NUR3126 All Week Assignments Complete essay
NUR3126 All Week Assignments Complete
Week 1 assignment
In lieu of a quiz you will be creating a short APA format PPT presentation. It is due Tuesday, July 10th by 11:59 PM ET.
Please choose one of the topics below:
1. Reversible Cell Injury and Death – Include the two mechanisms
2. Connective and Muscle Tissues
3. Cellular Responses to Persistent Stress
4. Physiologic Manifestations of Fever and Treatment
5. Phases of Cutaneous Wound Healing
6. Chromosomal Disorders Due to Environmental Influences
7. Acute and Chronic Inflammation
Assignment Guidelines and Requirements:
APA format 5-7 Slide PPT Presentation, excluding the Title, Introduction, Summary, and Reference Slides.
Please download and print the Grading Rubric. Read it so you include all components. Just click on NUR3126 Week 1 Quiz PPT Presentation Grading Rubric below.
Use Porth (2015) as your primary source. It is also required to provide a minimum of one scholarly source (full-text, peer-reviewed journal article published within the last 5 years [2013-2018]). Please research journal articles in the Online Keiser Library (EBSCOHOST or ProQuest).
Speaker notes are required below every content slide. This is where you would include more detailed information and cited information.
Remember, PPT slides should include bullets, not long lengthy sentences and paragraphs. Use the speaker notes for full sentences and/or paragraphs.
Please view this short video to learn how to include speaker notes in your PPT Presentation.
Week 2 assignment
In lieu of a quiz you will be creating a short APA format PPT presentation. It is due Sunday, July 15th by 11:59 PM ET
Please choose one of the topics below:
1. Capillary Fluid Exchange (Hydrostatic Pressure, Colloidal Osmotic Pressure, & Lymph Drainage)
2. Mechanisms of Water and Sodium Regulation (Thirst and Disorders of Thirst & ADH)
3. Chemical Buffer Systems
4. Adipose Tissue (As an Endocrine Organ and the Inflammatory Response)
5. Mechanisms of Transmission of Infectious Diseases
6. DNA and RNA Detection of Pathogens
7. Innate & Adaptive Immunity
8. Hypersensitivity Reactions (Systemic [Anaphylactic] Reactions and Local [Atopic] Reactions)
Assignment Guidelines and Requirements:
APA format 5-7 Slide PPT Presentation, excluding the Title, Introduction, Summary, and Reference Slides
Use Porth (2015) as your primary source. It is also required to provide a minimum of one scholarly source (full-text, peer-reviewed journal article published within the last 5 years [2013-2018]). Please research journal articles in the Online Keiser Library (EBSCOHOST or ProQuest).
Please download and print the Grading Rubric and include all components. Just click on NUR3126 Week 1 Quiz PPT Presentation Grading Rubric below to download the Grading Rubric.
Speaker notes are required below every content slide. This is where you would include more detailed information and cited information.
Remember, PPT slides should include bullets, not long lengthy sentences and paragraphs. Use the speaker notes for full sentences and/or paragraphs.
Please view this short video to learn how to include speaker notes in your PPT Presentation.
NUR3126 All Week Assignments Complete
Week 3 assignment
This is for informational purposes only and not to be used as a template
Patient education goes hand-in-hand with improved patient outcomes and quality of life. Educating the patient is an integral part of the nurse’s role in patient care. In order to ensure the success of the patient teaching plan, the processes involved in developing a nursing patient teaching plan should be centered around the patient and inclusive of the family.
Patient Assessment
This step requires the analysis and organization of information about the patient. Determine the patient’s level of understanding about her disease, injury or condition.
Use the information gathered about the patient to judge how well she will be able to understand and apply what is taught to her.
Be sure to factor in cultural considerations that are specific to that patient such as ethnicity and religion. It will be necessary to factor in any information you have about the patient’s level of development as well. It may be necessary for the nurse to motivate the patient in order for her to learn. Ability to learn is affected if the patient is too tired, in pain, upset or distracted.
Formulate patient goals. Take the patient and the family’s point of view into consideration, as their input will have an effect on their outcomes. Patient outcomes and motivation are directly associated with the amount of input they have in determining their goals. The goals must be realistic and able to be achieved by the patient.
Identify how the teaching plan will be carried out. Implement the plan according the patient’s learning style (audio, visual, or kinetic) as opposed to the nurse’s teaching style.
Develop nursing goals based on desired health outcomes. They should be patient-centered and based on health outcomes for the patient’s health status and quality of life.
Determine Method of Implementation
The method of implementation of the nursing patient teaching plan should be specific to the patient’s learning style and desired outcomes that were identified.
Prepare to document patient responses and level of understanding as the nurse perceives them while the teaching plan is implemented.
Prepare to document any other relevant information that will assist with the evaluation of learning.
Formulate Evaluation Process
An evaluation process will need to be formed in order to assess patient outcomes. The following specific elements of patient learning will need to be evaluated: patient knowledge, behavior, attitude, and skills. The evaluation should include a review of the documentation that details patient responses and level of understanding that were recorded during the implementation steps.
The evaluation plan should include observations of the family’s understanding of what will be required of them for the patient to achieve desired outcomes.
The last key element of the evaluation plan is the nurse’s recommendation for follow-up procedures to be used in the event that the patient’s learning was not sufficient to produce desired outcomes.