week 4 Threaded Discussion Question 1 of 2
Megan is a 16-year-old girl presents to the ED with complaints of a headache, sore throat, chills, malaise, and fatigue for the past week. On physical examination, you assess she has an enlarged liver and spleen, and she has enlarged lymph nodes in the anterior and posterior chains of her neck. Her CBC results indicate her leukocyte count is very high at 18,000cells/ ?L. Megan states three other kids at school have been sick this past week with similar symptoms.
Why is Megan’s immune system reacting this way?
Megan tells you she is afraid she will die because one of the students who had the same disorder told her, “We are going to have this all our lives.” What can you say to relieve her fears?